RIP Arleen Sorkin

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Aug 26, 2023.

  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

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  2. Eve YouTuber

    I was hoping it wasn't true. First it was fanpages that posted about it, then finally Mark Hamil & News websites started to announce it. :(
  3. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I think Arleen Sorkin's last voice appearance as Harley Quinn in DCUO was The Bombshell Paradox raid (don't quote me on this, the devs might have secret voice recordings we don't know about as with Batman). This was released in the second half of 2015 during the monthly content phase.

    Harley's Heist duo onwards was a new VA/VAs.
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  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I initially held off on posting about it, then I saw Tara Strong's tribute (who is also a regular VA for Harley Quinn) and it seemed more legit.
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  5. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    First Batman, now Harley Quinn :(
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    RiP MIss Sorkin, thanks for helping make growing up watching cartoons amazing
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  7. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    They Lived Fulfilling Lives... It's gonna be a dark day... May they find peace in the afterlife.
    They were the best there is at what they did for their community. Should DCUO, create a memorial in game, like a pillar, a graveyard, something, I would be there every day to give thanks and gratitude for their hard work. I would ask for nothing more than a stone with text. everything else in game is fine, but forgetting the dead is a grave crime against those who built what we have now. it is the duty of those who come after to uphold the responsibility of keeping their memory alive. Mr. Conroy and Mrs. Sorkin must be remembered, including those before and after. everyone who died for DCU. (Including those who were involved in the crossover between Marvel and DCU) this would be a strong step towards the future.
    I want to see the names of all who made the DCU possible.
    that is all.
    nothing else matters.
  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    There is no other voice for Harley to me… she’s it and the first thing I think of when I think of Harley. RIP
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  9. myandria Item Storage

    I remember Arleen Sorkin from the 'Days Of Our Lives' soap opera; my mother loved that show! I was floored when I found out she was voicing Harley Quinn; it seemed so natural for her, though. RIP :(

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  10. UnderworldSelene Well-Known Player

    This game we all love to play was not only her final time voicing Harley, but ultimately her final acting role. I loved her Harley. There will never be another Harley like her.

    RIP :(
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