Artifact Swapping Is A Joke

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HowlingSpecter, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    You make me laugh Emoney, because on the one hand you try to infer that players don't level more artifacts for small increases, then on the other hand start talking about exactly why they do while being entirely oblivious to that reason.

    Players absolutely do level things up for performance increases irrespective of how negligble, they're called min-max players and maxing their performance to the 'nth degree' means everything to them.

    Artifacts or artifact swapping doesn't create negatively behaving players not bothered to pick you up when you're down, those players were already like that, always have been and always will be.

    They're motivated by the scoreboard and their desire to win, they will never behave in a group structure when that structure conflicts with their true desire to do the most damage unless it becomes absolutely critical and even then may still rather cause a wipe, but again this is nothing to do with swapping.

    You cannot alter the game because some players choose to engage in negative behavior they'd always have engaged in and nor is altering the game going to remove that negative behavior, you will still experience even if people weren't swapping.

    The gap between swapping and not swapping artifacts despite being potentially significant depending on the circumstances like how many in the group are engaging in the activity isn't impacting the game on a wide level.

    I do agree that there are possibly some instances where swapping has an impact and certainly some burn check feats, but the solution isn't to remove swapping.

    The solution is to rein in those instances and bring them back to a normal realm of expected performance of the average player, not try to provide challenging content to artifact swappers.

    If people want to swap to make it easier, they need to understand this as well, they can't keep crying to harder content to appease the activity, they have two choices.

    Refrain from the activity to ensure their challenge, or

    Artifact swap but accept that is having an impact on their sense of challenge.

    Again the issue isn't swapping, the only time it becomes a problem is if developers errantly incoporate an expectation around its use into content design.
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  2. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Why is this still a brought up topic when the devs already gave a response to it?
  3. Proxystar #Perception

    100% this.

    Also it really should be pointed out that the DKS cooldown being reset through swapping really is a bug, problem is many people see this and start knee jerking into wider nonsense instead of focusing the request.

    Think about how much better this would go down if the request was.

    "Can we fix DKS so that players can't prematurely reset the cooldown"

    Instead of


    the moment they went with the latter approach they divided their support because the community is divided about swapping, but would likely have been more united about the DKS specifically or less able to justify ignoring something not really working as intended.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Because they think more noise increases the odds of results in their favor.
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

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  7. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Get your marks and move on to the next instance of art/gear swap-o-mania and get more marks.
  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Exactly. Players like to bottle everything up into an all or nothing with absolutely no middle ground.
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  9. Sollace Well-Known Player

    The question asked, knows, does this give a good image of the game for new players?

    New players already find it demotivating to play because of the SPs and also the very long artifact system to level max, now the game has to be played with more than three artifacts to be super OP, this game is heading towards an increasingly ridiculous direction and more and more lack of common sense...
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Has to be played with art swapping? I don’t see any system that checks for art swapping before being let into content. You may need to get that bugged checked.
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  11. Sollace Well-Known Player

    So tell that to those who use this practice and stop believing that the game is played according to your vision as you make it believe every time.
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  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

    If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. But you can’t force others to only play your way.

    Pre-made groups can enforce their own standards. You are always able to form your own group with your own requirements.
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  13. Korlick Loyal Player

    "I dont care about scoreboard"
    * Main argument is about scorecard
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  14. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    Always makes me laugh how those in favour of swapping (because it’s becoming more meta) not long ago - were jumping all over EOG spamming. About how broken it was. About how much of an advantage it gave players etc. Yet… they have np with players gaining an advantage in using multiple arts that aren’t even in play. Hypocrisy, thy name is art swapping.

    CLEARLY the devs won’t see a problem with art swapping! More arts brings in more cash. They’re not gonna condemn this LOOOL! It’ll be actively encouraged. Fs you’ve had Obsidian “telling people which arts to swap” for a fair while now. But… I’d realised something a few days ago whilst farming sp. It washed over me with such clarity. Here I’ve been, returned almost 3 months now, and I’ve just farmed sp, and played catch up on 3 mains and several alts: but I stopped farming, and went into just the normal newest alert. And easily wiped the floor with all there. BUT… there was a 404cr, 100x2 arts, and an 80+art, who came second.

    I’d watched him swapping in and out. 201sp, “crappy arts” not even white mods in, and he was out dps’ing a 428 and 427cr. Both of whom had over 160 arts, and it was at that moment i realised…this is the future (of what’s left of this game) All the hours/months/years of sp farming can now be made almost redundant by several arts being swapped out effectively. I was furious! Because like a silly b*****d, I’ve ground out, but most paid for all arts, allies, Spent an absolute obscene amount of money (and I mean obscene) on TC’s etc for “feats” from emblems etc. Still living in the past, that sp means something as a dps now. Tbh, as any role now. Jesus Christ, look how many arts are “needed” to effectively buff troll now LOL!

    I left, I went into ps settings, and deleted my PayPal link to this game. My 3 month sub is due to run out in the next week/10 days or so, and not only will I not be spending anymore money - I seriously doubt I’ll even re-sub! (I’ve never been a f2p player) Even since returning, I’ve pumped in a moronic amount of money (because I do love this game) but… I’m just tired of meta’s and never-ending regurgitation of maps and ads and bosses. No storyline! (Not that I’m a comic fan anyway though. Not even close!) I said I love this game. But I don’t! I’ve just invested 10’s of thousands of pounds. Like a fool! Supporting a game, where cheating is rife, glitches and exploits are constant (and not addressed) I try to play fairly, and as such… I max out all my stuff. I constantly grind out sp, I purchase crap to look good. And it’s all meaningless if you don’t go along with the “meta” (which I don’t) you’re left behind if you don’t.

    Most people only stick with this game, because they’ve invested. I realise that as soon as I purchase anything, that money is gone! Never to return. So it’s already wasted. I’m fortunate enough that I can walk away from DC, and not look back and think… but I need to get my value for money. This game stopped being a fake years ago, and became a full time job.

    The company need to make money: we all get that, but… they lock more and more away behind paywalls. You get less and less content with any longevity or substance more than ever, the player population is dwindling down steadily. Bugs are rife, YEARS old bugs!! Playing the game at level is almost impossible, and you are actively encouraged to CR skip, because they know you’re so far behind, you’ll be shamed/embarrassed into spending money to “catch up” and that’s it! It’s just on a repeating loop, and has been for years now. And it’ll continue to get worse until enough people stop paying, and they can no longer milk it.

    How this game is now - I feel deeply, deeply ashamed that I’ve allowed myself to so blindly pump so much money into it. I’m over here telling players to grind sp out, and there’s absolutely no more need for it. Arts and augs and allies have replaced it. And new players know this; I’m the relic who hadn’t realised it. The sp makes things a little easier absolutely, but is no longer of any real relevance compared to art swapping. And other exploits, and they are absolutely 100% exploits (just now they’re sanctioned as being ok)

    So Ted… these are my mains. Häzza Biggun. MidLifeCRYsis. LilBadNCraZy. I’ve other alts too. But those are my 3 mains. You can look up via the account how much money I’ve pumped into this game over the past almost 3 months since returning (how much in general I suppose) and from this date today. You won’t see anymore money come in from this account. (Maybe a sub at very most) because your company can’t learn to settle for a steady stream of income. No! It has to bleed out all it can from an exceptionally patient, and loyal player base.

    I’m by no means gullible enough to think I won’t be replaced by someone else. BUT… what it does do, is removes more money from the game.
    Not just this (but art swapping is nothing more than sanctioned cheating) and I’ll be f***ed if I contribute towards the funding of this any longer.
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  15. Special Guest Level 30

    Just fix it so you immediately lose the artifact's benefit when you switch it out for another.

    The end.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Define "new player", if we're talking about very new players I highly doubt they're looking at inventory swapping and thinking anything about it at all.

    I don't think any "newish" type player even gives artifacts much consideration until they've started to reach end game, as in 400+ and start to see what they're actually looking at and start to even begin to care about what is going on with artifacts and at that point, respectfully I wouldn't be considering them "new players" anymore.

    As for the image it "presents" well that's entirely subjective, you're projecting your viewpoint of what you even think a good image is in the first place, when there are many, many other games out there that have advanced play techniques that would look absurd to the average or newer players. I think your concern about new players is irrelevant and of no meaningful concern.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Aren't you also trying to force the game to be played according to your vision? The developers have already said on multiple occasions now that artifact swapping is fine, so since its clearly been a practice incorporated in to their vision why aren't you prepared to accept it?
  18. Grip Committed Player

    Great feedback imho. Way to detail the journey so your changed spending pattern doesn't get lost in the miscellaneous "Player Volatility" category.
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  19. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Theres a shock Proxy is all for art swapping. But too correct you The devs are not fine with art swapping causing you to get bonuses from unequipped arts so the exploit with the dead king art is not intended or supported by the devs.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If we were talking about trying to play on the PS3, you say...a grossly outdated PC, I'd tend to agree more. But the PS4 is not that outdated, and the time difference to go in and out of inventory between a 4 and 5 is pretty noticeable and the specs for the game on PC haven't changed in years either. With the new client being launched it might even be MORE noticeable. If swapping is going to be a 'dev approved' activity...and I'm not referring to casual 2 or 3 times a boss fight, and you know that...then they should either retire the PS4 or do something to make it more usable for this activity.

    But yes, I do agree, it's one of the reasons I don't do it (the bigger one is I just find it visually annoying and non fun). I said, and have always admitted I have and would do a single or maybe 2-3 swaps depending on a specific circumstance, as you point out above (popping in lasso for add waves, or maybe Laz if I'm last man standing and want to hedge my bets on 'I might get knocked out'). I don't think it needs to be removed, and would rather the completely out of control potential damage be brought under control. I mean the DKS repeat in-out exploit....and IS an exploit in that bare minimum should be looked at. I mean they just 'fixed' the absorb heat 'feature' where you could get healing even after breaking out of the animation....but absorb heat doesn't cause Nth sales now does it? A bunch of extra DKS's being maxed to 200....does.

    BTW. I own a PS5....I sometimes play on the PS5, but honestly I hate the controller so much I play more on the PS4. If I were that concerned about not being able to do it...I'd get over that hump...but honestly swapping is pretty much the biggest 'advantage' to the 5 in DCUO I've found. We'll see if that changes once the client is launched, but I'd wager I still won't be swapping anyway even if I go full time on the 5.
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