Yup, I was on the lb the SS alert and I got kicked.
I posted this on the other thread where someone mentioned a possible work around, but I figured I would place the glitch I discovered here. Using the...
It work for me until I decided to change my style or use my armory. I tested a few times where I logged out and deleted that file. When switching...
It's still broken. I've been farming that area to no avail. In fact, there are plenty of the opposite faction. However, that doesn't do me any good...
I froze while I was in the Bludhaven PVE Legends event. Tried to log back in while dead linked but couldn't. I tried for 30 mins. I finally had to...
How about a conclusion to the Gotham gang war? It's been teased and we sort of gotten a glimpse of it. Also, it would feature a lot of street level...
Legit question: If I'm holding down a nod and no one is attacking me, will the system think I'm throwing the match or will it recognize I'm actually...
Is anyone still having trouble logging back in to PSN? Is there page I can go to and get updates?
That's not a fair comparison. With PVE, it structured in a way were you get a fair chance to get something out of it. You may not beat the final...
Out of curiosity, what are they current maps playable this week? I can't check myself until the hotfix goes out and I stop getting deadlink for...
Do you mean all the maps should rewarded like the lair battles? 70 valor and 1 legend for a win? And 35 valor and no marks of legend for a win?
Or fix the problems in certain maps for PS3 users. Just off the top of my head, the Pit, Fortress, Watchtower/HOD
First I thrilled about the fix for linkdead. I haven't been able to play for two days now. However, I'm dismayed about the decision to lower...
I want Shazam's tiger or Klaron's cat. The cat would make for a cool seasonal drop for next year.
Were you able to complete it? I've been trying since the update to finish the seasonal on several characters. I did once on my main character....
Separate names with a comma.