Some inequality of difficulty between players "might" and "precision"?...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tolly, Nov 17, 2022.

  1. Tolly Committed Player

    I find that in recent years, players in the "might" category suffer too much inequality and that specific players do not face the same degree of difficulty.

    What makes me think of this is due to the fact that the category players "accuracy constantly jumps with their gameplay and this has always left me feeling that it is for them, a strong advantage allowing them thus, to avoid much more easily dangerous attacks, see for certain, not to suffer them as can be suffered by players of category "might".

    I’ve been watching this for a long time and I don’t think I’m wrong in thinking that what dies too simply and often the first victims are the might players, his last ones have to undergo a more static gameplay with longer animations, in addition to having to jump and sometimes jump to cut an animation in order to be able to "block" more, I find that his last times, In the instances, we barely have time to become aware of the dangers, up to sometimes or some deadly dangers, are hardly visible.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  3. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It's the price "might" players have to pay for having such simplistic combat rotations. They get to press 1 2 3 and compete with the sweaty precision players that are battling arthritus. Less mobility and needing to anticipate incoming attackd a bit better is a small price to pay, me thinks.
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  4. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    And precision has to tap and hold a button don't try saying precision is harder when all you have to do is have all the mobility and your arts come with no risk. Every precision is ether using dual Wield or brawling mastery
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Yep thats why prec is the meta which also makes the power people play less important no one really bothers about might loadouts anymore just dual wield/brawling prec which gets boring.
  6. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    For the most part prec players do great adds damage, and might players carry the team in boss damage. So what really matters more? The big general damage number or the big boss damage number? I say boss.
  7. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Agreed, but sweaty precision players can keep up in single target as well. They just have to clip everything perfectly and press a lot more buttons.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes because all prec dps do is just tap weapon combos lol…

    Might for the most part is far easier than precision. Why? Because prec actually has to have proper clipping to actually do damage. A true depiction of difficulty also isn’t as simple as might vs prec either. Some might powers have more complex rotations too. Look at it this way.

    Channel based might
    Novice Pet might
    1234 based might
    Novice Pet prec
    Advance pet might
    Advance pet prec
    Slow combo might
    Light clip prec
    Fast combo might
    Heavy clip prec & heavy clip might

    For the most part might is far easier then prec because most might powers fall into the easier categories. Look at munitions. Does good damage and is the single easiest power to master. Then look at gadgets. Because of the sheer amount of clipping it’s one of the harder powers to use.
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  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Lol… just lol
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  10. zNot Loyal Player

    Groundbreaking response
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  11. zNot Loyal Player

    Good luck keeping up with prec gadgets/elec in single target as might :)
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I find it funny because you always keep making these ludicrous claims about how much better prec is over might when it’s not true. The only people I see doing this are those who don’t actually test abilities and rotations.

    At this very moment might and prec are actually in a good spot. Because of the changes to WoP I actually think might has more potential too.
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  13. GermanM Committed Player

    In your opinion what powersets have a chance to do equal or superior damage in might vs prec?
  14. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    You're either about to get called an elitist or about to get told to go back to your game breaking meta. There is no reasoning whatsoever with zNot. If he picks up even the slightest whiff of a convo on dps strategies that aren't what he believes the game to be, he will be on you like a fly on dung.
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    To me it’s more about making sure others reading it don’t blindly listen to him lol
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    In general combo powers do tend to lead towards might over prec since the heavy side of the combo is in the combo part over the tray ability. HL being one specifically that comes to mind.

    Look at it this way. The biggest advantage prec had over might have come in 3 specific powers. Electric, gadgets, and mental. For the most part these have been the biggest “you’re only beating me cause you’re prec” powers. The reason for this is that these powers used to be the best powers to take advantage off EoG. Electric with hits 15 sec sc and mental/gadgets with their ability to have multiple SCs within their stealth. However since they changed WoP every power now has access to a 12 second SC. On top of that it also does damage and increases crits. But not just that. It only increases the crits from might damage. Not prec. So yet another advantage to might.
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  17. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    It is literal misinformation.
  18. Tolly Committed Player

    the use of keys doesn't mean anything, here it's a question of mobility in the action of danger, might may seem simple as you say with the keys, but it's not about that, Might is slower and more static than precision players and it's much more dangerous for might type players than precision players!

    Might is facing a double inequality between damage and mobility...
  19. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That’s not true…

    Might players can hop while using abilities to maintain mobility. Prec dps are also clipping weapons attacks with mint abilities. On top of that if a weapon combo isn’t clipped or jumped out of them they are locked into animation for a longer time than might is. Since most clip weapon combos with might abilities it means that they are also going through similar animation times

    So no. It’s not facing inequality in neither damage nor mobility. So both are false