I love DCUO so can you add a party-size option already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    Yes! Yes, Triple Yes! I personally would love it sooo much.
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  2. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    If we had fewer people doing pre-made groups for omnibus weekly missions, we'd have more random queue pops.
    It may still take a while at times due to the state of the player base.

    I'm kind of torn on this topic. On one hand, it has the potential to make players that are reliant on omnibus get matched with fewer and less good players to help out or make it a more enjoyable experience.
    On the other hand, I do like me some challenge and wouldn't mind being able to do that. :p

    Unless you want to multi-run a certain instance, you can just ask for a few persons to queue you in and then leave. It usually takes less than a minute to get a couple of those to fill up your group.
  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    What sort of magical land do you live in? :eek:

    From my experience, it's always a hassle finding people to queue and leave, even in alerts. Sometimes I even get tells from people saying they'd only do it if I paid them (sod that, to hell they go).
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  4. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I mean my status of being quite known on the server could make my experience differ from others. I forgot to take that into account.
  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    This kinda does that.... Maybe not for a group that would never form anyways.. But, this does allow for much more gameplay of older content...

    And, who knows, maybe when a small group is in a raid, they may found out that that do, indeed, need more players, they'll shout out to other players to join them'

    More content being paid + more invites = more players getting experience in older content.
  6. The Con Dedicated Player


    More content being played + more invites = more players getting experience in older content
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So why didnt this happen in the pre-clamp era? And why did the queues decrease post clamp for older content?

    Even with the ability to steamroll content, people still were not queuing for it. Why?
  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Pre-clamp emphasis was placed on End Game content being the priority for players to engage with to earn points to buy gear.
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  9. Ozman Well-Known Player

    16-player raids sounds good on paper, but can you imagine the chaos of 16 people popping pets, allies, supercharges, orbital strikes, henchmen...etc? Would brick the consoles of half the playerbase, lol.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    But even with SP being a major factor to get people to replay or "chew" on content for awhile. That wasn't enough to get enough people queuing to get into content. But why?
  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Same reason as what we are facing now: apathy.
  12. The Con Dedicated Player

    What part of adding a group size opt-in do you not understand?

    It wasn't happening because people couldn't get into raids that nobody else was queuing for.
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Cause they weren't getting PAID yo! And it's all about that shiny stuff. You could find a group almost any day for PANE or ZOOE or a few others that paid off. The rest of EEG was for feat hunting, and no one is feat hunting in random queues....not effectively anyway.

    I wonder....have you ever attempted to build a group? Or given it a shot on the hero side at least where the replies in LFG might not just be gold sellers and your own echo? Random queuing was and IS the worst way to get into something you needed, especially once you know what you are doing. Why are you so resistant to anything that allows ANY control on getting into things other than 'luck of the draw'?
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  14. Omega91 Well-Known Player

    I think a better fix would be to make all Instances Walk-In.

    How? We can check out the Teleporter in the Orrery of Worlds, 4-5 people go into a portal and select which instance they want and they get to join in without the need for a queue.

    You get to run with less players but you also don't take away opportunities for lower CR players.
  15. The Con Dedicated Player

    I know that has been discussed before... and the dev team said that there were to many bugs having walk-ins for every instance....
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What part of splitting the population is a overall bad thing, when you dont have the biggest population cant you understand?

    Sure its a nice feature to have, and i agree with you. Im not anti opt in, but in this situation, in this game, with this population, its a No from me (currently)

    Increase the population, and my answer changes, But as it stands now, Nay Sir Con.
  17. The Con Dedicated Player

    Of course you're allowed your own opinion... and vote...

    But... You really are just making a presumption that it would some how "split the population" (which seems to be your 'go to' for any new option).

    With this option (especially if set on a timer)

    It's literally splitting nothing.
  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    We can't know how something is going to be used by the community until it goes live. There are plenty instances and feats, that are easier in smaller groups, so many people (like myself) would gladly wait out a timer, doing dailies, or something, and enter SWn, or whatever, with a smaller experienced, overgeared group rather than LFG for randoms, who can wipe out the group a couple of times before getting kicked. In my experience the FP alert is actually easier and faster solo, than with a PUG, especially with no healer. And there are countless duo and alert feats that I only have been able to get, because other people dced or left the instance. So if I had the option to avoid all the wipes and drama - I definitely would use it. And so would any player worth their salt. Leaving the newer and less skilled players unable to find a group for any content, or feat, that's easier without them.

    Without the option to queue undermanned - players like myself just play what is available, be it omnibus, PUGs, or LFG. Because we want to play something. Maybe there are some "vets" that throw the toys out of the pram and refuse to play EEG, or omnibus if they can't play their chosen content in their preferred way, but I doubt they are a large percentage of the player-base and make much of a difference. And most of them are still too addicted to this game to just quit, so why would the devs go out of their way to please them?

    The urge to avoid inexperienced players is understandable, but it means death to a struggling MMO, which relies on the newbs to pay the next year's bills. And an option to queue undermanned does little, or nothing to improve their experience. Especially, that walkins for low tier content already exist.
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  19. The Con Dedicated Player


    So we can ignore everything else you say after this point.

    But, we'll take it apart, anyways

    And others have lives (kidding)... YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR EVERYONE.... Maybe others don't want to wait hours for a queue that might not ever pop.

    The point isn't to avoid other players... The point is to get into instances that those other players aren't playing.

    It relies on ALL players to pay the next year's bills...

    We'll just toss that on the "We can't know how something is going to be used by the community until it goes live" pile..

    Yeah... but, not enough.

    Then, we do have some data that implies that what you say isn't an actual concern.
  20. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    If by "taking apart" you mean "repeatedly miss the point" - sure you will... :)

    They can find 7 others and enter easily. Or queue and run whatever's available. That's what I do.

    Doesn't matter what "the point" is. People will use it how they see fit and I - for one - would use it to avoid people, especially those, that can't play very well. And my experience in DCUO tells me - I wouldn't be the only one.

    That's nice. But have you ever wondered why companies offer huge discounts and bonuses to new customers only? Or why drug dealers don't step on "tasters". New players are more important, than "vets" who are already invested. New player can quit the game at any time, never to return if they're having a bad time. You can't. You'll b**** and moan, but you'll keep buying new stuff. Welcome to MMOholics Anonymous... :)

    Of course... Sorry... OF COURSE THEY HAVE... I never made a group for Kahnadaq, for example, because I could solo it and be done with it. Or why would I make a group for the Nexus, or FOS3 feats, if I can get a friend and we can DPS it in less time than it takes to LFG a group. I'm happy that they're there, but don't pretend, like they have no impact on queues. I've queued Kahnaq for months with not a single success. Why? Maybe because people who need it don't bother queuing for it, let alone LFG.

    Yeah... No.
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