Most over powered dps power now?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Offline, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. Talks2MuchSense Well-Known Player

    I'm surprised nobody has given the real answer yet.

    Currently DCUOs strongest power by far is Superspeed.

    The standard powers do currently have gaps between them undoubtedly, but they're not as large as most people think bar 1 or 2 examples. But a Power that can be used to push a standard Powers damage numbers beyond what it should be capable of by cutting animations, that's real strength. There won't be a balance pass on standard Powers anytime soon because its useless without fixing Superspeed, and Superspeed won't be fixed anytime soon either by the looks of it. So before you switch from Earth OP, switch to Superspeed and look into how 80% of the game uses it. A blatant problem like this is allowed apparently so you won't be doing anything wrong.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Further proof that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Everything is propaganda with you in order to twist things into what you want and what you personally believe. For example. Saying “the one defending EoG and failing”. Lol you truly have no idea what you’re talking about. I was actually giving suggestions on its adjustments which can easily be looked up in the EoG thread. But that doesn’t go in line with your delusions so you have to lie.

    Yes buff trolls are more desired than power trolls. When exactly did I say it wasn’t? More obvious statements from you. “Increasing the damage makes runs go by faster!!” No duhh…. Obviously that’s the case. I have stated on multiple occasions that this is dps centric community. Thanks for stating the obvious.

    What IS BS is you trying to imply that no one wants to be a tank because it’s easy and boring lol. That line is utter BS. You’re either knowingly lied or are delusional. Either way I wouldn’t be surprised with you.

    In this community, in the MMO community support roles are always more desired than dps. This is just a factual blanket statement if the MMO community. You say people do not want to tank because it’s easy and boring so they dps because meta dps are more wanted? So where are all these meta chasing dps? If that were the case every pug run would have massive burn with everyone trying to do the harder meta damage. That is not the case. The average dps of the community is very low. The majority of players gravitate towards the “easy”. That’s why we get so many threads asking for the most op powers. Because they want easy op damage. That’s why everyone wants to go munitions. Easy damage. If people hated easy munitions would be a rarely played power.

    Tanking is by far the hardest role to play. No amount of lying will change that. Because at this point it’s not just BSing but lying. In an elite raid, if a dps dies the group can carry on and finish the rest without any issues. Heck all but one dps can die and theycc be an still finish it. If the bosses are near the end all the dps can die and the supports can finish it with orbitals. However if a tank dies it normally ends in a wipe. Same with a healer. And a troll to a lesser extent (depends on mechanics more so).
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  3. zNot Loyal Player

    You said the same things during eog discusions accusing me of BS yet it got nerfed who was actually the one BSing? Now we know.

    Wait! Duhh what a surprise you can finish a raid with only 4 dps but not without the only tank in the raid group who wouldve guessed a solo tank is needed to do a raid? nonsense argument as always.

    There is no lack of tanks quit it if you cant show actual numbers on the number of tanks your argument that theres a lack of tanks because a dps would be toxic towards them is nonsense firstly most tanks dont experience this and even less of those that experience that behaviour would be quitting tanking over that nonsense.

    Tanking is hard? Harder then being in your inventory like a troller or dps? Uhm sure? you said yourself the content is easy so how is tanking hard? Tanking is hard IF the content is designed that way but it isnt! there are rolls where skilled players will be needed always,a skilled gadg prec art swapper is more important then a good tank because the good tank isnt needed to complete a elite raid a average tank is fine but a average dps is not wanted that you have admitted yourself that average dps is low which is true so which roll is more desired for endgame elite? Surely Meta dpses because the tank can be average and still finish the content but the dpses cannot be average Because the raid becomes much harder without the burn.
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When exactly did I say an average dps is not wanted? You actually believe people go around asking for meta dps to do content? No. People just ask for dps and their cr/arts at most. No one is going around only inviting gadgets prec dps to raids. That’s incredibly delusional. If that were the case no one would be able to find groups to run raids. Even when I pug and dps are looked for I just reply with “dps” and still get invited without anyone asking me to share my power or my dps.

    And want proof? You can literally get on game and see how often the same groups keep looking for tanks in lfg.
  5. Offline Well-Known Player

    I don't know if I replied to you, but if I was munitions with 3x 200 artifacts and 750sp I would be top of leader 90% of the time. I can guarantee you that.
    You say I don't have skill, but I played back in the day when we didn't rely on artifacts for skill. We had to melee bosses with weapons for dmg.

    Now look at it. Use munitions and hit 420k crit on 50 cal. 360k crit on mini nuke. What skill does that take?

    Do you reckon it takes skill long use one of the most op powers I the game to get top of leader board?

    Skill would be winning with a low dmg dps and completing the raid.
  6. Offline Well-Known Player

    If I was to swap to munitions right now. I would increase my dmg by atleast 20% and then probably 40% by having 3x200 artifacts on.

    We all know how broke munitions is. I had it before when it first came out. I know how stupidly op the power is. Single target, aeo doesn't matter. There is a high dmg loadout foe them both. It will top leadboard and it's about time it got nerfed and nerf gadgets whilst they're at it.
  7. Offline Well-Known Player

    You're talking like players have 6x 200 level artifacts. Like we've 3x 200 dps artis and 3x 200 tank artis.

    We don't. Mist players have low rank artifacts. Most players have low sp.
  8. Mo Kenway Well-Known Player

    Mental and Gadgets
  9. Offline Well-Known Player

    I've played dcuo for long enough there is always 1 chart topping dps power.
  10. Offline Well-Known Player

    There's is hardly any tanks because the dps side of most tanks are weak. Fo you see atomic power top of leaderboard every raid or do you see munitions top of leaderboard every game?

    You say I'd I swap powers I will still do same dmg. You're delusional if you think that's how it works tbh. We all know certain powers top leadserbaords with not skill at all.

    I've been there when it was every power being top. No matter what powers it wad. I've always been the top dps power. So don't xome on here like defending the top powers atm all because you don't want them nerfed. Well we want them nerfed. We want munitions and gadgets nerfed.
  11. Offline Well-Known Player

    OK we'll put a celestial, water, munitions and gadgets dps in a raid and see which power is top 2. Yeah all are same.
  12. Offline Well-Known Player

    If they nerf these top ranking dps. Then skilled heals, tanks and trolls will be needed. The devs just need to step up and finally nerf these hard hitting dps.
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  13. SuperEpik Well-Known Player

    I've played Celestial, Water, and Electric. I played Water and Celestial the most and I regularly outdamaged most people including gadgets and munitions.
  14. Offline Well-Known Player

    Tbh I read the same thing and just didn't reply to it. Like it takes skill to follow a loadout like wow
    I remember munitions. Just start at 1 and work your way across. Just had to remember to stop using a power when you had to block or dodge. I think the only annoying part of munitions was thw animation. Other than that it's the easiest ranged dps ever.
  15. Offline Well-Known Player

    So when is the power nerf coming?
    I watched a gadgets dps leave a raid the other week because we didn't have a troll. Yeah just left. Instantly. They goes " we have no troll ". We said we didn't need one. They went.
  16. Offline Well-Known Player

    Brawling and dual wield does need nerfing or balancing whilst powers are getting a nerf. They're to high damage and too fast damage.
  17. Offline Well-Known Player

    On ps3 I used to be flight due to falling through the floor every 5 minutes. Once I came back a month a go I swapped to super speed as I couldn't fly slowly around everywhere whilst in combat. I just couldn't take it. The flight is so bad in this game.
  18. Korlick Loyal Player

    Then switch to Munitions already and stop crying about being bottom dps.
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    An ability doing a lot of damage does not mean dps is high. Dps stands for damage per second not damage per ability. You also take into account dovetails, animation times, and cooldowns along with outside factors that does take some level of understanding. So many people say “I have 500mil dps (clear over exaggeration)” and still get out dpsed. So your paper math may say one thing is op but does it actually translate to the actual game.

    Skill has to be question for the simple fact that you yourself made a claim about earth that isn’t implied earth is a bad tank even thou plenty of tanks can tank tte without any issues and can tank the alert without a healer. So yes, it’s more on skill.

    If your damage increases by 20% just by changing powers all it means is that you’re not good so the your current power. That’s all.

    Just lol.

    Another false statement. If you can’t do damage as atomic then that’s a your problem. I have absolutely no issues using atomic and being top dps. User error? Skill issue?

    Might can beat prec. If you can’t. That again is a skill issue. Maybe you need to start testing.
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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    He’ll probably still complain after. Let’s be real