What did you like the most about DCUO when you started?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    Just curious, since some are here from the very start, some joined later (Like me) Some are very new, etc.
    What did you like the MOST about DCUO when you started playing? And I'll even make it more interesting..what would you like them to bring back or make similar content to?

    I started in Sep 2016, and my favorite thing was....reaching CR 80 and kicking Killer Frost's bounty butt in Gotham. My friend told me "Don't attack, you'll die" but then I was able to kick her butt and it was fun. I felt accomplished with my character getting a certain combat rating (Not sure what my SP was at the time) but something about the bounties in Gotham was fun. Like you, as a new hero (Or Villain) Taking on them to keep Metropolis\Gotham Safe.

    So I kind of want to see solo bounties like that coming back, but I want it to be in a whole new map that is just as big as Gotham or Metropolis. I don't know if it will happen, but something about this felt fresh and fun to me, and like an achievement when I just started playing.

    *Please keep it fun and constructive for everyone....*
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Honestly...flying around, wasting time. I think I spent the first week of the game, in between leveling missions...just flying around Gotham and Metro, doing some of the booster tours, races and exploring. Now I avoid most of the OW like a plague, fast travel with 'warp to' or teleporter only doing the absolute minimum required in any OW area to get paid.

    There is no time to 'waste' in the game anymore. The grind has become all encompassing, by design, that it leaves no room for just enjoying anything you'd like to enjoy over what you 'have' to do.

    Kudos to you people who can still play dress up or build bases or do things like your summer event contest. Sorry....I've got to go knock out 100 Nightmare bats that are STILL glitched out 50% of the time. Flying around town anymore? Heh....I wish.
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    Oh I totally get it. I haven't really played much lately other then getting on for daily rewards and the weekly stabilizer from Fate.
    I don't have the same passion as before so I am trying new things (Like this contest) to keep me interested. I did not bother getting all the gear from the vendor either (Rings, Neck, Weapon) Because It's just not fun for me anymore. I have the style, yeah, but even this is kind of ok- I have plenty of styles. I think what I want now is something that will bring me back into hours of playing, which is missing right now. :)

    And yeah, sometimes when I go and do the leveling missions just for fun, I am enjoying it more than current content. It gives a bit of fresh air. But even this get repetitive.
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  4. Lvl 30 New Player


    ;) ;) ;)
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  5. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    I first played DCUO when it launched and it was okay, I was able to be a superhero but what I really wanted was to play as Superman, Batman and other DC heroes and villains. Then the hack happened, I got the gifts and then I left because Marvel Heroes came out and I was able to play as the heroes and not some monkey's paw version of them. However, Marvel Heroes was only on PC and I'm not really a PC gamer, so the allure of Marvel Heroes wore off and I was left wondering the gaming landscape. Then Marvel Heroes relaunched on console and it was awesome and I was so happy. Then Gazillion died and Marvel Heroes was gone again. I then tried playing Diablo 3 and it was fun for awhile but it got repetitive fast, so I decided to give DCUO another shot. I started fresh and have been playing pretty regularly ever since.

    Sorry for biography, long story short, DCUO is one of the few superhero games out there and the only superhero MMO, so until something better comes along (and believe me I have been looking), this is it. Despite how I feel about the monetization of the game and its many other issues, it is a 3rd person, action adventure, superhero MMO that is available on console, which is what I was looking for. I get burnt out and have wanted to quit more times than I can count, but frankly there are no other real alternatives that scratch this particular itch.
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  6. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    An ability to create my own characters, to build them up, to play their story, to explore the world with them. Doing it together with friends, venturing into atmosphere of the unknown and fun.

    That's what attracted me back then in 2013 when I first started playing and what eventually brought me back in 2016 after a long break.
    Never stopped enjoying it, even tho the thrill subsided a long time ago. I'm still getting nostalgic feelings whenever I hear my old base's ambience, the music in police stations and Booster Gold's exploration tours. :oops:
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  7. Eve YouTuber

    Oh yeah I totally get where you are coming from. I think just in my case that I am so over involved with my channel and community events It becomes "Too much DCUO" so sometimes I'm just like "Heh." and going to do something else lol but I always love this game, no matter what.

    I think this thrill does comes back when new stuff are coming around so It's definitely not forever lost! ;) And I do respect your passion and support for the game - when you purely just enjoy it for what it is.
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  8. inferno Loyal Player

    First off, my comment is not for/or against stat-clamping and its effects.

    Being Superman, seeing superman, reading superman.

    Like you, Zoe, it's coming back later once you levelled up enough to go back to certain bosses and kick their booty to the moon. The superman that I grew up on was before 1986. The one whose power was limited only by imagination; able to move planets, super-intelligent and practically unbeatable by any being EVER.

    At the time, the game and everything in it simply promised that if you level up to a certain point, eventually bosses will pass a certain point where they will be as annoying as bug. You remember the attacks that once 1-shotted you and the image that pulses in my brain/imagination are bullets bouncing off my chest.

    I still remember how it felt the first time I went back into the walk-in in Ace Chemicals. After numerous trials, i finally reached a tier where nothing in there could damage me. Everyone here knows what that alert is like but in my mind, I entered and the door splintered into chips. Henchmen, frozen into blocks of ice, or chemo-lings burned into puddles. I stood while that Spider Baby pummeled me relentlessly with no effect until I slapped it into oblivion. Remember that scene in Superman Returns when that bullet bounced off his open eye and he smirked? That is what I imagined at that moment. I obliterated any and all enemies in there effortlessly and before I left I asked, "Anyone else?" nothing but a groan or two in that near empty husk of an alert.

    I stood outside Ace Chemicals and flexed, like Neo flexing; and the world around me bent and shuddered. I smelled the air and turned my head towards Arkham Asylum. You're next.

    Those were the days for me. DCUO had always been nothing more than a stepping stone that helped fuel my imagination into the greater DC world and its stories. I used the game to make the stories in DC come more alive. The amount of grind and work didn't matter as long as I reached that one day. To be close to the Superman that I grew up on.

    Yup, fond memories of what it was like.
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  9. Controller Devoted Player

    Those Comic Panels, Man......

    DI needs to




    Those things REALLY helped to enhance the story.
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  10. Eve YouTuber

    Heck yeah. I grew up with the animated Teen Titans, Justice League etc so these were my introduction to the comics and the reason I wanted to play it when I was told about this game. Literally you can create your own story here and see it coming to live so easily. It's something I miss doing myself.

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  11. myandria Item Storage

    I started shortly after COH went twilight (Nov 2012) on the PC. I had installed the game before then, but did not create characters until December 2012. At that time I thought the game was crossplay like Final Fantasy Online; but it wasn't and I was having a hard time with the PC mouse controls (I'm a keyboard warrior/mouse for menus type of player) so I switched to the PS3 in Jan 2013.

    What I liked then and still do now is base decorating; it isn't as rich or dynamic as COH but it comes close. I still wish we had a specific base amenity/decorator option that contains some of the elements that are in solos/duos/raids/alerts that we don't have. When I started playing this game, the missions were fun to play, even if I had to water that faceplant a few times. Joining groups was fun as well, as other players were not so toxic and had more patience. The aforementioned is not the case anymore.

    It would be nice to have repeatable solo/duo missions in Gotham and Metropolis to save/rob banks, jewelry stores, retail stores, restaurants, bars and so on.
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  12. Scourge o' the Cosmos Well-Known Player

    OK, here goes:

    - The look and feel of the game, the size of the characters, the way it plays, it just 'feels' right.
    - It's open world, I'm a huge fan of open world games, I like the freedom it gives.
    - You can create and customize your character.
    - You can customize your moveset.
    - You can customize your base.
    - The fact that it is about DC Comics!

    I agree with the other members, after all these years it feels repetitive, and I also don't have the same passion for the game as I use to have. But still, after seven years this game still manages to hold my attention where others have lost it after a few months. The devs are definitely doing something right.

    What helps for me is that I have a lot of alts that I need to level. Sometimes I play as one of my alts and then I see/do something I did with my main all those years ago. Those are the little things that bring a smile to my face. Ah the nostalgia... :D

    I think that the devs should give us another city where we can have our bases plus open world missions. Maybe expand Central City and/or Washington DC? Or something else that can rekindle the flame. But it has to be something that doesn't feel like a chore. I think that that is one of the biggest problem most older players have with the game as it is at the moment.
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  13. Eve YouTuber

    Oh yeah, we have those missions in HOD\WT where we interact with the thing and have to go save or cause mayhem depends on faction. This could get so much richer with missions and what now. Make it more meaningful. I know they don't really want to waste money on villain stuff, but this is the perfect opportunity!
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  14. Eve YouTuber

    Oh yeah agree with all of the above. I would love Central City as a big map like Metropolis or even Themyscira since Wonder Woman is a mentor. So imagine all the open world missions in Themyscira we could have like in Metro\Gotham, helping the Amazons or betraying them (With Circe). Those missions don't have to progress gear either, or be level based even, but just for fun and to get some drops there maybe. The feel of the old "Leveling" progress is something I want to see and asked about before. Hopefully, one day. I feel you, 100%!
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  15. Tolly Committed Player

    The atypical concept of the game in this fantasy dominated MMORPG category. Here, being able to run a superhero in an MMOARPG with the DC Comics universe was refreshing at the time and still is today, I find, although there was city of heroes (which I didn't know), DC Comics has the advantage of being a universe that helped lull us all into childhood.

    Now I still like the game for the universe it deals with, but the boredom sets in more and more, because we are still running on the same formula of DLC DCUO has never innovated on that side and it's a shame, with such a universe there would be much more to do, more, The lack of new powers or new abilities for existing powers is really felt now, or other things making the game more boring with mods or some elements to upgrade longer and longer, it's about time that DCUO innovate on that side too !

    What I still like and I think it's incredible for a game of this age is the graphical aspect even if it's getting old, I think it's aging extremely well compared to other games of the same age.

    After that, some good things have been done lately, like the more accessible access to endgame content or the arrival of the Doctor seller which was a good surprise!

    There is still a lot to say, but since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, sorry if some important things have been forgotten. :D
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  16. L T Devoted Player

    When I first started? The whole leveling story line was great. And you had to do it 6 times to get the whole picture/play every mission. Plus all the briefings and investigations to hunt down! And the best part of that?

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  17. Chewsy Well-Known Player

    Exploring the open world, open world PvP (Chinatown raids) and everyone playing in PvP zones, that one bug that let you go into and raid opposing factions' safehouses, LPvP, early raid-focused DLCs like Battle for Earth and Origin Crisis. Oh, and lairs were so cool when they were originally added.
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  18. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    You always remember your first time getting thrown half way across the city because you got too close to your enemies safe house.
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  19. Apollo Starr Active Player

    I started at the beginning. My favorite thing I ever did in the game was after I hit level 30. My son and I were full of ourselves as we leveled together. Once we got the mission about Khandaq, we were like oh yeah let’s do it. Unfortunately, theee was an arrow pointing us to the walk in portal. We walked into Khandaq as two big bad level 30 heroes, ( CR wasn’t in our vocabulary yet, or raid.) When adds start beating you down like your a Queensland Boardwalk Gorilla, it deflates your ego. We still joke about that to this day. I will always remember DCUO for the fun I had with my son. No matter how I personally feel about today’s game, those memories will make this my favorite game of all time.
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  20. Apollo Starr Active Player


    This saddens me very much. We don’t know each other and you have been a great supporter of this game and community. I too had that same passion. I would play religiously everyday. DCUO was my replacement for TV. Since many of the changes, I don’t. I hoped others would continue on as my play diminished in the last year. I just wanted to know that you were one of the few that kept a positive outlook without demeaning other players. I hope some thing changes to rekindle your love of the game.
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