Which Power have You Seen Top DPS

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by RamsesVIIX, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. RamsesVIIX New Player

    I'm hardlight, CR89 and practice a lot of new power rotations and have only been humbled once by believe or not a precision based Fire guy in Unpaid, we discussed it afterwards and he mentioned something about the home turf mod for the constant 60%dmg buff and how the neck mod for precision with his staff weapon blah blah blah, I've seen videos on youtube of people pwning with Mental and Earth, was wondering from your real life experiences on which power you've seen totally dominate the dps chart.
  2. Kristyana New Player

    I have seen every powerset dominate the charts. It's the player, not the powerset.
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  3. RamsesVIIX New Player

    BTW, I truly believe every power is equal you just have to practice and study it. Hence the fire guy said he perfected his max dps output with mods and just straight up studying it.
  4. RamsesVIIX New Player

    Yes that's true, I've out dpsed hard lighters in Prime who were then out dpsed by Gadgets etc. All of us were equally geared and over 100sp.
  5. MercPony Devoted Player

    I can say I've seen every power set top the charts as well. Though if asking which power sets I see top the charts most often... that would be Light and Gadgets... because the game is quite saturated with those powers lol
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  6. RamsesVIIX New Player

    I remember when sorcery was out dpsing with that fake damage clown box glitch.
  7. Shadow Vlad New Player

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  8. RamsesVIIX New Player

    Heck yeah! I used to be Mental! Might have to hit you up soon, thinking of switching back could seriously use some mental dps tips.
  9. NoobishGuy New Player

    Fire(myself) but a HL outDPSed me. I was surprised to see that he didnt have better gear so he mustve been really good
  10. RamsesVIIX New Player

    What were you running? I sometimes don't count those open world raids due to the lag on certain players. The situation isn't equal.
  11. Statman New Player

    And sorcery out damaging all legitimately is even better. I've seen a whole bunch of great players, it's hard to say if I've every single power though. I have a couple of friends who change up their power every couple of months just to play around with them, and they've absolutely smashed some powers more than you'd normally expect.
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  12. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    hmm this kinda sounds like I lost and now my world is shattered and im not presently spec'd as the perceived most powerful powerset and should I be switching to another one that would give me a better chance of never losing....

    kinda sounds about right to me, just sayin :rolleyes:
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  13. RamsesVIIX New Player

    Not at all, just tired of always topping the charts with hl. Was wondering if any other powerset (besides fire in my case) has been on top.
  14. Aggronator New Player

    Earth..haven't found anyone yet to beat me with this loadout!

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  15. Ogat New Player

    Well HL, Gadgets topping HL, two Crazy Elec guys which one of em is Gadgets now, Me with Earth, A friend of mine who is Mental, more HL and Gadgets, the order changing depending on the raid. Even tho I'm thinking really hard i don't recall the other Powersets beeing at the top, met a very good Ice dps but was slightly weaker then me, then again nowadays everybody and their grandma is either HL or gadgets for dpsing so it's rare to come across the other powers at least on Villain EUPC.

    UP while the loadout itself is pretty good- the run showed, clearly points to at least one total wipe- the combined dmg of the dps is too high for a clean Unpaid Dues run, the duration is extremely long too. To sum up what I'm getting at- the difference in dmg would not be as high with a clean run.
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    Ops are never a good measurement for top damage out. You can cheat in it easy. Gates is not bad of a choice, since there isn't a whole lot to cheat in it, but to be honest, it comes down to how fast your rig is and how quickly you can get to your target before the other person. That's why Gadgets and Light are at the top, they have the fastest burst damage. That's why a fire guy can beat you if he is precision based, as weapon combos are fast. Speed is your goal. I will always be second best, as things don't load fast enough for me to kill them.
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  17. Senshirou Committed Player

    I use to top damage with sorcery before the clown box glitch. ijs
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  18. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Recently I am starting to see Mental topping dps scoreboard in Prime alot.
  19. Ogat New Player

    Yes at no, I'm not familiar with the hero version of Ops(Only seen the boss fights and they look cooler but oh well), depends on the group you run with in a run where everyone is focused to finish the raid and not to top charts by fakely boosting their dmg attacking unnecesary targets Ops can work as good as any other raid. As for gates Gates seem like a Hardlights dream playground to me- and this is comming from an earth dps. Hard Light is by far the most mobile dps powerset able to adapt and deal dmg at any range like no other + they have suprisingly heavy aoe dmg, I have 2 friend of mine who are mental and HL, we're fairy equally geared and skilled usually within 20-50k of one another, but the HL friend is really a tough cookie when it comes to gates.
  20. Lokkii Committed Player

    Def the player not the powerset, unless you are HL.