Anyone else bored?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Aug 8, 2022.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Sooo, i just do my dailies,check broker/mail if sold anything and log off. I'm just wondering whether to buy a membership for another month.

    Anyone else feels this way?
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    Well I am kinda fed up with the Metal storyline, I started leveling up a US character to play with friends but even that doesn't keep me online too much. Yeah, I hope to have some interesting stuff coming up soon.
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  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Unfortunately I’m right there with you but I planned it this way. Grinded like crazy to make sure I’d be coin capped and able to take some time off. Any time a dlc launch gets extended, a lot of us put the controller down a bit more than usual. SM will bring most of us back but it will be strictly to play sm, no weekly/ no raids/ no nothing but sm. How long that can keep us occupied, not sure. Probably good for 3 weeks tho. New seasonal is coming too so that should help. I’d like to get into wanting to run stu more but I’m already almost maxed on coins for that too on the only toons that I run it so not much point for me.

    I’m gonna guess you’re an old timer too? Been playing for so long that I feel dirty saying there’s nothing to do haha. After almost 12yrs, I’d hope I don’t have much to do. But I know I could be grinding out some old stuff I was away for but there isn’t much motivation once you’re over 600sp. At this point, I’m not even jealous of the 700+ club because I know I have to do pvp and buy tcs to get there and I’m good without
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  4. nawanda Loyal Player

    Yes. I couldn’t bring myself to run Save The Universe last time and I can’t bring myself to run it this time. I’m the least active on game I’ve ever been.

    Also the trick of adding new feats to content post-launch is fine, but a second wave of them? Players are DONE with a DLC after a few months. I know how my cat feels when I represent him with the same bowl of food he already rejected once.

    This game HAS to move away from the endless representation of old content, it will be the death of DCUO. We deserve better.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Not really bored yet, but I am having real life stuff happen that has been reducing my time playing. Which is par for the course for me.

    But I have been there. Log in, look at what to do. Do nothing. Log out. My advice, take a break. If SM doesn't entice you, just come back in October when they launch the next DLC.
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  6. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Not with STU still live. I'm still grinding away on my alts, getting those sweet vendor rewards.

    I was on a long break when the Kryptonian TC was live, as such I didn't have any of the "Reactive" cosmetics from that TC. Enter STU Season 2 and the return of the Kryptonian TC... a quite surprising opportunity. Well, I capitalized on my chance and I actually finished all three collections! A major part of that, however, was that I already had a "Particle Dampener" from an old, very fortunate Resurgence pull. That obviously helped tremendously. Still, I did see one in the broker for 600M some random night. Bonkers price in 2022!!

    I don't necessarily like these robotic styles, but more styles is never a bad thing. 150 feat points, too... I'll take 'em! I'm also up ~1000 Quarks and more than 100k Ally Favor. STU IS THE GOAT!

    I'm definitely ready for a break after this, though.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I've been running Save The Universe Elite content after I do my dailies.
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Absolutely. I finished all of the STU feats last week and Death Metal grind is long finished so now I just log in for the daily reward, free 1 grain of time, and check broker. I actually like being "free" though, because I have time to catch up on other games (Non-MMO) and TV shows XD
    (Although the TV shows I've already been catching up with because they are the best way to help complete the really grindy feats in DCUO such as the STU counters. If you're good at multitasking, anyway.)
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  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I don’t really get bored cause I don’t ever spam until I get bored. If I ever find myself getting there than I just login to get my daily reward and then hop on a different game. I currently play 2 games so don’t get burnt out
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Dropped membership back in Jan. Haven't regretted it one day. Most days I've been doing the same, grab my daily reward, do some broker/mail, maybe run a bit of whatever 'event' is up (now STU) and maybe the current raid. And I'm back off.

    Really depends on who is on anymore. If I get on and 3 or 4 friends are in my private chats, I'll run more. If I get in and no one is on, I pretty much drop out after 10-15 minutes, maybe checking back later to see if anything is going on.

    Been catching up on some TV that's good I guess.
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  11. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Have you tried Swe+ yet? :)
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    That's even more boring + a toxic cesspool lol. No1 on Xbox has even beaten it yet let alone probably tearing each other's throats out by the end of the 1st boss XD

    That is not fun :(
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  13. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Im having a lot of fun in my runs. But some groups tend to get toxic for some reason, yh. Just get the right people together. :D
  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    No point if it cannot be completed. 1st boss alone would take countless hours with the current population. No one wants to even bother trying over here. I've tried to get a group together, everyone just laughs and says "haha yeahhhh no ty"
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  15. Wallachia Devoted Player

    No, because RL prevents me from playing often.

    But I do find myself wanting to make a cool character, yet none of my attempts satisfy me.
  16. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    I'm downshifting slightly. the last few months have been a rash of seasonals with Time Capsule Resurgence and Booster Bundle retro mix thrown in. so It's nice to have a period where I can just go back to focusing on getting my guys through the regular stuff and do some base building on the side.
    Sometimes the end of the summer does feel like a bit of a slog. but when you've been going fast and hard on all the event stuff, (like I have,) it's nice to sit back, take a break and just do a little daily grinding.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well just come back and do it later after you are stron.......

    Oh, yeah....nevermind.
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  18. Stranger Well-Known Player

    Me, member of his groups, can not confirm. "Fun" in SWE+ never happened!!! :mad::D
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  19. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Also waiting for SM. Thought I would have to grind death metal to buy full elite sets on both roles, but when STU came out I just bought my missing elite pieces with grains. Just doing weekly stuff, dailies most days but don't worry if I miss one. Have actually been doing the elite duo solo for fun (sold 2 Alfred boxes so far), maybe will try the open world dark knights solo like One Troll Army?
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Grinded like crazy so that you could take time off, lol

    Good lord, you know this is a game right, not employment lol.

    I mean I'm not disrespecting you but holy **** lol
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