I love DCUO so can you add a party-size option already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Ah there's the Con response im used to, just laced with nonsense and ad hominem lol.

    Here's the crux of it please do introduce an AQS, devs, please honestly do it, I beg you.

    Since Con thinks I'm an _______, I may as well be one.

    Once I have AQS I will proceed to abuse this tool I will exclude every new player in the game, I will exclude every piece of human trash I deem unworthy of gracing an instance with me.

    I will be able to entirely avoid omnibus by forming a group of 4 other ______'s and we will just run everything while getting omnibus credit, marks loot and excluding what we consider dead weight. In fact I hope they stay queued in omnibus forever while all of us just force queues with smaller groups and avoid the wider queues, let's send the game to hell in handbasket devs, it'll be great lol

    Wait, no I said that out loud, DAMNIT.

    Err I mean devs we need AQS because it'll make more people play together and make queues quicker not longer, it'll just be better, please devs please, I didnt mean what I said before, no one in game would ever think like that devs, ever.

    Who am I kidding lol, devs , give us AQS so we can all be elitist _______'s lol
  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Gigantic yawn.

    Yea coming from someone so hell bent on avoiding playing with other players they'll go to the lengths of running 8 of their own sessions, I'll take everything you say with a grain of salt lol.

    Christmas event is on, you should be able to finish that nice and easy by yourself though with just 4 sessions, yea, lol?

    Im so glad you're helping the community Reinheld by leading by example in just how much a treat AQS would be to the community ;)

    LFG: anyone wanna run christmas event?
    Sure, invite
    Oh nevermind I just queued by myself
    Lol, yea me too
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  4. The Con Dedicated Player

    Says the guy who has yet put up any proof that he has been asked to...

    You have that reversed. :p

    You choosing to abuse a system isn't a reason not to have a system... especially one that benefits others.

    I'll ignore the rest... because it's not even bad comedy.
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  5. Grim931 Committed Player

    Confirmation bias?

    Are you living under a rock or something?

    This is daily life in DCUO, so much so that some have taken it upon themselves to try their hardest at getting groups by any means necessary. That's also including OUTSIDE of the game... all this to still fail and not get enough players at times. Guess they'll just have to wait on that queue for old content that'll never happen... if it does, there's a 99% chance after all that waiting around that the one person joining screws up the entire purpose.

    Are we also going to pretend that this thread doesn't exist as well, or is this just more bias?

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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Ignore because you know it's true.

    If you think Im the only one that might behave like that then you're in complete and utter denial as to the behavior characetistics of players within the upper echelons of any MMO, including this one

    But hey if pretending it's My Little Pony online justifies installing a feature that will be abused to ruin the game many other peoples experiences justifies doing so in your mind, then sure, let's do it lol
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

  8. Proxystar #Perception

    This is exactly what confirmation bias is, you're only looking for things that confirm the view you believe to be true, reinforced by finding more things you believe solely demonstrates your narrative.

    Try looking for both sides, take for example I've seen groups of friends start chat channels, network, stream on twitch, all forming groups smashing out EEG feats and the like, but you won't look for those because them existing doesnt suit your desired narrative.
  9. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It's all part of the master plan. Mwahahaha.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    All aboard the struggle bus, errr I mean omnibus
  11. Grim931 Committed Player

    Except I never once said that WASN'T AN OPTION or DOESN'T EXIST.

    Not everyone has a huge friends list of active players, active league, or the capability to have a vast network of capable players readily available. If they did, this wouldn't even be an issue in the first place.

    I've played on/off since the beginning.

    Yes, there are times when I have been in leagues, which have had active players and I never had any difficulty getting into content at any given time.

    I've also been in situations where I was in groups waiting for hours just to fill a vacant spot to simply queue into content. Leagues that were once full of active players have turned inactive countless times on me.

    Both happen. You seem to be suggesting that all of what is currently going on can be remedied. One of those ways is an outside source (twitch streaming... really?), and yet you don't seem to find a problem with that?

    I'm happy you have a group to knock out content, but there are a LOT of players who don't. Keep pretending like they don't exist though, guess it would be a lot easier than accepting you're wrong.
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  12. The Con Dedicated Player

  13. The Con Dedicated Player

    Or.... It's the words of somebody who should be ignored.

    So... Let me ask you.

    If it did exist...
    Would you really act this way?
    Or is this just how you presume others would act?

    Would it be all others?
    Do you just think that you're the sole vessel of virtue in this game?

    Could it just be a minor few?

    See... and there's your next leap of fail.
    What if it benefitted far more players than these players whose experience is being "ruined"... You know, these players that only exist in your mind right now?

    Whose experience is getting ruined? The people not queuing? The people off-line?

    People waiting on a queue?
    BUT: Isn't that your answer for everybody... "Just wait... Even if it's hours or never at all.. Just wait!"

    So what is the harm if they wait?... or even better... THEY get to ASQ as soon as THEY can, too. WIN/WIN

    This doomsday scenario that you have playing in your head is just that: a scenario in your head.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Everyone starts off new, everyone starts off with a small network, everyone starts off with a small friends list, everyone starts off leagueless.

    You and you alone choose to stay that way.

    Your negative experience is a byproduct of your own effort, you get out that equal to which you put in.
  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    They fight!
    And bite!
    They fight and bite and fight!
    Fight fight fight!
    Bite bite bite!
    The Proxystar and Con Show!
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Says the one complaining about the system :cool:
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    The fact you don't see the way this system would be abused by many to the detriment of the game tells me you've honestly spent very little time in the upper echeleons of this game if even at all really.

    Deny it all you like but more people would use AQS as a means to exclude than include all the way down to the very bottom I demonstrated when sarcastically somewhat referencing the Christmas event.

    You are just not prepared to accept reality.

    Hell Reinhelds already doing it, through effort, but hey see where giving that power effortlessly to everyone leads.

    Reinheld at times has outright said he avoids things because he basically doesn't want to play with others or put up with others, hes even said, he's not asking for AQS for himself he's doing it because he thinks that's how the game should be played.

    DC Universe Limited Online lol
  18. The Con Dedicated Player

    Says the one complaining about me complaining.


    Asking for an option isn't really complaining..

    So you're really just complaining about me not complaining at all.
  19. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    I didn't expect my thread was going to be posted here (thanks for it, the more people can see it the better for everyone).

    To be honest that thread doesn't exist for me, it only exists because in other thread there were people telling they have issues to get in some instances and get feats, so i just decided to create it to help that people, i don't know where are they playing or even if they are looking at the thread. The main idea was to have place to reunite everyone once a week but it seems it's an unsuccessful thread (i don't care, i mean, it's a good way for me to re-play all the game). The idea is not even original, i mean, it works as the LVPE does, just one instance to focus that week. The thread also can be used by leagues after all it's somekind of schedule, you send the people to read it and they are ready the next day without needing to explain anything through the game (too tedious without a keyboard). The good point about listing the feats is that it refresh my mind (i don't remember all of them and others i didn't know at all).

    Obviously it's also good for my character aswell but...let's be honest, it's a dps it doesn't need the feats, that's more for tanks, healers or controllers, but by doing the feats it makes the game more enjoyable, i mean, this week i played like 5 or so Flashpoint raids (the second one, the one with Brainiac) and it was boring without trying a feat, after the second time i queued this week i was getting bored of it, i don't now how i ended playing five of them this week (and i do hope the omnibus don't bring it to me this week hehe).

    PS: Sorry for the spam but....if you could share the thread with others will be apreciated (the more people know about it, the more will useful will get) and also any tips for the feats i put there.
    PPS: I'm still thinking about a name for it, probably it'll became "weekly periplo", but...i'm open to more title ideas for the moment.
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  20. loupblanc Dedicated Player

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