Why are open world dlcs stat clamped?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by UnboundHeavenlyDemon, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    I basically get responses from people who finished it and had the unclamped stats to help.I know because I was part of that long ago
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  2. Ozman Well-Known Player

    I have no idea what this means.
  3. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Idiotic analogy. Just because you can identify a problem doesn't mean you have any clue how to solve it.


    You know what, I can't be bothered with your multi-paragraph nonsense anymore, I have better things to do. You're absolutely right. The devs are punishing you. Specifically. For being too awesome at the game. They don't want your money, they just want to frustrate you into quitting the game. Makes total sense.
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  4. Grim931 Committed Player

    Agree to disagree I guess, then. All I know is that content was more accessible/complete-able pre-clamp. (Strictly talking open world zones, I understand content was not popping in queues). It was also more fun for me pre-clamp. There was significantly more to do pre-clamp than post clamp in terms of casual play.

    The whole stripping away powers would not explain the significant regression. We have gone backwards by a significant amount and no in-game explanation was ever given as to "why". Makes no sense however you look at it. What would've made sense, is having Omnibus be considered a "time machine", making us go back to our less powerful version of ourselves when queuing. Could've left the open world zones unclamped at that point, because those would be considered "present/current".

    And that's why I specifically stated that it took away more than it gave back to me. As in that's my opinion. Value to you and value to me are completely different in this instance. All the source marks available are meaningless compared to the fun-factor that I had before. I would rather play through content on my own terms, how I want to play. That was available before, but isn't as easy to do now.

    I still think lifting the clamp on open world would be an adequate compromise. It should not be that much of a struggle to complete this kind of content.
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  5. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    They don’t understand the problem
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  6. Grim931 Committed Player

    That's why I said shortly after that, that it was not on me to solve the issue... I can point out that there is a problem (tree), and ways to avoid the problem or possible solution (don't run into tree), but I don't have to be a certified pilot to assess a situation. The same can be said here. I can identify the problem, and offer ways that would've circumvented it without going to such a drastic measure. Knowing the ins/outs of how to get there is a pretty unrealistic expectation to have, then using that as a way to somehow discredit the point being made is incredibly immature.

    And yeah. Paragraphs are hard. Tried to break it down as simply as possible, but there's only so much someone can do...
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  7. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Like I said you're right. The devs are wrong and you know better. That's all you actually want to hear, right?
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    In 2013 before the launch of XBOX One, at E3, Larry Hryb the PR person for XBOX was interviewed by YouTuber Angry Joe.

    Angry Joe confronted Larry about the DRM and Always On connection with the internet to play the XBOX One, to which Angry Joe asked, and I paraphrase, “can’t Microsoft just make a change in the code to not require Always On?”

    Larry then replied by asking Angry Joe, “Are you a programmer? Do you know what it takes to rewrite or change code? There is no switch to flip to turn off an integral part of the code.” The following week after the uproar at E3 Microsoft completed did a 180 on the requirements for the XBOX One.

    Your exchange with the other poster reminded me of Larry Hyrb & Angry Joe’s exchange, especially when you asked him if he knew programming. Quiet amusing I must say.
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  9. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Oh I remember the always online thing. I can't stand Angry Joe though so I never saw that interview.

    Although regardless of Microsoft doing a 180 in the end Hyrb still had a point. There's no shortage of armchair game developers who think it's easy to just change something. This game in particular has a long history of imbalanced gameplay that took a long time to fix, so it always makes me laugh when people start posts saying "just give us a new power" or "just change it" like it is just that easy to do.
  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    If Daybreak had the financial resources and talent pool of Microsoft, such request would be more possible, but sadly they aren’t able too.

    At lease this gives Daybreak insight into what their customers are desiring of them, even if it isn’t plausible to give it to them.

    Also, happy customers are repeat customers. I say customer because I do more than just play DCUO, I spend $$$ on it. Daybreak attempts to delight us in other ways to compensate for inabilities to make additions to powers, etc. They also have royally soured some customers by making a large portion of their game less desirable to play in my case. I can look forward to getting new feats in new, future content but for new players or returning players who are not at end game, they are facing challenges due to low participation by our gaming population. Improving player participation is an important topic I’m sure in their weekly Senior Staff meetings, at least that is how often our Senior Staff meets.
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  11. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Question, are you struggling with open world bounties because you're a DPS?
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  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I never did those bounty counters back in the day because I hate the large counters I have accrued them over time going in the episodes for weekly bounties. so will it take time yes but again this is a mmo not something you just beat then move on to some other game. they aren't going anywhere.

    and my advice for example is not to dissuade you or others from trying to get those counters. only that complaining that you cant do them by your self is not helpful and should not be catered too. they are group encounters.

    if you can do it by your self great, a lot of us can also
    so we say that to let the people questioning the game know that it is possible. just work on getting to end game and then go back and address them at that point when your more powerful.
    because yes there is stat peircing and your stats do make a difference along with arts and supply drops and pets and all the other accoutrements we get over time playing.

    also: every Thursday and over the weekends there are groups that do bounty runs. its harder the further into the week you get but if you jump on them early I promise you can find a few people in LFG that want the source marks also
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  13. Grim931 Committed Player

    I'm not struggling in solo content. I have a precision Rage Tank/hybrid, pretty much able to solo most things fairly easily. I haven't personally had any issues with any of the bounties on that character.

    That said, I'm not going to disregard someone else struggling with content. I have a ton of alts that are at various stages and various roles, from pre-30 to End Game. I can see that someone could have a problem if they aren't built right or can't find enough competent players. The clamp is forcing players to play "as intended", but the problem I've seen is there isn't enough players to fill all the gaps that's being created because of this.

    I've seen failed attempts in Omni runs first hand due to one or two people off doing who knows what. I've also seen most open world areas being a literal ghost town. There was barely a phase going at one point in the spotlight episode for JLD, and that was bonus content... seems like a common solution is to adjust personal play times. That can't be a reasonable solution, especially when it's a problem that the clamp created. This was not an issue before for open world zones. You needed something, you could go in and knock it out yourself. No need to beg for hours or try and get lucky once a month.
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  14. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Bounties aren't soloable they are meant to be done with a group. Those who are struggling in this type of content seem to be those who are new and more than likely a DPS. I'm a tank and I run through every open world bounties from every dlc. Sometimes I dont see anyone someone's time I just see one person waiting and when I show up it's a blessing to them. Those who are waiting I can already tell they are DPS because they are squishy and can't do it alone. There's videos of players soloing bounties as a DPS. How far are we stretching "struggling"?

    I ran an omni raid the other day it was an Atlantis raid forgot which one but it had to do with players needing to grab rocks. One DPS didn't want to wait so the fight started with not everyone being there. Another problem happen when DPS were just pew pew pew and not doing the objective. These NEW PLAYERS don't need to hold onto a hand like a little kid (unclamped) because they are struggling and new. At this point the clamp isn't the problem it's the community, the players themselves.
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  15. Grim931 Committed Player

    There's a lot to unpack here, but in general you're correct. It is also way easier to do bounties as a battle tank or at least with a tank present. I'm not going to debate over that, and I have yet to run into any trouble with my battle tank. I've pretty much soloed raids with it in EEG, just took a long time. Haven't tried many bounties, but the ones I did were no issue to me.

    As far as the struggling explanation, no idea. That's not something I'm claiming has happened to me, only that I can sympathize with those who are going through it. LFG chat is riddled with constant groups trying (and mostly failing) at getting any traction. I choose to avoid it altogether on anything other than my hybrid toon. I'm also not going to go into anything with a high rate of failure due to someone else's lack of experience. That's if I even play, the way it's crashing on PS5 is not helping matters at all.

    The issue I personally have with the clamp is fun factor alone. It just isn't fun for me trudging along through old content I've done numerous times before, both at level and again over-geared later on. The latter was fun.

    I agree to a point, but there's only so much a community can do to teach new players. It should NOT be on me, or anyone else, to hold someone's hand through content. That's still being done by the way, just in a different way. It makes no difference in my eyes if someone is locked behind a door waiting on a boss to die for 30 seconds or 15 minutes. The end result is still the same in some cases, just takes longer.

    They need a proper tutorial. In depth. Explaining the ins/outs of roles/gear/arts/augs, how they affect your character, what to look for when choosing them, and how they will shape your end result based on the combination of each.

    New players are forced into group content now with little to no experience at all. They got rid of the Alerts from 1-30 (Area 51, Hive Moon Base, Gorilla Island, etc.), so that alone was a step in the wrong direction if you wanted anyone to get some group content experience before being thrown in the deep end.
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  16. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Here's my positive contribution before my rant: Here's an idea, make the bounties also an On duty instance. So I can queue up for the Central City Starro fight for instance. People could then omnibus into it, getting their reward once the boss is dead. Heck, you could possibly do something similar with mission feats, where you tag it and if you get that feat they get a bonus for helping you succeed.

    I bet someone could do a thesis on these threads. You have the players struggling for one reason or another wanting things to change. You have players that aren't and want things to stay the same and the rare players who also aren't struggling, but empathize with the strugglers and are at least willing to discuss how to help.

    What I find most interesting is that many of the people who are cool with the status quo got to their lofty heights BEFORE things got this way. They were either able to do content pre-clamp, or were doing content while riding the wave, where each expansion was flush with players so boss fights and on duties had mobs of players killing them quickly and regularly.

    If you can't understand why some person who doesn't have hours everyday to spend begging people to come to an empty zone and fight a boss might not be a fun way to spend their time and maybe an alternate system could come into play, then I really question your motives. The fact that many of you won't even consider an alternative of ANY kind is not a good look. Especially when I see some of those same people doing the same thing in pretty much any thread that asks for change or help of some kind.

    Would it really be so hard as to say "I don't think the clamp should be removed, but maybe we could have some kind of system that encourages elite players to go back and help kill these bosses to help newer or lower level players"?

    But I know your aim is not to help, but likely to hinder. You rarely have a good defense for the status quo, despite it being a relatively new status compared to the life of the game. Considering that some of you say no to ANY change, why are you even here? The whole point is to discuss. You aren't here to discuss, you are here to shut down. Your answer to everything is "No". At least offer a solution that isn't "Get gud" or "play the game the way I never had to". "Beg people in chat" is not a solution. It is actually pointing out that there is a problem. If you have to spend considerable time dredging up strangers to do content in a game, then something is wrong.
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  17. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Imo stat clamping in open world is dumb. I get why its there, to stop people just getting easy marks and what not which is a valid reason. But 1 thing i have noticed that no matter how many people you have, anywhere from 8-15-20 or whatever, your own damage is reduced because there is more players in the instance attacking the boss. I have noticed that on many runs of the newer dlc bosses that after 15 or so players its useless to add more because the damage will be reduced.

    I also get why its clamped as it stops people going from cr 1 to 395 extremely quickly with omnibus and then going back to 1 shot the bosses/bounties. My issue with that is, why not let them? They worked for their gear and stats to be able to do so. If the player is not good enough to a certain point, they will not be able to solo the bosses anyways. I am certain a 395cr player will solo starro. But soloing even the wonderverse bosses and hydra would be an extreme challenge for solo players

    If we were to remove sttat clamping, just reduce our damage like you do anyways the more players there is. Make the bosses take the same amount of time to complete. For example:
    Solo: 1m - 1m 10s
    2+: Reduced damage, still killable in 50s - 1m
    5+ Reduced damage, defence, healing: Still killable in 45-50s
    Obviously allow more players to kill it faster but penalise them in the older content. Reduced defence, healing, power given etc. balance things in older content, dont just clamp them
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    This is just outright false Tiffany.

    You're alleging that open world content gets harder when its clamped than the day before.

    We've been around this carousel before... it does not and therefore your assertion is just 100% false.

    So respectfully, no, you're not calling for parity, you're just asking for the game to be made easier for you.
  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I will upload the videos tonight when I get home from work so you can see for your self. I proved it to my self over the holiday. Then you can see for yourself. 3 hits in Khandaq and the adds are KO’d. 6-7 hits in Wonderverse and the adds are KO’d.
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  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I will then expect an apology from your for calling me a liar.
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