Suggestion, Devs please read.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VoZhD123, Jun 29, 2013.

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  1. Adonais Crux New Player

    I would actually buy the dlc's if they did this, because im legendary and only buy legendary i completed alot of the DLC feats so i dnt see the point in buying them...unless they do this then i will :p
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  2. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    In this case... I would say micromanage your inventory and shared back slots with interfaces and soders and such, so you can sell back to vendors to cover repairs. Sell exobits for 2k a pop, buy interfaces, sell back when needed. Salvage loot for complex and simple mats, sell them for 2k a pop etc. There workarounds the premium cap... it can be a headache, but then there is the convenience of subbing up again. There is also the weekly escrow token for unlimited cash, if you want to fo that route as well.
  3. Feenicks New Player

    Sinking ship? I've been hearing that for over 2 years now.

    Before you go.....can I have your stuff?
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  4. Deathmike Devoted Player

    Extra cash would be nice.
    Hell, I'd settle for 500$ per DLC.
    I'd even settle for 100$ per DLC.
    Come to think about it I would even settle for 50$ extra cash per DLC.
    Actually I already settled for 0$.
    But yhea, extra cash would be nice.

    Deathmike out.
  5. Madara Well-Known Player

    I am legendary right now, til the 4th..then i am dropping it and prob not buying anything else, Legendary sub or market items..

    This debate has been going on for too long, SoE needs to catch a hint

    The fact that someone "new" post this every other day is testament to the amount of people the cash limits scares off.

    Game would be doing a lot better with a higher cash cap for premiums, especially those who spent WAY MORE then $5..I know at least 3 people who bought 3-4 DLCs then stopped playing because they got annoyed by the cash cap, it doesn't force anyone to sub up it just makes them quit.

    Because the fact of the matter is this game isn't good enough to warrant a 15$ a month bill, my internet bill is 25$ a month..just to give you a perspective. Just look at all the "perks" they add to try and make that 15$ worth it monthly..absolute fail.

    The gaming industry has changed alot in the past 4 years..more and more F2P games without these stupid limits that devs believe force people to give them money..SoE will never change..rep will remain horrid.
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  6. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Sorry guys, the influx of these threads have finally gotten me to see the light.....

    Developers, please raise the cash cap high enough so I can play the game without inconvenience. In return I will stop giving you money on a monthly basis like I have been for the previous 2.5 years.


    Complete sarcasm of course, but that's exactly what would happen to many legendary players, and why we won't see this happen.
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  7. Charlie Fantom New Player

    Your wasting your time here. Rarely anything we ask for is granted. The devs only listen to a select few in the game at best. They seem bent on doing whatever they want despite the objections of the majority.
  8. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I can't understand why you would think that your thread would be treated any differently than any of the other 4 or 5 that have been posted and locked THIS MONTH. I strongly recommend that you read them the feedback that you seek is contained within:

    Sorry, there is no free ice cream with that combo.
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  9. Dene Devoted Player

    If the majority want something in this game but it will lose them money.. you think a business will care ? What business are they losing if all premium stop playing? You get what you pay for

    IF they do bring it in.. they'd lose subs, more might play but 100% guaranteed subs would definitely be affected.. nothing in life is free.. deal.
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  10. Madara Well-Known Player

    Ignoring a problem by locking it or laughing it off doesn't make it go away

    The amount of these threads weekly is testament to that fact.

    I paid enough as a premium and paid extra as a 3 month Legend..and not on that 10$/mo deal either
    After 86 days or so of Legend it has come to my attention that nothing in the "perks" warrants the monthly 15$, much rather give that to a game that listens to the majority, and yes the majority in this game are premiums
    • Like x 3
  11. Charlie Fantom New Player

    If I spend money on more content then my money cap should be raised. I do support that. However, im also referring to any number changes made by the devs.Or request made by the community. Not just this one request mind you. Equipment loadouts, saving weapon styles, role loadouts for quick role changes in alerts or raids to balance the group easier when queing fro pug groups. This and any number of request made by the community have fallen all to often on deaf ears.
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  12. ifichalone New Player

    I'm done begging for things to change , cash cap, DCing multiple times a day , now this worthless phasing change . I will not be renewing my sub. Remember people $$$$ talks .... F2p saved this game and now they don't have anything to fall back on!
  13. The Kitsune New Player

    IN the short term (which is what they look at) you loose some. But when you look at the long term of DLC purchases and even more players staying premium do benefit the game. Now it premium are leaving because of this issue then you gain short term but you loose potential long term investment.
  14. sonryo21 New Player

    Subs are leaving anyways. My fifteen friends in game dropped and quit from February to june. I am the last left and I'm just waiting for my sub to run out and I'm out. I have 2 1/2 months left and I'm gone. So I don't think your point means diddly. Legendary is worthless now as it stands the perks are worthless. The lockbox drops suck, what am I really getting anyways. I don't care about the free crap. All I want is a game worth playing and this game isn't anymore.
  15. Dene Devoted Player

    this has nothing to do with the original post.. if you are kegendary and you don't like the game.. then don't play it lol
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  16. Dene Devoted Player

    they are doing all of those ideas.. except the cash one
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  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Premium Plus Membership
    $7.99 per month
    $30,000 escrow cap,
    first 3 DLCs
    2 lockbox keys per month
    Does not include:
    loyalty points/sc
    future dlc
    reply badges

    that's what an increased escrow cap looks like
    Plus, They would also have to give a bunch more stuff the Legendary members to keep them subscribed at their current level
    Is there room for more to give?

    What you paid is not relevant because you got what you paid for at the time..We are all justvrenting access.
  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Who wouldn't pay $2 more per month and be fully unlocked ???
  19. VoZhD123 New Player

    As American we have the right to speak our minds, and this thread will forever be posted tell SOE makes a official response. We have the right to question things we think should be addressed. But I will say this, what do you expect SOE? If you choose to ignore the thread of course people will start turning on each other. I didn't bother scrolling through every page but did SOE ever actually respond with a official response?
    • Like x 2
  20. sonryo21 New Player

    I'm guessing you are too dunce to comprehend what I said. But as I already stated I am leaving:D
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