Suggestion, Devs please read.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VoZhD123, Jun 29, 2013.

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  1. Feenicks New Player

    I have just over 3 million in cash. Oh, the beauty of subbing.
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  2. Charlie Fantom New Player

    Are you kidding? They were handing out marks every week for the simplest glitches and daily freezes and disconnects. Before free to play this place was a ghost town. Populations on every server were low. You have a very bad memory.
  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    What do you mean premiums don't support the game?!?!?!?!?! I KNOW ATLEAST 25 DIFFERENT PREMIUM PLAYERS WHO PUT OVER 200 DOLLARS INTO THIS GAME SO YOU ARE WRONG!
  4. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    no, I remember there being plenty of people in my league and on my friends list. If the game were failing as you claimed, they would have let it die, not make a free way to play.
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  5. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    i am legendary and I have put more than that in ($60 for the preorder and $10 a month since launch, I'm not even going to try to figure out my micro transactions). Premium are not a stable source of income like Legendary. Legendary players make as about as many micro transactions as premiums, I know some that make more.
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  6. Feenicks New Player

    Before free to play me and my crew were running stuff and playing and seeing NO lose in player base. Sometimes we have an old school remember our server party. Sorry you ran with a lesser crowd.
  7. Feenicks New Player

    Premium contribute a little. But us legendary contribute a lot.....every month! If free to play and premium dropped tomorrow the game would chug along just fine.
  8. ShadowStyleB New Player

    I think you mis-remember the thing about them handing out marks. They did that after a game update made the game unplayable for a week or so and then another time after the "Hack". It wasn't all over the place or like crazy. Come back when you have some facts to support your statement.
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  9. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    now that you mention it Legendary were supposed to get "something cool" to make up for how bad the ftp launch went. What ever happened to that?
  10. Feenicks New Player

    We get all the things the free to play and the premiums cry about over and over again. I can trade.....I can sell things on the broker......i have millions in cash.......i have no limits. Being legendary rocks. More should sub. The whining would certainly die down a bit.
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  11. Charlie Fantom New Player

    They passed them out on multiple occasions, because people were leaving in droves. As a fanboy im certain you'll only listen to your own facts that support your own idolatry of the game.
  12. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    They should have given us a t-shirt that said "I survived the ftp launch and all I got was this shirt"
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  13. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    no they only gave them to us on those 2 occasions (update 3 and the Hack). Nice try with the persistence though,
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  14. VoZhD123 New Player

    You know it's all these Legendary members who "threaten" to leave there sub is what ruins it for premium players to suggest anything. I was open to suggestion not threats. Please if you have nothing goo to bring to the thread then don't say anything at all. As I said I would take 1k per DLC, that's 9k and its not "convenient" enough to purchase everything I need, but allow me to repair in these new T5 raids. Again, please post either suggestive ideas on the subject at hand or nothing at all. And to respond to this "duplicate thread" I have not read this subject before or never posted my thoughts on this matter tell now. This is my first post on such matters and if the moderators seem they deem to close this thread then so be it. At least there was some input on the matter before it was taken down. Also, that link about the official statement was cute... But I'm talking about the Devs actually writing a response to us in a thread like this.
  15. Charlie Fantom New Player

    Sorry you couldn't see the forest for the trees. Continue to live in ignorance. it suits you.
  16. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    there were LOTS of trees, the forest was almost as dense as you seem to be.
  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The reason for DCUO going free-to-play is not relevant
    The health of DCUO's financials before or after is not relevant
    What you paid in the past is not relevant
    What you spend in the marketplace monthly now is not relevant
    the only thing that matters is what SoE packages for sale... premium has an escrow cap.
    That's the product.
    DLC access does not include an escrow increase...
    that's the product.
    Complaining isn't going to change's just how it works.
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  18. Feenicks New Player

    Most everybody I knew back in the day are still here. They were not leaving in droves. You obviously ran with a different crowd.
  19. The Kitsune New Player

    Premium post the same old tired threads that state they would like a cash cap increase so the rising cost of items and repairs in game can be dealt with. As a Legendary player I do support a cash cap increase for the premium players as long as they have spent money and help to support this game. And not the $5.00 to go premium in the first place either. Keep posting these threads and one day your voice may be heard.

    The legendary players post the same old tired responses that you get what you pay for and shut up or sub up. That they alone support this game just because they pay a sub.

    I hate to tell you that both side support this game. Premium players pay for the DLC's Replay badges and prom keys and vault tickets and more. And the Legendary plays do the same.

    Just sayin. I find this all funny that back and forth same old tired arguments. Come up with something new for a change. What I mean is come from a different angle and also try to see the other sides point as well.
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  20. Feenicks New Player

    I'm legendary. I'm not going to leave. This is the only game I play anymore.

    If you kbow of any who are leaving please ask them to send me all thier stuff.
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