premium members need more cash and inventory space per dlc

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nick915, Jun 12, 2013.

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  1. nick915 New Player

    i run out of money ether in repairs or trying to make remixs and if i greed on items to sell them to get extra money i will end up with no inventory spots which is bad seeing as how i hold my pvp gear, troll gear, dps gear, and all my stuff to make mods i have like 3 inventory spots left and thats not even right i would buy legendary but its not worth freezing and dcing all the time if they fixed all these problems id be fine with paying legendary. id like to log on and not have to worry about how im going to pay to repair my 3 sets of gear and get remixs made at least give premium members 50k thats more than enough for me
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  2. PureDarkness Dedicated Player

    I agree with the general idea, but I judge 50k a little (a little? OVER-)exaggerated. There are, what, 7 DLCs until now? What would happen if we, premium members, get a +500 bucks space with every DLC?
    7x500+1500+500=7x500+2000=3500+2000=5500= 5.5k.
    That's more or less enough for more of us, but I would be more than pleased if they ever decide to add 750-1000$ and 3-5 inventory spaces per DLC.
    This will give us the possibility to have between 7250 and 9000 cash. Which is, usually, more than enough for premium members. Asking more is just exaggerating and calling for haters to come.

    And I'm not complaining (ok, just a little. much. a lot.), I would pay for a legendary account, if the game was less bugged and freezing would occur more rarely. I know I could use unlimited escrow, or withdraws, but what's the point? I have the same problem, the game freezes too much to spend so much money on it constantly. And this is y I hate u so much, devs. U made this game so addictive, so well, that even when it's bugged and I wanna go away I just can't! ;)
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  3. nick915 New Player

    i can agree with you on that one
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  4. xoCiaraxo New Player

    No. This is a free game they gave enough.
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  5. Fourth New Player

    How about they not give us a useless 2,000 cash, what are we suppose to get with that? A stack of extremes? :l
    How about 5-10k, or a 5k that increases when you buy extra stuff then stops at 10k?
    This game sucks.
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  6. nick915 New Player

    its not free if you have to pay to get the better gear i would love to go to the vendor and not have to selling everything to repair
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  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    it is not a free game and there should be some sort of compensation for those of us that truly support the game not the people who just buy one or two things and think thats enough

    thats why it should be based on how much you have spent in game and it doesnt have to be by buying just DLC's make it were every hundred dollars spent on game you get a slight boost to cash limit say the 500 mark some have sugested that way the people that are truly supporting the product get a boost and the people that only buy enough to be premium dont get anything
  8. xXMDKXx New Player

    Ok run stuff 2 get stuff that goes for major $. Then purchase 1 month of a legendary, then sell said stuff, then purchase equipment interface 4's and 8-10 equipment interfaces 5's. Then once you are actually a broke person then you can sell all those equipment 4's for the max cash. Problem solved. You dont need to cry for them to change stuff. That is how stuff gets broken
  9. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Ok , I honestly don't see the problem there ARE other games.
    So uhm flips weave 8
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  10. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player


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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I give you a viable solution and you flip hair typical elitest mentality. there are other games but this one servives on micro transactions and would have died a long time ago with out them so think before you post.
  12. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Obviously i'm thinking us Legendary players who pay for our membership are keep this game alive. But i thought again & my answers still stays correct so yeah again !
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  13. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Oh , & also this thread needs to be moved to the '' Off Topic''. Because this has NOTHING to do with Powers , Loadouts Or weapons. Mods move this.
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  14. General Zod 10000 Post Club

  15. nick915 New Player

    i had legendary but to many problems id ether dc or freeze now im not paying 15dollars a month 4 legendary just to get dc'ed and freeze
  16. Toshknight Loyal Player

    That makes total sense... if you buy a DLC you should get 50k to 100k max each dlc , i am legendary most of the time but i have all the DLC bought.. and when i am not legendary. it really does suck not being able to hold more then 2k, or spend w/e. i know 100k or 50k is alot for a non recuring payer but they lose LOTS of inventory and bank space. no lock boxes....ummm is their anything else they dont get. as im typing this i really just think GO LEGENDARY
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  17. nick915 New Player

    honestly id take any amount over 2k
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  18. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Lawd , LMFAO
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  19. Iguniru New Player

    If i was premium and i had 50 k i would survive for so long and so easily with that amount of money it would be like theres no point in legendary if there huge amount of money like that
  20. crownclownking New Player

    buy legendary membership for a month but all the equipment interface 2 u need store it up on your inventory or bank or emails, there problem solved i mean thats what i do you dont have to sub up every month well at least i dont only when i need to . Seriously premiums are not gonna get a cash increase cause the whole point of being legendary is the no cash cap i mean thats it if there was no cash cap why would you go legendary for some styles nah not worth it.
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