Remove artifact swapping from the game pls ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tomazo, Oct 21, 2022.

  1. Capt. Retro Well-Known Player

    Honestly, if this is true then that is really concerning. Would be nice if there was a little more transparency on this stuff and a LOT more communication on it by the developers. If there was ever a PS version of test I'd love to take part, but that's not really possible so this is actually a very real situation if you have a tiny incentivized or motive driven subset pushing for changes they arbitrarily deem appropriate.

    I'd love to give the developers the benefit of the doubt in that they can discern what is good feedback and what is not needed but with the way some things in this game seem so out of touch with the player base....I'm not entirely sold.
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  2. Ranmaru Developer

    I've seen this kind of thread pop up a few times already, so I'll go ahead and give my thoughts on the matter. While inherently swapping artifacts in combat was possible the gameplay flow that arises from that behavior was not initially understood or known to be an issue.

    As the game develops we as developers can get a wider lens understanding of how certain features impact the health and fun of the game, and to that end artifact swapping is intended to some degree. While I personally understand how 'sweaty tac swapping' can have a negative impact on players enjoyment of the game and increase the widening gap of player skill/expectation.

    that being said; in the future I will investigate Artifact swapping and how it pertains to balance & health of the game and while the results of that investigation might not please everyone, the intent is to make the game healthier and more fun for everyone.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone. Also Black Adam was an alright movie.
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  3. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I have to say.. IF Artifact Swapping is ok then Why not swapping of Gear or Trinkets While in Combat.
    I have no issues with swapping things when your NOT in combat but when you are Everything excluding Sodas should be COMBAT LOCKED
  4. zNot Loyal Player

    Thank you so much for answering also on a saturday you are a blessing! And its so good to read that,i cant wait for the changes that will improve the health of the game for the majority of the community.
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  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    If Eye of Gemini was fixed then it would greatly reduce the need for alot of the art swaps

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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I agree, they should nerf it in to the ground

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    What kind of glasses are you wearing lol. Always find a way to make every dev post look like they are siding with you lol.

    For everyone else who isn’t delusional. The statement says they will investigate art swapping and how it affects the game. This does not mean one way or the other. Just that they are aware of how people feel and will act based on said investigations. Some will be happy and some will not.

    That’s all.
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  8. zNot Loyal Player

    Hmm? What about the trollers swapping arts 24/7? That has nothing to do with EoG. EoG and art swap are the two most broken things in the game atm.
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  9. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    The controllers swapping 10 arts is like 0.01% of the playerbase. Even I don't do that, its overkill. A troll only needs to swap cog/tetra unless he is really bad at debuffing adds in elite and then can swap both and run BOP
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually it has everything to do with the EOG, most of the swapping done is in an effort to amplify the effects of one over performing artifact, guess which one. ;)
  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I agree with you. Ranmaru took time out of his Saturday (actually it is Caturday, just saying) to interact with us and offer a true perspective from the Dev's point of view on this matter. I personally have no opinion on tac swapping as long as it doesn't adversely impact our (all players in the alert / raid) performance against the Boss. Such as, right in the middle of a Boss fight, the healer stops to "tac swap" causing a player(s) to get ko'd because they were too busy changing artifacts out to pay attention to the fight.

    Ranmaru as shown me that the devs do care and are willing to interact with us, even on their day off, which is rare. I know I personally don't want to talk about work or interact with clients on my day off lol, so for Ranmaru to do so is admirable.
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  12. kingofthebeast Active Player

    Need for art swaps? How ?
  13. kingofthebeast Active Player

    He literally only responded to what ranmaru said. Show me where znot said anything about ranmaru siding with him?
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  14. zNot Loyal Player

    when we as the community talked about art swap months ago with some footage from appo we were shown that of a troller that swapped litteraly every 2-3 sconds to keep up the buffs of a ton of arts for the entire group for the entire duration of the fight this is different then dpses art swapping the troller buffs the entire group with x number of arts by swapping the dpses do it to buff themselves except when they use EOG i agree with you but both are a problem not just EoG and to say the trolling aspect isnt impactfull is far from the truth imo.
  15. zNot Loyal Player

    He wants to let us his anger on me because he didnt like the response from ranmaru :p
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  16. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Merge the Cog/Tetra passives into one artifact.............
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Ranmaru's response was realistically a "I'll take a look at it at some point and the end results of that investigation are unlikely to please some", Ranmaru has actually said "tac swapping" to some extent is intended, but that sweaty swapping may be causing issues - we already knew this and this is no different from any other prior dev response.

    Not to speak for Ranmaru but that sounds to me like any solution is likely to be somewhat in between, with a restriction on sweaty swapping and a retention to casual swapping.

    Ranmaru was not siding with either side in his comment.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    right, lol, might stop the DPS fighting over the buff troll lol :D
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  19. zNot Loyal Player

    Similar to EoG interms of response not a direct answer but he said „the intent is to make the gamer healthier and more fun for everyone“ that to me sounds good because these things arent healthy at all,i hope he will find a way to balance both of these things eog/art swap.
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  20. Controller Devoted Player


    You mean give Controllers the option to ACTUALLY have another slot in their / our inventory to FINALLY start using another Controller-Specific Artifact?

    Christmas in October.
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