I love DCUO so can you add a party-size option already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    Telling a guy that wants the game to get harder:
    that he is just ruining a good thing.... Isn't really an insult.

    As far as overlooking the transgressions of those on our "side".... What? You just over look the whole

    Now... THAT is an insult... and not a thinly veiled one.

    Edit: And, if all you got on me in this thread is telling someone they could ruin a parade, then no harm, but you ain't got nothing on me... especially compared to that.:cool:
    Tiff's not the one giving away "free passes" here.
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  2. The Con Dedicated Player

    This is way too much protest over "could" and "if"...

    You don't think pointing that out is too much of an insult... Do you?:rolleyes:
  3. The Con Dedicated Player

    And, on the topic of civility.

    When I accused Proxy of saying that the anti-clamp sentiment was "thrashed to hell" (his words) in the other thread and he pointed out that he just meant the thread in general and I was mistaken.... I apologized.

    When you accused me of "not wanting a group for group content"... and when I and another poster pointed out to you that was blatantly wrong and that you were mistaken....


    I am a million times more civil than thou art.

    No free pass required.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  5. The Con Dedicated Player


    STILL not an apology.

    I'm more civil. :p
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  6. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You win, con. You are the undisputed champion of aggressive words in a box. There is nobody left with the patience or energy to give you any more attention.

    *slow clap*
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  7. The Con Dedicated Player

    That's a lotta words just to say "You're right".:cool:
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    pretty sure attempting to shame someone in to an apology by creating a civility competition isn't particularly civil lol
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  9. The Con Dedicated Player

    I'm not trying to shame her into an apology...

    Just trying to show her that the horse she rides on isn't any higher than anyone else's... it might even be a tad shorter.
  10. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I say we nuke this thread from orbit, & sod off down the pub. mine's a pint.
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  11. The Con Dedicated Player

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  12. The Con Dedicated Player

    Forgot to add....

    First rounds on me.

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  13. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You know what kind of person feels the need to "put someone in their place"?

    Violently insecure man-babies with control issues and a small pee pee.
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  14. The Con Dedicated Player


    I swear plants are more self-aware.

    Yeah... Because everybody always just roots for the holier-than-thou-self-righteous hypocrites... Why would anybody ever correct them?

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  15. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    There's that old "no u" again. Classic.

    Immediately followed by a concern for positive affirmation from others. A little more interesting at least. The driving force behind your ambitious conquer.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    To be honest, nowhere near enough to even be used as a sample size compared to the community that doesn't use the forum.

    Out of 4,000 views

    150 replies

    11 Likes for the OP.

    How many of the replies are some of the same users posting mutliple times potentially inflating the replies/views?
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  17. The Con Dedicated Player

    What are you talking about??

    The Costume thread has:

    21,056 replies.




    What percentage of the community is that??

    Being told that this was a bad idea would have more meaning if the critique wasn't coming from the same 3 stooges who are so hypocritically blind to actual reasoning that you can't take anything they say as serious or are just so inanely biased that you can't help but see through that veneer of contrived stupidity.

    I tell ya what...
    Why don't you make another post how you think I'm being insulting while completely overlooking the reddit replies of Moronic right above ya.... Or tell me one more time about how I just want to solo group content in my post about how I want to have a group to do the content.

    You want me to take anything you say as serious? Try being intelligent, unbiased, and unhypocritical.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I wish everyone would just tone down the anger. This thread is a wish list, conjecture, optional queue sizes do not exist. It would be convenient such as this morning me & my league mates (3 of us total) were in the queue for the Event ver of the new alert. After 30 min we gave up. In that situation, having the ability to enter with the 3 would have been nice. But it doesn’t exist, so don’t get angry at each other over something that doesn’t exist.

    The root of this animosity is what has spilled over from another certain thread that has created these ill feelings towards one another. I am very guilty of harboring ill feelings as well as a result of my interactions in that certain thread on a certain subject. I am however trying to deal with my animosity towards those who have greatly offended / insulted me, but that is something I am working on and I hope others can work on too.
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  19. The Con Dedicated Player

    This is their usual MO.

    Don't like an idea?... Just be a jerk about it until someone points out that you're just being a jerk about it... and then, cry that civility was lost and the thread needs to be shut down.
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Where I, personally, approach every new thread with a clear mind and clear slate as if it's an entirely different entity. Where I might disagree with someone harshly in one thread, we can just as easily be arm-in-arm drinking, singing, and dancing to "Men In Tights" in another.

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