New DLC is great for dividing the community...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tolly, May 17, 2022.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's not possible except for maybe Prison Break. If you get kicked from Prison Break before the first boss you probably deserved it.
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  2. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Its not easy getting into the elite raid as a dps cause 5 roles are support roles needed to do it. Its not about your sp it just most people will grab a friend that they know has great dps. I couldn't get picked up as a dps with 655 sp with 200 arts in lfg. It take 45 minutes to a hour to get 2 tanks for the raid most of the time. This raid is one of the hardest raid we have had in a long time. Even if you know mechanics **** will happen.
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  3. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It's not unique to this game and you can see the rankism and elitism in just about all areas of life.

    Newsflash... you are the new guy. A random. Nobody on the field is going to respect you until you block some shots or put some points on the board. That's just life. All you can do is hope that they give you a chance and treat you fairly. Nobody should feel obligated to to go out of their way or take any unnecessary risks on your behalf.
  4. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I have to confess something I did last week. I queued into the legion raid, with the ginormous Mordru. I wasn't paying attention when I queued and I chose elite instead of normal. First wave of adds, and dopey do I wander in to debuff everyone, WHAM I'm dead. What the hell? Someone picks me up, gears everywhere! The horror! The horror! We did make it all the way through though.
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  5. GameIsGreat. Well-Known Player

    This dlc is easy…..boring is the word I would use instead of difficult. Only boring with the insanely high hp bosses have. Just becomes boring. They never learn.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, there are a few exceptions....PB...FOS1...Khan maybe too...a lot of time burnt on placing and protecting those stones. My point was if you hadn't hit the boss'd have to really stand out as 'bad' to be kicked other than for petty reasons (like low CR...or no reason at all). Once the boss fight starts is where you normally will start looking bad by repeatedly dying by mechanics, not doing a role properly or running around the room like a goof (seen that too).

    But yeah, most bosses are up by the 5 min mark too, so the timer would prevent it on it's own.
  7. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I usually get a bad feeling if I see a lot of the same guild, and they futter around the staging area, you can tell they're inspecting people and talking in league chat. It's only happened a few times, but I've learned to recognize when it's coming.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I generally only enter an Omni raid with a few other people. That kind of voting block makes it impossible to kick one of us. It also will almost always guarantee success, assuming we have like 2 of the roles covered + a DPS or 2. Saves time and aggravation.
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  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You're right, the goal of an MMO is to play together, and it's up to you as a player to find and surround yourself with other likeminded players to reach the goals you set in said MMO. Nobody is just entitled to successful runs in any content, it's up to you as players to achieve it. The Devs can't just force you into another group of player's inner circle just because you want to max out too.

    Players these days expect an easy ride through everything and feel entitlement to all of its rewards, but a lot of those same players cannot or will not do what it takes to get there. With a mentality and mindset like that spread across the community, there's no wonder why there's a divide.

    I'll say this, worry less about groups with ridiculous standards and friend the ones that you deem likeminded to you. Play within the standards you find acceptible and working for you, because nor the Devs or anyone else can just change or force who other players will want to play with.

    By the end of the day, decent players willing to do what it takes to get what they want will get there, while players who are unwilling to, won't. That's a pretty fair divide, if you ask me.
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  10. nawanda Loyal Player

    I’m not getting into the whole debate about player behaviour, but I would contribute the opinion that base level SDe and SWe are definitely a step up in difficulty from the elite raids in the previous year or two, which seems odd when there are extra layers of difficulty available for those who want the very hardest content.

    In both cases, it’s the first boss that is the most difficult too. I think this is, ultimately, poor game design. If they are going to keep giving us DLCs with just one raid, they need to take extra care with balance.
  11. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’m torn on 1st boss being the hardest. Look at fgse. Granted, grail wasn’t an easy fight but she was easier than Zues. So players literally built groups that were going to disband after beating her. They wouldn’t even try to continue to Zues. Just spam grail and call it done. Plus it’s kind of nice knowing that once you get past 1st boss, it’s going to be a lot less stressful
  12. spikeat Well-Known Player

    You're right that we can't judge a player's skill level from their CR or SP, but if I were to form a group I could care less about your 500sp. You only need 400 ish to round out the dps stats and above average dpses to complete the raid. I do have some smooth runs and some that takes a little longer, so if I'm stuck in the raid for over an hour I would rather be in there with people i know vs a random, especially a random dps.

    Strong with strong player? Little ones learn from big ones? No idea if you're talking about playing with other experienced players or for high CR to include low CR players. Like you said earlier, CR/SP doesn't say much about the player behind the controller. I personally do like to play with other experienced players regardless of CR/SP. If you need to experience the raid and learn the mechanics then run with your league or create a group where others with your same mentality can go in and practice the raid. Don't expect experienced players to constantly wipe to help random players to learn or complete the raid.

    Why do you feel the need to run the elite raid? I have full elite gear and still run it cause it's more challenging than the regular version. If you need renown then you still have alternative options in the duo/alert. You have 500sp and the elite raid itself won't get you much more. So if you want the feats, just wait one or two more episode.

    If you want to join a group that badly then consider playing support role. I'm tired of hearing people use the excuse that they don't have gear and arts. If you're trying to only play it as dps then what's stopping you from forming your own group. You can see how many responses you receive when you shout for a dps. Players including myself are more likely to befriend a support role, lets face it, anyone can dps including all of us.
  13. nawanda Loyal Player

    Yeah true. I thought someone might raise FGSe. I was in the second group on the EU server to beat Grail, but Wonderverse upset a lot of players. The elite version of the (only) raid was too hard for too many players and the open world boss grind combined to piss a lot of players off.

    I’m fine with an elite raid being ultra hard but not if it is the only elite raid in the DLC and not if it’s the supposed entry level elite difficulty.

    The reality of the game is there are a lot of good players who can’t get in the right groups. There needs to be a bit more accessibility for ‘entry’ elite raids.
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  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Solid point and can definitely agree to that. For me, it’s cte. The only elite raid I’ve never beaten but have only tried twice and once was on a mediocre alt. Fbe was just so easy to farm and cte was having major issues and most groups were beating it by keeping players outside to give more space
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    "Unnecessary risks," I think some people have lost sight of the fact this is just a ****in video game.

    I agree with this in general, I think they've over amped the content and it's killing the DLC and the game, yet again, it's only the same very small groups of players running the elite content over and over, if at all and there's still an even harder version coming out.

    It feels like the devs missed the mark and tried to compensate for the removal of the middle difficulty tiers by ramping up the entry level elite content and in doing so entirely forgot who their audience was, they've attempted to please the elite+ crowd with the wrong content in an attempt to keep them engaged in the early release of the DLC, because they've taken too long to get elite+ out and in my opinion it's backfired.

    Take a look at this game right now, and actually be honest with yourself when you do (this is a question to the wider audience here) even on the US PC/PS server, it's ****in dead, like real ****in dead and we're only 6 weeks in to a DLC... I've never seen it this objectively ****in dead in a long time and it's because they've pushed out a lot of the casual/average players, They didn't even get the balance of event and normal content right and it's an absolute ****in mess, again the devs have forgotten who their real audience is in an attempt to appeal to a very small, but vocal minority of elite players driving the entire feedback process.

    To the Devs - you need to find a better way to capture feedback data from the wider audience in game, particularly your playstation player base, you need to find a way to link feedback in game or have some form of playstation testing server so as to widen the feedback process and perhaps reward players for giving the feedback so as to encourage it to be given. because at the moment you're only getting feedback from the same people and its created an echo-chamber

    And this is where it gets stupid, a raid should build up, you shouldn't be getting past the first boss and then thinking "ahhhh it's gonna be a breeze from here", that's so counter intuitive it defies belief; you should be building up to a more difficult climax.

    But (and I'm not saying this is you) you're not likely to get complaints about this from elite circles because most of them are a-holes and they revel in anything that gate keeps people they consider noobs.

    I know some people love this raid, but honestly and this is my personal opinion, but this raid is and over-turned disgusting mess of a raid and for that matter I think that's almost true of other content in this DLC as well that's pushed out your average player, go have a look at the difficulty level in the "event duo" when you're running that at close to level... again this DLC couldn't have forgotten its target audience for most of its content even if it tried.
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  16. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Every update since ever has divided the community on this game. There will never not be a thread after a game update/episode drop on the forums that isn't in favour in some way of the direction the game has taken.

    I do think having 2 raids (one harder elite and one easier but not too easy elite) would allow for some middle ground, but at the same time as others have said you need to find your own way and get better at the game, be it mechanics, your power/rotations/role, levelling allies/arts, whatever that means to you. Finding a league helps and be willing to run with LFG for elite groups where appropriate.

    Don't be dissuaded by disbands or being kicked from group, you can also for PS record your run and look back to what happened. Also have Damage In active in your chat while in content, then you know what mechanic is hurting you or what KO'd you and can learn that for future.

    SWE is a weird one since the endgame player base find it rather doable and many groups can do it in 30-60 minutes or less, at the same time other groups can spend many hours in the raid especially if they aren't used to the mechanics. Artifacts/art swapping and allies do have relevance here as well since the difference with all of those and without has become so shear. Then you have certain power sets especially gadgets which is incredibly strong (more on PC), and various artifacts which aren't the meta or aren't going to give you the best chance in a raid. The balance with artifacts/art swapping/ally passives, along with what players are willing to farm or spend money on, must make balancing content a headache for the developers - and as such it is important we have 2 raids in episodes going forward, maintaining elite plus for one or both if possible.

    My personal preference would be 2 elite raids (one slightly harder than the other), and both with elite plus versions, in episodes.

    As for you, find a friend group or league who will want to run elite content with you, and then go from there. Could be that you need to do a few LFG runs first and make some friends.
  17. nawanda Loyal Player

    Yeah, but that kind of worked in a weird way. The good players did FBe and CTn, whereas the top groups did FBe and CTe (or CTe first boss or whatever). Birds of Prey was the most recent DLC where I got all the feats done during the lifespan of the content. I imagine there are a lot of good players in the same situation as me.

    90%+ of the people who got the FGSe no death feats finished during the lifespan were cheats, and the subsequent DLCs saw elite feats added late on in the lifespan.
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  18. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I feel like the Proxystar I spoke with on many a thread in the last year and this Proxystar are two different people.

    SWE is very doable. If everyone knows where to stand and when to block its a 30-60 minute run tops. Some of the mechanics in the raid were similar to ideas I had suggested at various points in the last year or two, such as the green/red markers, the chain breakouts, the increased AOEs, the beam, and more. Whether the execution is always there is the question, there are still points where the raid becomes too RNG.

    Specific mechanics aside it must be a pain to balance difficulty for content because of the extreme gap between artifacts/allies/art swap/high SP and more. I don't think there will ever be a time where absolutely everyone in the community will be satisfied.

    It might also be dead because of the delays to elite plus and Spring Seasonal, I'm sure a few players are waiting for those to come out.

    Of course, having voice chat and having Damage In active in your chat in-game also help.

    BiB: Saying this in a thread gets no results, just makes the thread not constructive and leads to a lock. I've seen you say it on a few threads recently, and if you want to pitch your suggestions for future updates for DCUO better maybe avoid saying stuff like this.
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Nothing for the actions themselves, however they can design systems that encourage players to help each other out.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    I didn't say it wasn't doable, I said I believe it misses its target audience. There's no consistency in their content difficulty, it's forever moving, sometimes up, sometimes down, this time up.

    I think this comes from the fact different devs do different content and there's no consistency between them. It's becoming messy and it needs to get better because if anything is going to kill the game, that sort of thing, slowly but surely will.

    I also don't think the introduction of elite+ will reinvigorate the game at all, those players are the hardcore they'll play this game until the day it dies, I believe they're largely the ones still logging in every day.

    The Spring event will likely bring some people back, but not for this DLC.

    I'm sorry and you don't have to agree, likely evidentially don't; but I just really don't like this DLC and I'm not really alone in that opinion either and if anything the title of this thread "dividing the community" couldn't ring more true, because it seems some love this DLC and others absolutely loathe it, I'm just in the latter category for a raft of reasons.
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