I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    To be fair, I've been in tons of runs that went exactly like that. Heck, even in my early days I just did what everyone else did or what I was told. Didn't actually learn any of those mechanics until I built my own groups to get the feats. Just random, but was funny that I've been in so many groups described almost word for word as you wrote :p
  2. Amoxin Well-Known Player

    I would love it if people would give instructions. First time I was in TSW (event), I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do. No instructions. It just seemed like a rofl-stomp event. I had no idea of anything going on in the background. I got smashed a couple of times, once I died because my soder was on CD and I think the only healer in the group was dead or had just been rallied. But I was just going with it, then I got fragmented. I was able to figure out what to do, it's a basic mechanic that I've seen before in other games. But it was obvious not everyone knew what to do. Communication should be key, but unfortunately people don't listen even if instructions are given.

    There are events that I would love to take the time to actually figure out the puzzles for (like the Crypt of Penthesilia), but people just start clicking things until they get it right, even when people say to hold on and not click anything. People just won't listen. Conversely, there was a run in the Underworld Trials where someone knew how to do everything and gave instructions and people actually listened once they realized that the person was right. But if it weren't for that person, we would have never even made it past the Minotaur.
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  3. Big-Daddy_Serius New Player

    Well technically they can do it easily they already have the coding from prestat clamp all they have to do is load it in and only new coding they would have to is the different options bar even that will be pretty easy to do
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well the event TSW run is a bad example. Most event runs are faceroll runs, with he worst that can happen is you die and re-enter the fight with no loss of progress. The beam does not 1 shot anything, so no need to block (though it's good practice). The deadliest thing in the event is the fire trails...which I'd hope no one needs to be told 'don't stand in the fire', either in the game, or in real life.;)

    And while yes...you should learn the puzzles in COP...which is a fine alert...NOT knowing them will not cause you to fail...just get more adds and not get some easy feats. As long as someone is doing something, you can hang back and progress just fine just making pew-pew-pews. There is actually a feat for failing them completely ...which I had a random trying to do in a run without telling anyone....so it was hilarious when we did one of the puzzles 'right' and he left the run, miffed about not getting that feat. Never asked for it mind you...just started screwing things up...with a 'smh' and leaving when we did the right puzzle.

    I'm 100% fine with someone coming in and saying '1st time, anything I should know?' or 'how do mechanics work in here' on something like COP or the DM cards...or even Spindrifit's 2nd boss. Most times, as long as the group is not just rushing in, I'd explain things even...but in MOST omni runs, people are not waiting for that. LFG assembled runs...sure, but many times those groups are there FOR getting feats. People who are feat minded are not generally entering Omni for them, save checklists and counters...which do NOT require specific mechanics to get. Sometimes they don't care about mechanics as long as they can get the run finished. I also find that most people are not quick to offer up it's their first run or ask for help...until they've failed a few times already. Other players might be frustrated by then...so explaining or repeating explanations may not happen at that point.
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  5. Amoxin Well-Known Player

    True the event TSW may not be the best example, but it does point out arguments that I've previously made where people can learn the basic mechanics in an event, especially if those mechanics are educated through the event itself. Like a big pop up that says "Skull on you, block now" or "Find your matching symbol to get your powers back", something that actually helps teach the basics of an event, especially for players who are first time running something, which is what I think a lot of people would do if an event version were available. It gets your checklist and progression done and shows you how an event is supposed to work. I would even be fine with there being a gatekeeper check to make you do the event first, could just tie it to the journal and that would encourage progression too.

    And as far as puzzles go, you're right, most of the puzzles will not cause you to fail an event, they will just make it longer and more tedious and you might miss some feats unless you get a group to actually go in to get them. As far as the pew-pews go, it does get a little annoying bum rushing everything, especially on events where people will run in and activate a fight and you can get locked out. Especially when someone specifically speaks up at the beginning and asks for cooperation to get a feat. Homecoming is a good example. I don't know how many times I've run that with someone asking everyone for the get behind the shield feat just to get completely ignored. One time someone even said, f-that s, get your own group. So yay toxic players.

    I'm loath to even say anything about it being my first run on something, and there are still quite a few of them, simply because you then get the n00b attitude from some people. There are events that I've done multiple times that I still don't know what any of the mechanics are because it's all pew-pew. Not saying that is all the time, but I've seen it more times than I'm comfortable with. I've even seen people try to help and give instructions on exactly what to do and no one doing it leading to a wipe and then people just getting frustrated and leaving (Raven in Desecrated Cathedral and Murk in Crown of Thorns are two that immediately come to mind). I've not even tried SS or GOM simply from the horror stories I've heard and I've not really had much luck trying to get alert runs put together, much less raids. And most of the time the only LFGs I see are for Elite, and I'm not going to go in blind into an elite event, not that I would even be any help anyway because my SPs aren't great (126 I think) and my arts aren't great either (only 1 over 100). Yes those are things I can work on, and have been, but that's a whole other issue.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes...if you were a try hard a-hat, more interested in the amount of burn you could put out vs actually finishing a run, you would glitch bosses repeated. OR...if you knew what you were doing, you would not have this issue. Generally I avoided running with a-hats...be they top tier or noob. So I guess I didn't see this issue as often as the groups you ran in.

    And it's cool if you are pro-clamp. No one has told you not to be so.

    One of these notorious 'breaking' things was Scarecrow in Arkham. For a time I was farming some style that dropped only there on an alt toon so I ran it every day. Do you know how many times I ran into that boss glitch once I was aware of it? Zero times...because I'd walk in by myself. I'd never have risked running with 3 randoms as I wanted the run to finish. If I were queuing them up, I'd guess I'd have seen it many more times.

    BTW... NOT calling anyone here an a-hat. As far as I know...none of you personally did this. Anyone posting here is obviously a cut above and would NEVER had caused this issue. So point that ban hammer elsewhere Meeps.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    There is a real difference. Please review my other posts on the previous pages. I can feel a real difference when I go into Flashpoint with my full Death Metal gear CR 377 and playing that content versus how much weaker that I feel in EEG content with the exact same gear. I can feel much more stronger in Flashpoint content than I do in EEG content. There is a difference.
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  8. Tolly Committed Player

    @DEVS In view of this rather incomprehensible system of clamping and continuing to progress in CR, why not move towards a fixed CR? What is the point of continuing to progress in CR if, in the end, one is reduced to the bottom as an HL player? ....
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Then you're going to need to be able to show it in some way. Feelings are good and all, but having some kind of metric to back it up is essential in making a case. That's why I went with run times on instances as my metric. I'm not a number cruncher but I can at least keep track of time, and that's something that people can work with.

    My suggestion would be to find a piece of content that's in endgame and get some run times or some kind of data as a baseline. Then run that content after it leaves endgame and see what you end up with.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You actually said the same thing to her about your 'testing'...

    "I go by a "how it feels" method when it comes to testing."

    So why is ok for you to go by how it feels, and not her? Granted, maybe she's getting her butt whooped where you are not, but it's still an individual's experience...from their point of view.

    And if you are talking about time, we'll see the day after FP goes clamped. Right now both FP raids are being finished by endgame CR people(like 375+) in 5 min...maybe less if it's try hards. I suppose if it's still being done in 5 min, it should 'feel' about the same. I'd bet against it though.
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  11. The Con Dedicated Player

    Or how long it would take you do so FoS, solo, before the clamp.... and how long it takes, now, with 7 other people?

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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Lol at the fact you think it required someone to be a try hard to break an instance, that's just demonstrably false. You could break instances with absolute ease, by just hitting a few buttons and it would over damage the boss and glitch it out

    You are absolutely distorting the reality of it by implying effort was required, it absolutely wasnt and don't come back at me and pretend either like the person had to be an a-hat, that's not true either, you could glitch out the instance through sheer ignorance and often it wss, with absolutely no malicious intent at all

    I'm sorry Reinheld but what you've attempted to portray here is just flatly false and I suspect you know it, although expect you to come back at me with 6 paragraphs denying it lol
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    No, that's the wrong benchmark.
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    No, you cannot just go on feel, you have to have a metric in which to measure your feelings otherwise they're not based in fact.

    You cannot for example say the wonderverese solo feels longer now the day before it was clamped, if the clock to finish says otherwise.

    It will either be quicker, vindicating the position it's still easier or it will be longer and we can start talking about why.

    Theres no feelings in this, only facts, it either is or it isn't and you need both scenarios documented in order to start discussions.

    It would also be in the testers interests to ensure both runs are run identically and recorded.
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  15. The Con Dedicated Player

    Your reading comprehension is mind numbing.... He openly admitted that an instance could be glitched by sheer ignorance with no malicious intent.

    It's actually IN YOUR QUOTE.
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  16. The Con Dedicated Player


    Of course feelings can play into forming your opinion on something.


    It doesn't even really matter that the movie is "factually" 2 hours shorter than your feelings.
    You feeling that it's time wasted is enough:


    :confused: - "Duuhh! DAT'S NOT FAKTUAL!! DA MOVIE IS ONLY TWO HOURS!! DERP!!"


    Saying that someone "goes by feeling" (their quote) doesn't ultimately suggest that they "just go by feeling" (your quote).
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  17. The Con Dedicated Player

    For you.....

    For some of us who liked doing it solo?.... It's was a pretty nice bench.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Let's keep it civil shall we...

    That's absolutely fine then the words try hard and a-hat should never have been used because it's purpose is to create a hyperbolic misrepresentation of the actual reality.

    There's nothing try hard nor a-hole about it, the instances were being routinely broken effortlessly off which the clamp was designed to address, dig your heels in and deny it all you like, it won't change the reality.
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  19. KidKretz Committed Player

    took a break from the game, i see the same ppl are hating the clamp while the same are still defending it :)

    i plan on coming back in october to get my Predator alt to 30 and get all the halloween collection for all my alts if possible.

    left because the game was too hard in some content, and by too hard i mean i had to rely on other ppl doing things and they were constantly failing and wasting my time. once or twice is fine, but when it happens daily, the game is no longer fun.

    for october i plan on doing zero content with others and just chillin and deciding if i want to get back into "let down" mode again and play with others :p

    that is the only reason i hate the clamp, i dont have the option to hard carry like in the past. but playing on alts, i prob dont really have the option to hard carry either since my toons dont have any skill points and artifacts, so its no problem there this time around :p

    see ya all in a couple weeks!!!
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    No facts trump feelings, if you don't have a metric in which to measure your feelings then I'm going to respectfully suggest your feelings are of no consequence, not because your feelings don't matter but because they cannot measured in terms of having any tangible consequence.

    If you say to me the wonderverse solo feels longer, but in fact it can actually be completed 30 seconds quicker now than before then your feelings don't matter because the facts disagree with your feelings and the facts in scenario are all that matter.
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