Was the demotion of FP announced?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reinheld, Oct 7, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    That's point I'm making it's not hidden.

    You can see your progress by taking things off and putting them on and seeing the impact it has in the stats tab. You can literally see it, it's not hidden.

    You can then also obviously measure performance, you don't even really need to time it, you know roughly speaking what this content felt like (Flashpoint) before this happened, you'll know deep down whether this is harder.

    I ran FV-R just the other day with randoms in 8 minutes and because I didn't have the personal benchmark I looked up Youtube to find similar times just recently in terms of completion.

    Knowing those players in my group weren't optimal I can easily tell the time to complete would've been quicker than a recent run shown on Youtube if the group were optimal - so how is that not progress?

    That is what I keep saying, this content is now easier clamped than it was the day before, no matter what you're reading into in terms of your decreased CR or stats. It's simply easier - so how is that not progress?

    Be actually objectively honest for a moment, I get you don't like the clamp, but lay down the feelings for a moment and be honest about it.

    Your only issue really seems to be that you can't squash the living hell out of it.
  2. Grim931 Committed Player

    All of the points you're making literally have nothing to do with what I'm talking about...

    And there are things you just can't see by taking gear off and on. You'll see a fraction of what's happening. It involves no work for you, so again... why be difficult over this? It's not like I'm asking for the complete removal. I just want to see what's happening. I want to see progress. You literally have no reason to dismiss this other than our disagreement in another thread, which is absolutely immature and childish.

    Already stated countless times that yes, I'm against it because of that very reason. I'm more of a casual player and absolutely refuse to waste my life away in this game. If I play, it's maybe 20-40 minutes any more if at all. I'm not going to waste that in a single raid from 3-10 years ago waiting on people to figure out what they're doing. I don't have any patience for it. It isn't fun. I simply don't have time for it.

    Before, I did. Raids took 10-15 minutes max. Alerts were even faster usually. It fit my time constraints, it was fun, and I didn't feel the need to constantly chase skill points to feel stronger. I have a ton of Alts that I liked to go through, and being able to go back into old content on them without the need to have absolutely everything maxed was nice for me.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    MMO math is complicated. We wouldn't understand the mysteries of stat piercing, right? Maybe we need the Wisdom of Solomon to decipher it for us. Flashpoint is now EEG and there is nothing to be done about it.

    If you are burned out on current EG, try what I am doing like playing something else or catching up on Netflix or something. The new DLC will be here soon and we will have something to occupy of our time. Which means we can forget about EEG content if we want too.

    I realize you enjoy taking your alts through the old content, but I think if it were me, I would just use a CR skip on them and be done with it. But that's just me. We are all different and want to play the way we want which is the correct way to go about things. We have choices and choices are always a positive.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    The part that was more directly in response to you what you said was highlighted in pink, that is why I highlighted it, so you wouldn't just attempt to dismiss what I said off hand as being irrelevant - but I see you tried that anyway.

    The rest of what I said was more widely associated with this thread, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is about the demotion of FP content.

    Just dial it back for a moment as well and understand this - I literally do not care what you've said to me in any other thread, this isn't personal to me, nothing on here is.

    Coming back now quickly to the point, you can work out what progress you've actually getting, you just have to put in some effort to look, You've said it involves "no work for me" that's not true, it requires you to go in and actually look at what is happening in your stats and how what you personally have on your character is impacting. I'm not going to do that work for and nor should I, so it's not about me being "difficult over this", you need to actually do it.

    I appreciate the fact you play this game around your personal time constraints, but the reality is we all do and irrespective of our personal circumstances the game has to be balanced around what is 'largely speaking' ideal for most people. No one is going to be perfectly happy and that's what compromise is.

    That point aside and to drive the point home again the Flashpoint content is not harder now it's clamped, it's easier.
  5. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Eh, I went on to solo FP Doomsday and he feels just as bulky as before, whereas other old bounties like Metahuman and Metal Titan die quite quickly. Haven't tested the other FP content yet, I'm curious to know about FF elite since it's the first instance with the additional difficulties to fall down to EEG.
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    You're comparing Tier 6 bounties with Tier 5 bounties, notwithstanding, seen how quick Radio Starfish dies compared to Metahuman and Metal Titan?

    Not all of the open world bounties are the same, the issue isn't really whether they are, it's whether they change compared to their prior selves. I checked Doomsday as well and there's no way he's as dificult.

    Like I said I also ran FV-R, improvements were visible and yeah FF Elite could be interesting, I haven't checked it, might get around to it eventually, I guess we'll see.

    Targeted feedback might be needed there and targeted feedback is exactly what we should be looking at :)
  7. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I don't think it's fair to compare any bounties with Radio Starfish. That one was an unlockable mission that was an easy weekly solo bonus.

    That aside, should it really matter if I'm comparing different Tiers' bounties?
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I would provide feed back if I thought it would do any good, which it won’t. Any feed back is immediately met with denials of issues present.

    Case in point being the new On Duty UI. Feed back is being given and nothing will be done.
  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    By nature different bosses have different difficulties. Even within the same dlc. Look at thanagar. The nth metal guy and sin both come up from the exact same point yet one burns much faster. Look at metal bat and the iconics, the bat is generally harder. Even look at the different princes. The one that charges is so easy one can face tank him without being a tank (I’ve done it before the clamp while it the newest dlc). That one easier than all other princes. You can’t really compare one open world boss to another. That’s why you want to compare them to themselves after changes are made. When going from the day before it went into eeg to the day after it went to eeg it didn’t get more difficult at all. In fact it got a bit easier.

    So even thou your cr drops from one day to the next, the difficulty of said dlc also went down to match. This is why I keep saying that people need to stop focusing on the cr change and look at how those runs actually go.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah cause some of them obviously are somewhat different

    I mean look too at Metal Manbat compared to Metal Titan just for example, one is demonstably easier than the other despite them being the same tier and in fact the very same open world.

    The mechanics within the bounties can obviously make the fights difficult to compare also.

    Calc Bot compared to Doomsday? Doomsday compared to Paradox Prince?
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I get that you are upset but what exactly is the point of making bitter post in multiple threads? It’s the weekend the devs will read the feedback and make changes as the read through them. Same with the changes made to flashpoint becoming EEG. If anything is an outliner they will make adjustments. What they will ignore is comments that have no value and are just made because one is upset.

    And for the record, since I know what you’re gonna say. No I’m not saying you don’t have a right to be upset or even that you have to like flashpoint now being EEG. Not even saying that you shouldn’t post. Just saying that if you want them to make changes than actually give constructive feedback.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Tiffany you need to articulate your feedback so that it doesn't just amount to "I have less stats this is awful, I'll never play it"

    Go in to a run of FF or FV for example and record it, see what its like, see what actually happens, then let's compared it to other encounters, let's compare to other recordings we have available of this content pre clamp.

    If you provide feedback that actually highlights an issue then the discussion around it can't be avoided or dismissed, that only happens when you don't provide meaningful data to trigger the discussion.
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    The On Duty UI is not functioning as intended.
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    The new UI is functional to the extent that it can be used, it's not like people can't actually play the game despite minor annoyances.

    The new UI in many respects is better, does it need some work, absolutely, does it need to be thrown out, of course not.
  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I can’t get into the Vault - it is unusable to me on PS4
  16. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Hmm, I meant it more so in the way that they are designed. Metal Titan feels like a 4 player bounty (it isn't), whereas Metal Man-Bat is the "big bad" of the open world, comparing those most difficult bounties from one tier with the other tier's most difficult. Maybe there should be a bounty tier list on threat level. :p

    So FP Doomsday compared to the likes of Metahuman, Calculator, Shogg Lord, Shadow Golem, Giant Robot. He feels just as bulky as when he was still unclamped, whereas that's not the case with those other bosses. On the other hand, I don't feel as threatened as before, although the random players who interrupt me were still dying anyway.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    I actually agree having a decent list on threat level could be useful lol :D

    I think loosely you're probably right in the extent that different bounties could be compared where an appropriate equivelent is there right, so as a loose list it might be

    Big Threat
    Starro Conqueror
    Titan Robot
    Brine Hulk
    Shadow Golem
    Metal Manbat
    Ominar Synn
    UV Bounty
    Shadow Batmage

    Moderate Threat
    Applied Science Weekly
    Fearsome Five Bounty
    Trench Mother
    Pod Demon
    Shogg (possibly big but will leave here)
    Metal Titan
    Nth Metal Golem
    Paradox Prince
    Flashpoint Generals (possibly big cause there's two of them, but will leave here)
    Doomed Washington Minor Bounty (Black Manta etc)
    Dark Knight Bounty

    That's probably where we need to start looking at comparing I guess, yeah? I've excluded Wonderverse and Legion because those bosses were always a bit different, but we know for certain they're nerfed.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Good customer service involves handling upset customers
  19. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    The only aspect I see it being better is the favourites, but I fail to see how we can describe "many" aspects of it being better. It's harder to navigate, it's counter intuitive, and from where I sit, it's been so frustrating to use that I've logged off rather than use it. If you go through my posts, I'm usually a cheerleader of changes, but this one, which is a big part of the gaming experience, is a mess, it needs to be sent back and workshopped some more or improved dramatically in the coming weeks, if not days.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Agreed, but not in so far as simply surrendering to complaints that aren't reasonably founded in any sort of fact though.
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