Just a few things to get off my chest regarding Stat Clamp and The state of the game for new players

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FluffyCloud99, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd run Avarice if someone I knew needed the feats, especially returning players who wanted a SP catch up run, but also sometimes if I saw a shout in LFG and felt like helping. We'd re-run the 1st boss 1x for 1 of the lanterns disband and re run, getting the others on the next 3 runs On those 3 we'd finish the run setting off the bombs 1 run, clearing the bombs 1 run, then exposing but not setting them off on the last run. On the last pass we'd wipe enough times to finish the 128 mists in the chamber.

    Zamaron, I think we'd get the feats in 2 runs, as 2 were opposing tasks on last boss. Act of Definace, before Lightbringer was broke was an easy 1 run, get all the feats done if you repeat wiped the last boss to get the Fire hydrant feat done.

    BTW....in every one of those examples, at least SOME of the feats relied more on teamwork and communication vs MOAR BURN....so good examples of how even in unclamped, there were things to teach and learn, even if roles weren't a big deal. Of course roles still aren't a big deal in most alerts...so...'fixed'?

    So no....I don't remember those runs at all...are those alerts in this game or something? Spot on point there.:rolleyes:

    Obvious sarcasm aside on the last line, I'd probably still run any of these for a friend/leaguemate, but I'd be damned if I'll go out of my way in an omni run when the other 3 people probably don't even know that the feats exist, or will ask after its too late.....besides, Likely I won't be the one to biff the feat....that's generally someone else. If one happens during the normal course of business....that's great.
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Sure, and it just got worse... Hence saying it didn't help.

    Joking about paying customers isn't that great of thing to do lol, but it is what it is. The population really wasn't that bad though... Sorry if the rumors twisted your idea of it. Also that was then, this is now.

    No matter what they are angry about, it still doesn't help when they leave. If customers are angry, they leave. Doesn't help anyone. Certainly not the company.

    You keep bringing up this "removal of clamp" thing, yet the argument most have posted was just to make it optional, and not outright remove it. I strongly agree that removing it would not be good at all. Optional? Might help... Loosening the clamp according to tier? Possibly better. Yet my hypothetical suggestion of that was long dismissed. I've already long ago agreed with your ideas of increasing the rewards, as well.
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  3. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    So forming a group of people that are competent, well-geared and on comms is toxic? Does this include people we know?
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Now what concessions will this unclamped optional version have?

    2 things i will shoot down

    (getting 1/2 the rewards at 5x-10x the rate of clamped content is a no go)
    (Feats in un-clamped wont grant Feat Points)
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  5. KidKretz Committed Player

    im an anti-clamper, but now im glad it didnt come back. i got into a non-dc super hero game, and am luvin it. the clamp drove me out of this game into the arms of a competitors game and im having a blast!!!!

    that being said, i am here for my once in a blue moon check to see if the clamp is still here, which it looks like it still is. i will see you all in another couple months, cheers!!!
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  6. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Why? Just because it is easier, and older players were able to get feats back when it was unclamped? I know you guys don't like it but I don't understand WHY. Your day to day gameplay stays the same.
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  7. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player


    That era of DCUO is done.
  9. MikeB Level 30

    It really doesn't matter. Just like everything else. In 2 maybe 3 years they will remove the clamp just like they pivoted away from previous changes to the game.
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its isnt going anywhere.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Like TCs? Allies? Augments? Artifacts?
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, cause if they rolled it back or made similar accommodations, for any reason in the future, you'd accept that it 'changed'.

    Not saying they would, but I'm sure you'd be in here just like 'welp....I guess it changed'. That's funny.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    They rolled it back twice already, only to be met with "Its still not enough", anymore they said it breaks content. So what more do you want?

    Broken content?

    Is that what you want out of your games?
  14. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    This is going to sound weird...but what you said...is an argument against clamping...because if even a few extra CR's can break the content....then clamping doesn't do part of its job...despite clamping, the strength of the characters-although slowly -growing ... it's a matter of time when this will lead to content break... which means that clamping does not work well ... moreover, with such a "delicate" balance, any new feature or change in the balance of artifacts, allies, powersets that positively affect the strength of the characters will lead to a break of the content .... which means that in fact the reason is mediocre mechanics and not powercreap ...
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    This is going to sound weird...but what you said...is an argument against clamping...because if even a few extra CR's can break the content....then clamping doesn't do part of its job...despite clamping, the strength of the characters-although slowly -growing ... it's a matter of time when this will lead to content break...

    Yes, its called "Power Creep". Like i said to Tiffany before? Do you want the feeling of progression? That is controlled power creep. It HAS to happen or you wont feel any stronger. If stats took a minimal jump of 10-20, youd hardly feel it. And that same boss would feel damn near as hard as it did as release day as it does on the last day of the DLC after fully kitting yourself up. Power creep taking off in T5 to account for the difficulty spike is what trivialized the previous tiers because you now had access to stats/numbers that the previous content was never designed for and thus never accounted for.

    it's a matter of time when this will lead to content break...

    So since you know this, why are you arguing for a system that allows content to break?

    it's a matter of time when this will lead to content break... which means that clamping does not work well

    Actually, the periodic stat squishes that games do alleviate that. Since the numbers are squished down to a manageable level so youll hit something for lets say 10,000 rather than the 100,000 you would prior, and being clamped would keep you in that relatively same power-band you were before, just will smaller numbers. Without completely trivializing outdated content.

    moreover, with such a "delicate" balance, any new feature or change in the balance of artifacts, allies, powersets that positively affect the strength of the characters will lead to a break of the content .... which means that in fact the reason is mediocre mechanics and not powercreap ...

    If a bosses ability can hit me for 10k, but i have 120k health, im not going to respect the mechanic because it does effectively nothing to provide a threat or reason to even bother avoiding it. But if my healthpool were 15-20k, it isnt going to outright kill me. But its going to demand my respect for the mechanics. Especially if chip damage is a factor.

    Also nobody knows what game-play feature they might add in 5 years but players want the game to not get stale so they have to add additional systems.
  16. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    You know what? let's just assume that my English is so bad that you couldn't understand what I wrote to you... the problem is not Power Creep, the problem is how the content is built... clamping pushes the problem aside for a while, but alas, it does not solve it.. .Clamping alleviates symptoms but does not cure diseases, and disease is a primitive mechanic that can be easily bypassed by high DPS ...
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  17. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    It's odd how you just constantly make these blanket statements - with no authority to do so - at the mere mention of a change to the clamp..

    Like some weird mantra you have to repeat to overcome some fear.

    Are you trying to convince others of something... or just assure yourself?
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Aka Power Creep
  19. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Also notice they quoted me about it not changing, but didn't answer my actual question: why do they care if there was an option. Mind you, I think many of us know the answer, I just want them to defend their statement. They are taking an absolute position. They will not accept an option for clamp and allow feats to be gotten. Their repeated defense is something along the lines of "It shouldn't be easier" but have no defense (so far) for why they care if it is.

    For the record, I am not hardcore "We need the option". I am down for other solutions. But I AM against the status quo. Some kind of change that makes that old content either easier or more attractive so newer/more casual players have a better chance of even completing old content let alone getting feats.

    BTW, since finding the Ignore feature, these threads have become funnier to read :) There are all these gaps, but I still end up knowing exactly what is said.
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  20. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I also love the fact that you think that we have to somehow negotiate with you.


    What would you do if they made changes and these demands of yours weren't met?
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