I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Don't hold your breath. This one never admits any mistake.
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    No. It merely means it encourages more monitization. The community plays a huge part as well and is highly to blame for making players feel "pressured" into it.
    If you can't see that clamping stats (therefore making arts/augs/allies and even sp more revelant) encourages a lot more spending to "make up" for loss, then idk what else to tell you.
    Is it needed? Probably not. Is it highly encouraged? Debatable.
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  3. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    You'd be better off arguing that the devs don't posses the ability to fix this.

    THAT would ar least have the benefit of being believable.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Al Ghul acutally was fixed, but he used to glitch even when people were slightly above proper CR. He'd either stay up on the top part, never going to the pool or would go to the pool and be un-attackable, I don't recall which honestly.

    Kind of like how Greed would glitch in the SOBA Solo Elite at times....I guess I was OP when even at level. I should have taken gear off....apparently it's the only way NOT to glitch stuff.
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yup, but apparently I'm "ignoring facts". Good grief.
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Soo knowing that, what was the bug that popped up in it's place?
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    I could one shot scarecrow with literally anything to bug the instance, literally anything... seriously, I don't think you even played prior to the clamp, it's so obvious you have absolutely no idea at all what you're talking about lol.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I actually don't think there was at the end (pre clamp). I can remember telling people 'don't overburn Ras...he might glitch' but even if they did...he never did...again, near the end.

    Of course, I probably wasn't running with mega chads like some of these guys. I'm sure if THEY were in the run, he'd still be glitched.:p I of course was holding my burn to make sure....it takes a LONG time to strip off all your gear after all.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    I could glitch Arkham Asylym, League of Assassins, Ferris Aircraft, Fortress of Solitude, Prime Battlground, Gates of Tartarus, do you need more than 6, I've got more, or are we keen to get an apology from you?
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ferris aircraft which I believe is still offline? Guess you hit it so hard it's busted 2 years later. You must have gone in HoH too.

    Amazing, because I was able to complete all of those runs fine, repeatedly...although honestly I was only running FOS3, and you don't say which ones you glitched. LOA was fixed too...but again, I wasn't TRYING to glitch it still. I guess some were.

    And as I only asked for a list, didn't accuse anyone of anything like making things up as SOMEONE else did, why would an apology be needed? You provided a list, even though you weren't asked...so...thanks? I'd say that is a nice list of runs you couldn't control yourself on. Got more? Anything from 2015 on maybe?
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It wasn't that hard to NOT glitch him...no gear removal needed. I repeat did feats/investigations/briefs including multiple runs to try and complete the styles on multiple accounts that only existed since 2016 or later...well after glitching him was possible. The only gear I might have removed was Grim on a toon that had it, as that little dude has no chill once he's started.

    Seriously....I don't think YOU played it prior to the clamp. Or at least played to NOT glitch it. Lol
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    The point was you were wrong, not trying to be a jerk about it really, but you are wrong, I could break these instances with absolute ease, anyone could, most weren't even walk ins, you had little control over your own personal experience when it was almost a forgone conclusion the other person(s) in the instance would likely be jerks and not hold back and break instances, ruin feats, drag trash mobs through hall ways, abandon newer players, try to rush as quickly as possible to the end of content, smash stuff, break stuff - because RAWR I'M POWERFUL AND I EARNED THE RIGHT TO WRECK THIS CONTENT< HEAR ME RAWRR!

    LoL also wasn't fixed, they tried to fix it many times, but I was breaking that instance as well all the way up until the day it got clamped, it was not fixed.

    The whole unclamped experience was incredibly negative, have we mentioned the joy of rushing to finish NGN last boss before anyone else could warp there so they'd miss out on loot, good times Reinheld, good times.

    I feel like your limited personal experiences in playing this game means you're actually incredibly naive to the overall negative experiences and toxicity that were plaguing content on a daily basis outside of this little and incredibly limited experience bubble you were clearly cocooning yourself in, the experience for most other people could be summarized quite succinctly with one GIF.

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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, I've been playing this game longer than you and you know it.
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    lol those cries for help have been a thing long before the clamp. Just because you choose to deny it doesn’t mean it’s true. Anything outside of relevance has always been a ghost town. Saying anything else is just a straight up lie. “At one point I might have joined”? lol. Shoulda woulda coulda. Everyone saying they would help before the clamp is no actual indication of how they actually acted. Unless players needed something specific from out of relevance content most never joined no matter how much pekoe asked for help.
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    lol so because that’s all YOU heard of that’s all that ever glitched? Very idiotic statement to say the least
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Straight up lie. I’ve never shied away from admitting when I was wrong. So much so that Tiffany normally goes out of her way to make a “toxic”/snarky remark of “oh he apologized?”

    But keep lying I guess lol
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Again… since you seem to be incapable of seeing logic when it doesn’t suit you…

    Players spending money to max stats/gear are doing so for overall benefits. Primarily EG. Even more specifically, most current dlc. I have not yet seen anyone say “oh I clamped? Let me go max my arts so that I can do better in this clamped content”…
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    The only time anyone ever ran something in EEG prior to the clamp was because they needed a feat or a style - that's what they're still after when they request a clamp removal, quicker easier feats and content completion for styles (while ignoring the loot lock situation, they don't want that back lol)

    The only other reason would be nostalgia and it still resulted in next to zero queue pops and any content that was just not seen as nostalgic was basically 99.9% abandoned to the point where it was impossible to run it.

    the Omnibus and clamp weren't a perfect solution, but they're still an improvement upon what the game was like beforehand.

    Anyone saying the prior system was more active and better for the games health is both in denial and also a liar and I make absolutely no apologies for calling them out for it.

    They're just flat out lying about the player experience during this games period of existence because their motivation is to make it seem like the game was better to further their motives to have the clamp removed.
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  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    There really is no arguing when you don’t like facts and go off your own biased opinions. There have been plenty of hot fixes for glitched bosses. But logic and facts aren’t what you want.
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  20. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I played Arham right up to the clamp... and could always figure out how to beat it.

    I guess I'm just a better player than you are.
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