Episode Spotlight: Atlantis

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager



    Return to the sea this week. Revisit Episode 33: Atlantis for double the rewards at half the cost.

    This week – from Thursday, July 13, 2023, through Wednesday, July 19, 2023 – players will enjoy:
    • DOUBLE Source Marks when completing instanced or mission content in Atlantis.
    • 50% discount on Atlantis gear at vendors.
    Source Marks are used primarily to purchase gear and rewards from the Atlantis and other episode vendors.

    PLEASE NOTE: The episode spotlight will begin this Thursday with daily server restarts and will last through Wednesday to daily server restarts on next Thursday morning.
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  2. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Outstanding, thanks again \o
  3. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Episode Spotlight: Atlantis? This is a first, isn't it? Either that or it hasn't happened in a very, very long time.

    Well, definitely a shake up.
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It is a first!
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  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

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  6. Hurtyman Active Player

    So any chance of doing Save the Universe any time before Fall?
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  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Yes It's confirmed just no release date yet or testing yet

  8. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Um......ok? Bit weird.....

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the Atlantis map and I have missed it, but this is proper old content now! '2x Episode Currencies'? Hasn't it converted over to Source Marks?? What 'Episode Currencies' are we actually even gonna earn from there?

    On a side note, can we just get a new episode set in Atlantis at some point? That map was so cool, but once that Episode was done, we basically never went back! Why not re-use the map?? I know you're doing this 'Episode Spotlight' week now, but again, it's old content, with old gear, so what even is the point of going there, especially if you got everything from there the time round?
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  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I'm liking this spotlighting of episodes, with incentives for people to revisit them. I don't know if this a new thing or not (I see above it hasn't been done for Altantis anyway) It's very helpful and enjoyable for me coming back to the game to get the experience of a vibrant overpopulated multi-phase open world for each of them. And what a beautiful open world Atlantis is ... the background in the picture of this announcement doesn't do it justice "atoll"
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  10. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Source Marks - because that is what the Episode Currency is. It says that in the announcement. It's double Source Marks.

    For you? Very little it seems, if you're not interested in 2 x SM on spammable content. For everyone who hasn't "finished" Atlantis - Renown, Styles, Feats, and particularly Players who are at-Level (and Alts), it's a bonanza - double SM *and* a 50% discount on Vendor Gear.

    If you can't see the point to (or any value) in a Bonus Week, it's probably not aimed at you - but at other parts of the Player base. Asking "Why?" just makes it sound like you're only concerned about yourself.

    And are you *really* not going to run Atlantis Content for 2xSM? At all? Nothing?
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  11. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Awesome great news also would be cool to one day have a new episode to go back there .
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  12. Elysiann New Player

    Nice, I like old episodes on spotlight weeks as opposed to newer episodes. Gives new players a chance to form easier groups to get feats and not wait so long to run years old content
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  13. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Then why not just run a double source mark week across all content, instead of limiting it to one incredibly narrow selection of content?

    You do realize the amount of people who are 'at level' for this episode is likely very few, right? Atlantis is what, CR 241-257-ish? Atlantis is over 5 years old now! We're currently above the 410+ range, over 150 levels higher! You really don't stay at 240-ish CR for long these days thanks to the 'catch-up' mechanics.
    It's pretty easy to level up your CR when you're at that level. A new player could easily fly past that CR range without ever touching Atlantis or even knowing it existed! You could just farm some bosses for purple gear in Dakota City for an hour or two and you'd skip the Atlantis episode (and a few others) with ease!

    Renown, styles and feats can be done at any time too. Especially styles. You can literally buy them at any time with Source Marks. You probably don't even need to visit Atlantis to buy them either, and because they cost Source Marks now, they are significantly cheaper than they would have been when the episode was new!

    I don't see any point in this Bonus Week because there literally is none. It's lazy content regurgitation, and it screams to me that the devs have simply run out of ideas for things to give us to do in the game.They couldn't even be bothered to bring this back as a 'Save The Universe' episode where the content is levelled up, and awards relevant, levelled gear, which would have made a lot more sense, and would've been much more useful to ALL players, both low level and end-game!

    Also, you do know that it's actually OK for us as players to call out the devs when they pump out lazy content like this, right? Especially when we are paying subscribers! Don't know about you, but I expect a little bit more from my tenner a month than....this useless garbage!
    All this brown-nosing and ego-stroking people do towards the devs on the forums is why we keep getting such lazy 'Bonus Weeks'. The devs know they can shart out any old guff and people like you will praise them for it, and even defend it!

    I even said that I like Atlantis and want to see it come back, but I want to see it come back in a relevant, current state as a new episode or even as 'Save The Universe' content, just not this lazy, pointless, regurgitated state!

    No. I'm not. Why would I? I can get Sources Marks from anywhere, at any time. I have literally thousands of them. I'm not even going to glance at this 'Bonus Week'.
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  14. Grampa Pickles New Player

    Mmmmmmm, brine. My favorite!

    I love this episode. Thanks y'all!
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  15. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    I will have fun with the episode, even if I play it alone. Devs thank you for just giving us, DCUO hardcore fans of this game, this and all of the bonus weeks.
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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The CR requirements for Atlantis are 210-279. I just peeked and there are over 190k characters in that CR range on the US PS/PC server.
  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Well the point of a "spotlight" is to, well, spotlight the content to spread it's awareness...
    Be lucky there are even bonus weeks at all! Heck they used to be only bonus weekends! How do you have the audacity to complain what is free that the devs give us. It's not "brown nosing", they literally don't have to give us any bonus weeks at all, and you complaining about it actually just leads them in the direction of removing them completely. You get what you get, you have no place to complain about any of it.
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  18. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    I have every right to complain. I literally pay for this!

    When you're paying for something, you have every right to complain when the quality takes a nose dive off a cliff!

    And yeah, there's a ton of brown-nosing all across this forum. Just read the replies in this very thread, or any other 'Bonus Week' announcement threads, and you'll see tonnes of people boot licking by saying stuff like "Oh thank you Devs!!! Thank you so much! You're the best! I've waited so long for this!", despite the fact this is the laziest form of content the devs could possibly squeeze out! We should not be thanking them for doing the absolute bare minimum!

    I'm just not afraid to call this 'content' what it is. Garbage.
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You aren't paying for free stuff... Bonus weeks are not included in membership perks!
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  20. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Mate, listen to yourself.

    That's like saying games are 'free' on Xbox Game Pass....technically, you could argue that that is correct, but also technically, you're still paying for the service. If the content you're getting for your money is trash, you're not going to want to pay for it anymore are you?

    Same thing applies here. Yes, this Bonus Week might be 'free' for all players so it's a little different, but at the end of the day, I'm still paying for a service. And that service is increasing becoming trash! So I have every right to say so.

    Again, it's OK for us to say when something sucks. You don't actually have to go to bat for the devs. You are under no obligation to fight their fight for them. I don't get why so many people on here are so quick to jump to their defense when they keep drip feeding us **** excretions.