I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    I agree. Remove the clamp its bs, I earned my right to be op. If you are not going to remove it then give us the option before each instance to run clamped or not, then it will shut everyone up. Don't like it don't run that option, simple as that.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Granted, I'm a bit above the norm, but I've also got mad excess. I also rarely use any of those extras now except to grab up some extra stabilizers and act as fillers to get into anything I want until they implement AQS.

    For all intents and purposes, the extra accounts never helped me with artis, allies, cr on any of the toons or accounts I actually play on and no longer PAY on. That stuff doesn't transfer.

    And no...I wouldn't want to have people HAVE to sub...the idea would be to make them WANT to sub. Right now the only reason to want to sub is to get discounts towards things you are made to feel you HAVE to buy. Don't call it a membership....call it a discount plan.....it would be more accurate.

    Besides this has gotten way off topic at this point. At least partially, my fault. I'll make another thread about the joy of dropping sub at some point, but lets get back to the topic of the OP.....bashing the clamp!;)
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ah...a 'lot of stuff'....such as? Discount on the MP (discount plan), some credit to spend in the MP (discount plan), a few extra trinkets so you didn't have to buy them directly from the MP (discount plan).

    But you are correct. I'd say there are quite a few causals who would benefit from the membership....especially those who are told they 'need' a bunch of stuff by whales. I mean if you did really 'need' the stuff, yeah....a discount plan...er, membership... is a smart buy.

    But again...this is off topic at this point. Sorry ''bout that OP....:rolleyes:
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yup. I was in that one too....However, as Proxy stated above....

    "subscribe and maximize the benefits gained from your spend"

    Jan 31st....last day I subbed. Rode that till March 3. 2 months and 3 days for $15 + the membership 'gift' for the anniversary......'Maximized!'
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm down with that idea.

    See you in the next one....
  6. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    Same here!
  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Not much difference in the later content. STU was evidence of that, where the only difference between running clamped version and "EG" version was about 1 minute of instance duration for the same rewards. There are still tons of feats that you couldn't "faceroll" pre-clamp whatsoever. The point is now you can't "come back when you're stronger" until you wait about 10-15 episodes later instead of like 3. But this isn't my argument, I was just answering your question.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Now, what if I say, my healing is increasing in clamped content while getting increasingly better gear dispite being clamped?
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  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No you didn’t. You earned the right to have what you have. Not to get things you don’t have. Did you earn the right to get feats unclamped? No you didn’t. You didn’t earn any rights to anything you don’t already have.
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  10. Grim931 Committed Player

    I would say other factors go into this other than the clamp itself. There are many reasons why you're healing would increase, including the gear/ skill level of those you're playing with.

    Was this the same players, instance, and everything remained consistent except your gear?

    Highly doubt you gained a ton of healing out in a clamped setting just from bumping up your restoration a few hundred points. I could be wrong, but there should be control points in place if your trying to use this as evidence.

    Back on topic, I'm surprised this lasted as long as it has and people are still "enjoying" it. Considering how huge the flop was on Legends PvE, the first real clamped content, I wouldn't imagine this lasting. I'm still against the clamp. The rewards aren't there for me, feats are hit and miss (never chased them anyway, I've got plenty to be decent enough in regular content), and it simply isn't fun running it with a handicap. Queuing up and using Omni as-intended. More frustration than anything in large group content, and there's absolutely no point in clamped single player instances/open world hubs.

    Makes no sense when you're clamping Central City, yet you can run a level 5 mission in metropolis at the same time and get the same gear rewards from story missions.

    But it's meaningless. This game has steadily declined for me since the introduction of Arts/loot boxes. Kind of a silver lining this went this way, big enough excuse for me to unsubscribe.
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  11. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    Like I said, make it to where you can choose. Then cry babies can cry in there perspective instance. Don't like it, then don't run that instance.
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  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It’s funny that people say they want options but when they hear what the options look like they cry more.

    So if you have the option to run without clamp than you’re ok with no source marks or feats?
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not to keep the circular argument going, but if 'A' is the way it was pre clamp, and 'B' is the way it is now, post clamp, why would there be any changes to 'A' or 'B' if an option was indeed given? You 'yeah, you can have a choice but....' guys like to say sure...give a choice, but the choice is not 'A' or 'B'....it's 'C' or 'B'...where 'C' is a NEW variable with 0 loot and 0 feats. That is NOT what we had pre clamp. Granted pre clamp loot was not great, but to say it was 0 is just delusional.

    The reason you know it could not be what was vs what is...shows your belief very few would run what we have now...so you need to tweak the options to make the bad choice look better. And if I'm wrong and SOOOOOO many people want what we have today, what are you worried about? Just a handful of cry baby do nothings wanting it the way it was....right? You know...the way YOU had it for 8 or 9 years...right? Just worried someone might have the same chance to get a feat 'easy' like you did? Worried they will knock out counts/checklists fast enough to grind out long feats quicker than you did? Afraid of losing your easy marks spam? Is this you?

    What's funny is you are basically admitting that head to head....'A' appealed to more people. Otherwise, why the fear over a real choice?

    And again....I don't believe a choice is incoming....I don't believe the clamp is going anywhere. What's hilarious is you guys are even so scared to discuss an option which will NEVER HAPPEN. That's some level 100 fear there. Shows major confidence in how 'successful' things really are, doesn't it?
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Obviously people would run your first choice. Anyone with half a brain would. Get full rewards no loot lock and no clamp? Who in the world wouldn’t? You’re talking as if it’s the pro clampers who are against meeting half way. Yet it’s the anti clampers who are never happy. 2 adjustments to the clamp were made and still not good enough. Adjustments to specific raids which players deemed to hard and still not enough.

    Why should players be allowed to run for full rewards with no clamp? Why?
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok....I'm starting to question your reading comprehension too. Who said 'full rewards'? Please...find where I asked for 'FULL REWARDS'....I said 'what we had pre clamp', which was generally 1 source in the choosers and gear that was generally completely out leveled but had styles you might need....a few collection drops or base items...also loot locks would be back on the 'no clamp' option so 'spamming' would not be an issue or would generate replay sales if you spammed.

    That's not even close to full loot of 10 marks, 305 leveling gear, endlessly replayable with no locks....unclamped. Not sure where you read this or interpreted this, but it wasn't one of my posts. Point that mess elsewhere.

    And we are talking about hypotheicals...I'm not asking for it to be removed or saying it's too hard or needs adjustment. I don't find it hard...I find it obnoxious...and generally not due to the clamp, but the players I'm forced to run with as a result of the clamp. Cause guess what....the players are NOT improving over the last year.
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  16. Grim931 Committed Player

    It's not full rewards. It wasn't full rewards before the clamp.

    This wasn't that long ago, how could you forget?

    You got the choice in the loot table for either CR gear at content level or a few source marks... so no, it isn't full rewards and never was. No one is wanting full rewards, they want it how it used to be. How almost everyone in this thread got most of their "hard earned" feats. Now those same people want to act elitist and make everyone else unfortunate enough to come in to the game late "earn" them. Almost as big of a joke as the clamp itself.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    It makes me laugh that some people here actually think weekly and daily lock outs on EEG for 1-2 source marks as a reward is "better" than the current system, it really does and then they criticize others for being delusional or lacking comprehension.:rolleyes:

    If you're looking at it from a reward vs time perspective it simply wasn't better beforehand on any objective level. What's funny too is you can still stay in EG and earn the same source marks you'd have done so in the earlier system, the only thing you're missing out on, literally, are the very very few source marks you might have got from running any EEG, which I'm picking from most people, given how abandoned it was, was next to nothing. Run the omnibus journals once a week, if you hate it that much and you'll probably have spent around the same amount of time in there for the same amount of reward.

    The reward is a red herring when it comes to the discussion of EEG clamp in any case, what people are always after is a trip to "easy feat city" because they don't want to actually put in any actual effort to get the feats any more because they believe they've "earned" the right to stomp it and get the achievement without actual effort.

    They'd rather not play an actual video game, in fact devs, if you could just make it so that when we log in, missing feats are handed to us periodically that'd be great, thanks.
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  18. DCspawn87 Well-Known Player

    Honestly, both sides present good arguments. 9 years of grinding just to one day wake up and see CR88 when I que into content was a bit annoying at first. On the flip side, I get it. Yes they took away laughably easy completions but they gave us open source marks throughout the game which is a win in the grand scheme of things.

    Saying all that, I do think the execution could’ve been better. Omnibus should be where the stat clamp and open rewards are. Players that directly que or walk-in **YES IM TALKING TO YOU FOS3 & DOOMSDAY SPAMMERS ** a specific raid (if they are a complete tier or more above) should only be able to get styles, which is completely RNG, and feats. Meaning if a player wants source marks for running early endgame content they would have to run Omnibus.
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  19. Grim931 Committed Player

    A huge chunk of the feats in this game are tied to loot boxes. But please, carry on with how much we "earn" them.

    The point still stands, regardless of how much you want to say you've earned them. There are some that still required effort with or without the clamp.

    The elitist mentality is bad enough in the game, but even worse on the forums.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry, but when you quote someone's message, then are replying to things that were NOT in that message...yeah, you have an issue reading or re-iterating what was said. Generally that's a comprehension issue.

    Not 100% factual. Now I KNOW it's never happened in your omnis, but I hear that sometimes they end in failure or disarray. Failure does not provide rewards, or can provide only limited rewards...sometimes at a much longer rate of time than a successful, quick...yet limited rewards, pre clamp run.

    Not debating this fact. Many times if I were in an old run pre clamp it was specifically to get a feat done that someone needed...sometimes that someone might have been me even. However...I'd guess you also ran some of these feats pre clamp, and I'd guess even now you run endgame feats with 'optimal' groups, basically so you can 'overpower' the expected difficulty of the run. Sorry...but I fail to see the difference in essence...although I'd agree there is a magnitude difference as EEG would grow older pre clamp and now it's a bit more leveled off.

    BTW, there are a TON of feats were the ability to 'overpower' the content didn't contribute to success. Not sure how being overpowered helps with random checklists or controlled burn feats.

    Also...as pointed out above....there are a bunch of feats you can 'earn' with your wallet, Moby. Not sure how those are more 'earned' than pre clamp....but why not.

    Hmmm....lets check that math.... (Having to know the feats, how they work, build a group and communicate how to do them...then actually execute on them....regardless of burn) = (give us free feats).

    Yeah...that checks out. Now hold on...I gotta go overpower the 'Perfect grades' feat in Fatal Exams.....OP burn OORAH!!!
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