DCUO Development Update - January 2023

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You seem disappointed:p
  2. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Nah.. Why would I be?

    I wish the best for every player on this game.
  3. Dene Devoted Player

    Interesting take on this and I agree.. it also touches on, what i'd hope, is common sense too! By that I mean not every update is what we, personally as individuals may want, but others may like or want it. They can't please all of us all the time..

    This game is so scattered with people's focus but some are so fixated on *their* wants they are quick to belittle updates that do not focus on them..

    This game has:

    Base Builders
    Style Aficiandos.. some are focused on iconics, some on mats, some on auras etc - this is a whole whiteboard of tangents LOL
    Max Damage Focused
    Support focused
    Min/Maxers in general incl. Meta worshippers etc (meta says jump while wearing a purple aura, they jump while wearing a purple aura lol etc)
    Role players - in style, or character, or powers/loadouts (no matter how low dmg is) etc
    Casuals that do not care about every SP etc
    Traders/Broker focused
    People who are about feats.. working them out.. testing etc etc

    this is just a few examples.. i'd say most players are a mish mash of the above or change their focus with their mood/circumstance/wallet size etc

    Point is.. very few grand updates will make all happy..
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  4. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    So Gabe knows best, where is your sources for saying this game has been running poorly? You guys keep talking out of emotions but aren't providing actual numbers to justify your complaints. It's always "probably" "most" "we" one thing for sure is you don't understand therefore you have no actual sources to justify that this game is being run poorly. In fact, Mepps is the Community Manager and it's up to him to make sure things are running. Many devs have gone meanwhile Mepps (not a dev) has been here since the beginning running this show. You should show a little appreciation Mr. Gabeknowsbest
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I wasn't aware you needed numbers to identify a lack of interaction? That's a visible observation. Players make reasonable requests and development somehow manage to do the exact opposite? You don't actually play DCUO do you?
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  6. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    I guess the question on my mind is what do we do about is? Is it time that the players step in on behalf of the games longevity ? Of course the forums doesn’t allow this.. or even talk of this publicly, but we can organize a movement in private
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  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    lot of words to all be total nonsense
    facts are facts
    adding more feats behind pay wall widens the gap of the pay wall.
    that statement is not disputable.

    clarifying my position:
    I'm for no feats being behind a pay wall they should all be earnable by deeds not your wallet hence the term FEAT.
    now i know we already lost the fight of feats being in time capsules behind the wall
    my position here is to try and not increase that walls height
  8. Minotaur38 Active Player

    Correction, no one cares about emotes. In fact, no one ask for most of what the devs have listed. A vast majority of us what them to actually fix this game. We can't even run raids or anything without people constantly crashing. This is what's wrong with this player base. It's a bunch of Barbies, who only care about styles and emotes.

    Broken boss mechanics, crashing, broken in-game menu, scrolling through 30 adaptive augments every time I run elite on different episodes, etc. Also, getting rid of stat clamp. These are all REAL PRIORITIES.

    Also, devs keep buffing bosses which is EXPLOTATION. Again, another thing that NO ONE ASK FOR.
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  9. Minotaur38 Active Player

    Not a fan of any of it. We got crashing issues, broken boss mechanics, broken in-game menu, scrolling through 30 adaptive augments when I'm doing elite for every episode, etc. This player base is a bunch of Barbies, who only worry about styles, and emotes apparently...smh.
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    Wakanda Forever?


    Blood Syndicate.


    Icon, Rocket, Static and Hardware (Milestone's Tony Stark).......


    Icon's Shadow Cabinet (DC) Team - above, in a showdown with Superman's Justice League!

    Looking forward to next DLC and hopefully Icon in a FUTURE DLC along with others listed above.



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  11. SonofJorEl New Player

    Are there any plans to give players the feat for collecting the Superman Emblem? We don't even want the Emblem just the feat, everyone I have talked to says the same thing, "just give us the feat" we will use replays if we have to, it's just a big slap in the face to have that unclaimed feat staring us in the face knowing Devs dont care enough just to tick it over and do something the community have been wanting since the ability to collect this feat "in a game where hunting feats is 90% of time spent" was removed from us. I don't see why just the feat without the emblem would be a problem for licensing. I'm gonna post daily until we at least get an answer.
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  12. Elceetu New Player

    I don’t even see a licensing problem (then again I don’t work at dcuo or WB/DC) GIVE US THE DAMN EMBLEM. It’s a DcWbDcuo game for CRYING OUT LOUD! You have people with the emblem already how much of a problem is there stop the excuses PLEASE! You say limited time then give us crap from time capsules disguised as Monthly REWARDS! The Red Tape is Ridiculous as is the BS!
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  13. Betleskisan New Player

    Great...more ******* microtransactions. Meanwhile, we're stuck with this broken system still. You guys really did stop caring a long time ago, didn't you?
  14. Limey Committed Player

    I don't think you have a good grasp of what the word "exploitation" actually means.

    And everybody complaining about CR scaling seems to be blissfully ignorant to the fact that if CR scaling goes away, daily/weekly loot locks on EVERYTHING will come back.
  15. Limey Committed Player

    But you aren't complaining about the inability to acquire past survival mode feats? Or the 2015/2016 feats that gave year-dated titles?

    Sounds like subjective/biased entitlement. They just need to hide the feat, like race feats for other movement modes, or other support role feats. The entitled babies of DC will rage into eternity rather than just quit a game they seem to think is utterly trash in its current state.

    Masochist Universe Online! Enjoy the rage, kids.
  16. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Bring back the Loot Locks.

    We have hundreds of missions available at this point. Plenty of conetent to play even if it gets loot locked.

    Heck bringing back the loot locks would force people to play different missions as opposed to spamming the one mission that gives the most source marks the fastest.
  17. MikeB Level 30

    How does it negatively effect you and/or your playing time on dcuo if they give everyone the feat?
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Personally I like everything under current content having no loot locks. It keeps the queues flowing.

    I get a lot of source marks just for running omnibus just for the experience. And the q has one extra healer in it which benefits everyone else
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  19. Metallix Active Player

    Get rid of stat capping
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    That's all good and well if it were only about marks, but it isn't.

    The fact there's no locks benefits players who are also after gear for upgrades, styles and the feats associated with them.

    You're only looking at one part of the equation.