In my eyes this is one of the updates that goes down in DC History like GU36, if you know you know. This change affects everything in the game...
If a supercharge pass or any pass was done correctly we wouldn't have this issue. A pass is used to create balance so if balance wasn't created...
He's talking about Lernaea's amulet. Usually gadgets dps do taser pull > clip suppressor, jump > fear gas. Before the change to suppressor turret...
I'm just asking for balance in powers right now and it can be done piece by piece it doesn't have to be all at once. Look at the change they made...
100% Agree. Supercharges are the main reason why certain powers out-perform and it would be the easiest/quickest fix, being only number changes...
If DC was to drop an update tomorrow balancing powers/metas, what do y'all think it would look like?
I could drop a whole list on every change each power needs in order for it to compete but you know what I can’t because I’m not qualified. Good...
I am not a programmer but I don't think balancing all the power sets would be hard. The reason why it's difficult for DC is because they don't have...
I've haven't bottlenecked anyone, players are already using neo. Like I said this isn't ideal. Until 2025? Cmon now
It could be done the buffs do stack yes but the damage gained from that isn't as good as popping neo/cb/ie/gorilla/wolf/zerk + a super that does...
If you were to actually test this idea live you'd see that it isn't as great as you think. Wearing both Circuit breaker and neo isn't ideal,...
Almost every power in this game uses Neo Venom Boost, the powers that don't use Neo are powers that have a similar but better supercharge like...
Thats correct. Rage and elec have the benefit of a short cooldown super and they're great supers on top of that. Thats why other powers run 2-3...
I have seen the changes made to WoP as well as obsidians videos. His testing is based off of only using one supercharge in your loadout. It's...
It sounds like your using an iconic or movement mode supercharge, which none are better than Neo venom is for you especially if this change is...
Separate names with a comma.