I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    Orrr... Maybe next time you could actually just read?

    I dunno.... Or try just not being a +++?

    You probably won't.... Couldn't hurt to offer those suggestions, I suppose.
  2. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I don't know... People who want sh*t handed to them on a platter?....
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  3. The Con Dedicated Player

    Even if that motive that you made up in your head was true.... It's not.... But, hey, why let reality stop you...

    That doesn't change the outcome that with the clamp, weaker players are now a greater liability to success rates and are now more actively avoided.

    But, hey... Not every one can be right, slugger...

    Just try harder next time.
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  4. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Perhaps. But that only realistically matters in the EG. In the low tiers - I'll happily join any group, or omnibus instance. Because most of that stuff is still quick and easy.

    Before the clamp "weaker" players were carried most of the way to the endgame by overgeared EG godlings, then yelled at and kicked to the curb for not having learned how to play the game. Hardly better, imho.

    I can't help but feel, that your attempts at condescension are severely undermined by your wit, sir...
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Meh...this is where we start to differ in opinion. Assuming SOME of the feats, mainly grindy count and checklist ones, were available, I'd think the optional would not be ran by that many all the time. The lack of substantial loot would mean people would hit some feats, then move along back to clamp where they can get more loot.

    Grind/checklist feats are made to give us reasons to run and re-run content. At first while the content is new, so it's always jumping even after the big Thrus/Friday push for loot...at least in the early stages of a DLC (not 7 months in), and then when 'old' because new players will need to run and re-run for those feats. Well, now that loot and gear drops unlimited, people will still run the old content for loot. This was NOT true a bit over a year ago....although accounts seem to be conflicted form the other side. It was either dead as a doornail, OR run so often by endgame goons that no new player had a chance of participating. In either case, MOST players were not going in for loot save the few runs that dropped a goodie at the end or on a boss like ZooE. BTW..I'd be fine with those items NOT being available in unclamped...just like they are NOT available in 'event' for the most part.

    SO....if that's true, and an option that didn't have ALL the feats available (or even if ALL feats were available), you'd have some players go into the runs to grab some quick counts, checklists or maybe briefs/investigations even. But seeing as by all reports, NO fun was being had in these runs (I mean, who would have fun steamrolling a boss?), AND no meaningful loot would be awarded, people should move back to omni or standard on-duty once the SP were gathered. And again, I'd say most 'skill' based feats could stay in clamped to preserve the need for skills to get them.

    Now...in EU, Switch or Xbox...I can't speak for the population....but my guess is that past an initial burst of 'get it now' feat spamming, eventually the unclamped option would become more niche with people forming a group...going into a run and getting what they need, then moving along to loot or other feats in clamped. Just a guess though.
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  6. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Or a large number of people, having got the feats, would find the shortest clamped raid to get the most marks per hour and farm that - like what happens during double mark weeks. And of course - the latest episodes. Once that's done - they'd probably go play something else for the next 4 months, until the next episode's release.

    We're all guessing, but generally average players will do what's most convenient and/or fun. And they will choose convenience over grind pretty much any time - even if it ends up spoiling their fun in the long run. Most players in MMOs only care about current EG, because they've played the older content to death and/or because that's what their friends are playing. I don't believe many people want to grind most of the time-consuming old content just for a few marks and the odd rare style - as it is. And without the feats - those unclamped raids will only be populated with players of relevant CR, of which there are few, rarely enough to have a PUG queue fill. Meaning they will be officially dead content.

    That's why I suggested earlier, that perhaps some sort of "trim" of the content could be a solution - have some content exclusively clamped, for marks, gear drops and the core storyline, and some only as "extra" content, not required for EEG progression but accessible separately for feats, or story, clamped or not. It would be far from ideal, but at least it would focus the playerbase on perhaps the best parts of the mountain of content, making the queues pop faster, without increasing the number of options in On Duty menu.
  7. The Con Dedicated Player

    Well... I'm sure to you, it seems that way.

    That's why Chapelle doesn't do children's birthday parties.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Both these things are true today. For the people who don't need feats, I'd say they also would take he shortest raid and EG.

    And yes....some sort of event or spotlight would be helpful to drive traffic to unloved content. However, that was true of the pre clamp (and suggested then too) and yet other than the 'raid the universe' 1 time event we had, it wasn't done then either....I have no confidence that they'd do it now.
  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Did I ever state that I had one?
  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    What I don't understand is, if it's not practical to use Omnibus specifically for feat hunting (and most form their own groups for them anyway), how would optional with just feats cease Omnibus queues or cause any kind of suspected "split?" After folks get the feats, how could they "not go back ever" if Omnibus is freakin' random? Lol. Makes no sense.
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  11. Amoxin Well-Known Player


    4. EG (and a bunch of EEG) players just queue fish thereby effectively removing themselves from the population as well.
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  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Omnibus is random, but if an instance pops up that you don't feel like running, because it's long, or difficult, or you have all the feats - you can just reject it and requeue. Maybe you don't do it - many do.

    There are plenty of players who don't have 600+SP and need a lot of feats. Like myself. At the moment, I'm running anything, because most instances still have something I need and even in a PUG I may get lucky. If I could get most of those feats easily, by making a T6 group and methodically getting them in a couple of afternoons - you bet I would be running Omnibus and low tier PUGs a lot less, focusing instead on EG, or PvP feats, or simply another game.

    This game's population doesn't just consist of fresh level 30 players and vets, who have played for years. It's a bell-curve - the majority is somewhere in the middle, or at least should be. And if you give us the option to conveniently skip the majority of the grind - we will, because why not? Leaving a huge gap in the tiers. You can't have a healthy population with most people on the extremes of the progression scale.

    That's why Id' prefer if some of the least popular content was removed from Omnibus and general On Duty and the EEG was streamlined, so that we have effectively fewer options for queuing, than to have all the current content doubled, by adding unclamped version of everything.
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Here's the thing you're not being funny and if you're trying to be funny you're doing a bad job of it.
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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Omnibus is actually pretty good for "I have a bunch of random stuff to fill in" Feat Hunting. It's not ideal for "I have elite feats that I need a group or a league to accomplish" Feat Hunting, but if you're gonna be queueing specific content anyway, then Omnibus isn't a factor in your process aside from whatever seat fillers may come along.
  15. Grim931 Committed Player

    Just had another somewhat rough run in Nexus... again...

    Somehow topped the leaderboard in damage out, without even trying, while running Tank role the entire duration of the instance...

    Score card ended with 33:35 on the timer. My numbers:
    Overall Damage - 1,841,058
    Boss Damage - 834,673
    Pick ups - 3
    Knocked out - 0

    Next highest DPS:

    This is exactly the thing I hate about the clamp. How big of an impact dead weight has on a team. Could've easily shed 10 minutes off the timer if the DPS's were decent, and if they were paying attention. Had to both type in chat and use voice chat to somehow make it through the two split bosses at the end of the tunnels. Barely got that fight accomplished.

    Obviously, had there been a way to run unclamped... would take that in a heartbeat over this mild level of frustration. This wasn't even the worst one, at least we got through it all the way. My back might be hurting from it, but we did it...

    Still not fun.

    Have both video and image "evidence" if anyone would like to try to suggest I'm lying or exaggerating. 20 minute video up to the Nexus Omega Drone (captured what I could... didn't know if I was going to stay through to the end at this point) and the final scorecard capture.

    Forgot to mention... there were only 2 players that weren't above the content CR limit. An 88 controller and a 93 DPS. The 93 DPS also managed to catch up/surpass a 118 DPS, so kudos to that person.

    The rest were 118's.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Players fishing instances aren't removing themselves from the population, they're still in the EEG, omnibus population they're just manipulating the instances being given an opportunity to run, which is detrimental to the systems intent - they actually need to be punished, through sticks and carrots, but we agreed to this earlier I think.

    Increased rewards, escalating abandonment penalty.
  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    So you completed the run, it was a 30 minute run, but it was ONLY a 30 minute run, and there was at least one other DPS within less than 30,000 of your own output the entire time. I don't know if it's evidence of how "terrible" the clamp makes things, but hey - I've been playing for almost 10 years now so my definition of "bad" is a coming into a Raid with 3 hours on the timer and 40 different names on the board.

    Are you like, telling on yourself? Because "another guy's within literally four seconds of output of beating my score" doesn't sound like you're carrying the Raid solo, it sounds like you had at least one other capable DPS in there and it also sounds like you got it done, just not in 15 seconds.

    Nexus - at level - usually takes at least 15-20 minutes even with all cylinders firing, because of the mechanics and the multiple instances of "Go Fetch Lex" alone. This isn't the damning statement you think it is - but making it work with a couple of undergeared in the instance DOES sound and look like it's still perfectly possible to do.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Players being bad isn't a reason to unclamp though, let's see the video :)
  19. Amoxin Well-Known Player

    We do agree about this point. Also why I used the word "effectively." By just fishing, they are removing themselves from a majority of the runs that could pop to just a few. Yes they are still in the queues, but not using it as intended, which is in the same line of issues that were being discussed.
  20. Grim931 Committed Player

    This is where reading really helps...

    Said I was on top of the scorecard in damage...

    As a tank. Not trying to deal Damage. Trying to tank.
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