I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    It was the right approach, why fragment the playerbase more then you have to? Because a few people want to get their styles without the need of others, or want to live out a power fantasy in a multiplayer setting?

    My queues went from hours to minutes at most. Instances went back from spectators sport, to something more resembling a game.

    And youre telling me, that you getting to single-handledly dictate the speed of a raid, though outrageous stats that were never designed nor intended for those instances, was healthier for the community then everyone having a chance to participate in enjoying the game?
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Not even that.

    Its about "showing your progression" right?

    Why, oh why, do you always need to be rewarded for doing something you could do in your sleep....?

    Ironic, isnt it?
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  3. Emoney Dedicated Player

    So, you're worried your precious perspective wont be shared by the community? Funny.

    It's simple, all new players will have to play through at intended CR at least once. Then after that, they can choose to return to it either at the original CR or their current CR.

    You super awesome clampers can continue to choose to run it at original CR to grind away 3 hrs in one raid and teach those players and suffer with them for all the Mark's and irrelevant gear ya want.

    Or choose to blast through at your current CR to get that feat ya need, or the one style rng has held back.

    I'd also like it to work with our teleporter so I can go in unclamped solo, or with partial groups.
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  4. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Dont edit my suggestion, I have the right to suggest it.
    And yes, styles and feats, at higher CR, without marks just like it was for over 8 years.
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  5. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    I guess you missed the "of us" when i said "what about those of us?" Like including myself in that group.

    About the option thing, others have give you the explanation but from the moment you don't want to understand that explanation they gave you there is nothing to do.
  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I highly doubt you have more experience in the forums than the sp in game, get real.

    August 9th of 2017 and you have less than 100 sp??? You shouldn't even get a place at this table then honestly.
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  7. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    You know people takes breaks from time to time from a game right? Do you know why did i take a break? Because pre-clamp the game (to give it a name) was boring as hell, moreover it wasn't a game at all.

    The only good thing about pre-clamp it was that i could be reading a book or making up while pressing my AOE attack, and complete the instance, yes in a way i miss that, i was reading more books at that time.
  8. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Whatever the case, I still dont believe you, but ya know what, thats ok, because you are only one person in this thread of quite a few. I was being generous with 90%, because I didnt want a semantics argument if I said all, or most. But the rest of the people I recognize here, I've seen in game, and they fall under the elite....and some elitist catagory. My characterization of their motives still stands. Players with almost all of the feats in the game shouldn't be rooting for others to struggle, or out right never reach that same plateau. Its unrealistic and unfair for newer players.

    I'm close to 600 sp myself, and I'll be the first here to admit nearly half of those feats I got were in the range of 2 to 4 dlcs past the target content...as was intended when the content was created for certain feats. The 15 CR over we get today in clamped is torturous, especially to someone like me that has run many instances hundreds of times. I will die on this hill, that the ONLY reason most of these people in here supporting the clamp is that they will never be challenged by newer players in the SP catagory. I watch my leaguemates settle for 300 to 400 SP, and that shouldn't ever happen. Likewise I've seen newer recruits quit because they realize they're looking at 10 years of grinding, even when theyve progressed through 100% of the content naturally.

    Something needs to be compromised here, and I feel an option paired with targeted teleports and groups will benefit everyone. You want clamped, you can still have it. You want new people to choose how they play, they can have that too. And for people like myself that want to grind out bounties, or counter feats at my obtained CR, I can have that, without affecting any of the other groups mentioned.
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  9. Emoney Dedicated Player

    You keep going back to this fragmenting the community, but you do realize many many players opt out of certain omni runs right? You claim Qs are fast now, awesome, but currently I let the timer time out for quite a few raids and alerts I wont do at only 15CR over. I also know many others that share this sentiment. The same amount of people that given a choice, would teleport by themselves into a raid or open world at their current CR and get it done...so, it wouldnt change your precious Q times.

    And also, to the fragmenting, what do you call elite content and now elite plus. Elite plus is literally designed and released for what, 10% of this community? Any complaints there?
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Or they could leave the system uncomplicated as is?
  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    The other MMO I play, Final Fantasy XIV, allows players to run unclamped or “unsynced” as it is call there by turning it on or off in the Party Finder. It seems to mirror the suggestion Emoney has advocated for implementing.

    Here is a link explaining how it works and why it is there:

    I just want to add that as of last month FF 14 exceeded 24 million active players, which means there are at lease 24 million players willing to spend $74.99 every 6 months to play. They offer a way to run dungeons unsynced “unclamped” with loot limitations and all groups seem to be happy about it. My Free Company (League) I belong too will run these with me to help me get my mounts, etc, and I am great full to them for their help.

    In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I just want to observe that we all (Anti-Clamper / pro-clampers) love DCUO else we wouldn’t be here arguing with each other so passionately about it. We at lease have this in common.
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  12. The Con Dedicated Player

    Once again....

    What successful business model ever relied on not giving the majority of their customers what they want??
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  13. The Con Dedicated Player

    You're right.

    This is the stages of the grief of death..... of this game. (Something that we would like to avoid)
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  14. The Con Dedicated Player

    "Warning: People will poke holes in your argument and point out that money schemes of augments and allies shouldn't actually replace natural building of strength through actual gameplay and rewards"
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  15. The Con Dedicated Player

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  16. The Con Dedicated Player

    What part of having an option that allows that 10% to play how they want to play do you not understand??
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No joke....I watch more TV now while in an omni than I did when things were unclamped (my eyes are too shot for books). Unless trying for a feat (why would I do that in an omni?), which requires pressing cogs or limiting burn, I can run most things with my eyes closed. The few 'tough' instances that require attention be paid to mechanics are also the ones that fail the most due to the other players....so I'll avoid them. The other 80% of the runs? Yeah...still mindless pew-pew....just slower. Roles don't require much more either, but I do have to keep a corner of my eye on the screen to make sure I'm not smacking into a wall too much. Prior to the clamp, if I were in an EEG run, it was generally to help someone with a feat, or particularly screwed up run...so I had to pay attention more. Now? Just a reward box after the run....how I get there? Meh....doesn't matter.
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  18. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    You said that and also you are the author of:
    Which seems to be somekind of elitism.

    But you were right, i don't have 100sp, i just checked (i wish you could check it but at the moment you can't) and i have 223sp so beware of my overwhelming power.

    I don't know any player with 600sp (or more, i would even say thay neither with 500 but...just in case) but i would say the 99% of them don't care how many sp you have they care if you can do the instance, nothing more. If you were talking about PVP maybe some players would be afraid of other getting more sp but in PVE?

    I understand that you want to finish your feats or to get those faraday (i've finished it a couple of days ago) to complete the face style, but that is not the way. For the bounties i saw yesterday two groups doing it (one from BOP to Deluge and the other from Deluge to BOP), a week ago i saw a group doing the Metropolis battlezone bounties, people continue doing them, maybe not at the best of times for you but it's happening.

    Do you realise that other people don't let the timer run out right? People who queue only for the omni runs and earlier they didn't queue on those at all, so even if it's a tiny part, some characters have benefited from that. By providing teleporters you will only take away people who can help the low sp's, and we don't have to wonder, we already now from pre-clamp times.

    You must be kidding me. The dead of the game? Ok, you know the words but not the meaning in that paragraph you quoted.

    Re-read all the posts from page 150 until this one, you will re-discover all the explanation you required to understand it. Then you'll understand why you are on bargaining phase.
  19. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    Well, i was thinking on metal II alert, without clamp who would care about the lack of air? Almost right now you have to think about it, and i wouldn't say that alert is hard at all.
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Any halfway decent healer can heal through the lack of air with their eyes closed...same as when it was unclamped. The fight just last a little longer now.
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