Skill points are way too tedious to get as a new player

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DivineRhyme, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. DivineRhyme New Player

    I understand most veteran player's will disagree but I shouldn't be punished because I didn't play the game Years ago. Most new players probably quit when they realize how important sp is and how tedious and annoying it can be to get them. I hope the devs do something before this game really dies since it's already on it's way out wherever you see that or not it's true
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    play the game normally, youll get plenty sp to get through content
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  3. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Hey... He's a new player concerned about the fun he's having playing the game....

    Why don't you think that the system needs be changed to accommodate his concerns?

    Actually,... You know what would probably help this new player getting feats?.... Players not being clamped.:cool:
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  4. DivineRhyme New Player

    I just wish the older content feats wasn't so hard to get especially really old zones I am cr 370 and 90 sp pretty low considering my cr
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Welp too bad thats not happening, dang now theyll have to earn their SP.
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  6. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    You know.... Skill points were still earned before the clamp..... Right? o_O
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    SKill point can be earned now too
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  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Yeah... but this

    Welp too bad thats not happening, dang now theyll have to earn their SP.

    implies something else.

    These conversations would run so much smoother if we didn't have to constantly stop to point out the obvious to you.
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    It implies you can no longer simply brute force a feat to the previous extent anymore. SO youre gonna have to put some effort into obtaining your feats, and not simply out-stating the raid.

    To be honest it would be so much easier to talk about this subject, if you guys stopped playing this game of "Hide the ball"

    Because when it comes down to it.

    If i say "Unclamped. No feats/gear (collects are fine)". Then people get defensive. It always comes down to the SP.

    The Clamp is a roadblock to easily obtaining feats once you are sufficiently geared isn't it?
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  10. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    What the heck is wrong with you people?! When someone comes to this board with a problem why do so many of you basically say "You are wrong, shut up"? What is even the point of this board if bringing up any change is a no-no? I thought the point was to DISCUSS. In this case, maybe suggest things the OP could to do help him in his progress rather than "Just keep playing". I mean, the OP is basically saying I am not having fun trying to get these SP, can we discuss a better way. And your response was "Just keep doing the things you just said you are not enjoying".

    OP, something you can look at, which the game of course doesn't tell you, is when you are in a mission, go to the duty menu. There is now a Feats Tab that will tell you which feats there are in that mission. This may help you get some of the easier feats, while doing missions you would be doing anyway.

    Basically, at this point the feats are a system that, whether they are meant to be or not, are a barrier between people who have played more and those who haven't. Some people were able to get their feats when the system was different and/or when many players were in those older zones and thus they didn't have to do them alone or drum up help by begging. Despite that, apparently we can't change things.

    Sadly, if you don't feel that you enjoy the game as it is, and don't want to spend the time grinding that older content, then maybe this game is not currently for you. I by no means want to run you away. But some players seem invested in trying to keep things as they are without concern for how some people don't enjoy it that way, despite the fact that if something like this issue were addressed it would in NO way change their enjoyment of the game, unless the only thing they get out of it feeling superior to people like you.
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  11. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Maybe it's burnout from the constant threads/posts whining about clamps and feats from people who want everything handed to them just because they're new or lazy, and who call everything they don't like a "punishment" like a child.
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  12. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    And? Can't you just ignore those threads? And, just curious, if the devs did just hand them all of the old feats or something like that, how would that is ANY way change your enjoyment of the game? Wouldn't your day to day gameplay stay the same?
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  13. Talks2MuchSense Well-Known Player

    Hmm. Interesting post. Not because of its content, but because of how it was presented.

    - Says they're a new player
    - Skill Points are important
    - Tediousness of gaining Skill Points
    - Discusses the game....dying?

    Not a new player in the slightest. Likely played for a while now and is too lazy to try and get old Feats so wants a secondary, lazier option to get them.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I also do not enjoy the feat system, but i just dont actively engage with it. Playing the game by just logging in and doing things will get you a feat or 2. No need to follow the "SP grind" culture here. Feats arnt the end-all-be-all, no need to treat it as such.
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  15. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Hard to ignore when there's like five of them on page one.

    And no, it probably wouldn't affect my enjoyment of the game much, so yeah why don't we give everyone everything and remove the clamp so we can all run around one-shotting bounties and raid bosses so it doesn’t matter if anyone bothers to learn how to play the game properly? Yay, what fun!
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  16. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Then why not discuss improving or fixing it, which is what the OP is suggesting? Also, depending on your luck/unluck, you can go quite some time playing regularly and not get feats, once you have the recent event feats. Many of the feats are based around re-doing the same content for a considerable amount of time, which was fine when the content was fresh, but now it is a slow grind, usually all alone. Perhaps at least some of those could be made free or at least lessened (like instead of killing a world boss 10 times, it is now 2).

    I am sorry I am taking this out a bit on you. I have just seen so many threads, about pretty much any change mentions always met with someone just saying "thats the way it is" which seems odd in a discussion board. We know how it is. We are asking for change. If you don't think it should change, at least give us a reason why.
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  17. Hexxen Level 30

    I played DCUO for a while first when lightning just came out as a power, and now started from zero again this year as I lost my toons.

    I'm somewhere around 100 SP now myself. I feel myself that if you don't have an active IRL or otherwise friend to play with on the regular, it's significantly more tedious to get SP. I've tried some of the duos etc. so many times with randos that it's really starting to lose its appeal, since you never know if the other person will communicate at all or is interested in getting feats. Back in the day I was playing with my neighbor so we both were able to power loads of SP quickly together. The game is really different if you just want to mostly solo stuff and enjoy yourself without joining a league, and not really friendly towards that playstyle in my opinion. Of course I know you can't get feats alone for the group content, that is not what I mean. I just mean it's really hard to get company as a mostly-soloer and it prevents you from quickly getting a lot of the easier feats.

    Also, I'm still unable to get some of the basic feats that you usually get right in the beginning, like speed feats for some basic alerts. Smallville and Oolong refuse to give me the speed feat due to some bug apparently, and we still can't enter Outer Cavern to get those basic feats as new or returning players. That's pretty dull to be honest, since I'm trying to just get the basic feats in the regular order and patiently like back in the day.

    EDIT: OH, I forgot one major thing as well. Back in the day you could get LOADS of SP from the PVP right from the beginning. As I understand PVP is pretty much dead now, so that is a big change. I've queued for PVP 4v4 and 8v8 countless times since I started, and never got in. Managed to get legends 2v2 three times so far trying every single day.
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  18. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    This argument crops up from time to time and has since launch.

    The DEVS have said in more than one occasion that if you are +/- 10SP to CR, you will be ok for any content.

    Beyond the 100 point threshold in any one attribute the statistical increases are incremental and have LESS effect as you progress ti higher CR. That is the simple math of it.

    STATS matter and most of those are tied to gear, and artifacts.

    I wouldn't stress over it.
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  19. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Oh it's true? Where did you get your source? I tell you what, don't answer that because it's a rhetorical question. This game isn't dying and is still going strong no matter how you feel. Also new players aren't quitting DCUO because skill points are super important and it's too tedious to obtain. They are probably "taking a break" (you aren't really quitting, you'll be back as everytime someone says it they come back lol) because they believe an mmo should be a single player that only caters to themselves in terms of time. Artifacts and allies are where it's at and for the record, you can easily obtain feats simply by just traveling through locations by exploring Metropolis or Gotham lol stop being lazy this is an mmo
  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    As a new player, my advice to you would be to not sweat the big feats at this point in your game play. Feats are broken up by one star, 2 stars, and 3 stars, which equals 10 / 25 / 50 towards the 100 needed for 1 SP. Concentrate on your solos first and collecting styles, there are feat points from completing a style set.

    Also, collecting emblems and styles from Time Capsules (TC as you will see abbreviated here on the Forum) are also a great way of acquiring feats to add up to 1 SP point.

    Pretty much this is the most basic way of starting out to build up your SP within the system we are given. Sometimes you will also achieve a surprise feat from just generally playing in a duo / alert / raid, those are the best kind when you weren’t expecting to get anything.

    It will take time to accumulate feats to earn SP but please try to not let that deter you, you will get there. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just don’t get discouraged, you can do it. As someone else said there is now an easy to follow feat guide associated with each mission. I would suggest before the other players start the mission, ask them to delay for a moment and tell them you want to check the available feats. I’m sure others who are also participating might be inclined to assist you.

    Just don’t get discouraged.
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