Is it a feeling or is the community uninterested in the game or the latest DLC?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tolly, May 1, 2022.

  1. zNot Loyal Player

    After completing the newest elite raid countless times, i can confidently say that gadgets neeeeeds to be fixxed asap aswell as eog i would also like to know why venomwrist was nerfed but eog wasnt? The devs have to nerf these i got max eye of gemini and would be happy not sad if its nerfed just give everyone their xp and cata/some seals back and call it a day whats so impossible about it? This is harming the game more then it benefits the game plus it makes the game more selective..
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually no, I did not get 'exactly' what I wanted, far from it.

    I wanted extended quark vendor discounts, I wanted massive quark bonuses and exclusive drops, I wanted the cash cap to remain in place, I wanted more stabilizers, I wanted an increase in stipends, I want numerous things more.

    I got crapped on, as did Apollonia.

    Apollonia just wanted systemic game features, the disagreement was mainly around the fact the devs would never do it because of a lack of resources, if as the complaints in this thread show, they're seemingly struggling to release regular content without widespread asset recycling I still stand by my view that any attempt to incorporate systemic membership restricted game features remains, even now an unrealistic expectation. It simply was never going to happen.

    Take a look at that feedback thread though, you might recall the copious amounts of posts in there saying "I want exclusive styles, tee hee, hehe". well look at that now, how many months have we even got new styles in daily rewards? And the 21 day reward isn't even exclusive.

    Slow clap, well done on that request everyone... :D :D

    No, realistically membership got ruined across the board for virtually every existing member for the sake of appealing to players who were at the time premium, the only players that won from that membership rework were free and premium players, all the members got ripped off, in my opinion.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah, definitely, just give everyone a rank 200 version of the nerfed artifact if they have one above rank 160 (as they did with VWD) and maybe 1000 source marks as compensation and then call it a day.
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  4. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Yes, yes, I remember that you wanted more .... the problem is different, what you listed is just quantity, instead of quality ... in the long run, this does not change anything, in the best case, your dissatisfaction would be postponed for half a year or a year, and then you would come and write the same thing as now ...
    So yes, you got what you asked for, just in less quantity...
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  5. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    I just started playing again after another long break. Long breaks are the only way I can play this game. I’ve been around since launch and I’ve seen so many people come and go. I think they’ve made so many bad development decisions….because this game really has/had the potential to be much better.
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually quantity changes everything as does other elements of my requests which were not delivered, retention of the cash cap for example would've retained a compulsion to sub and kept the membership that much more valuable as without it you'd have had restricted access to the broker, or did you just gloss over my request in an attempt to start an argument with me? lol. I mean I'm not sure if you think you have a point, but it seems to me like you think you saw an opportunity to have a bit of a dig (probably in an entirely jovial way, I appreciate) and not realised you've fallen over yourself in an attempt to do so :D :D - don't worry no hard feelings.

    I'm not even really dissatisfied with membership from an economic perspective and my posts have been pretty clear on that point numerous times. What membership lost are its elements of "exclusivity" and I think you've picked up on a few comments I've made and taken them the wrong way, perhaps my fault for not communicating it clearly or perhaps yours for not reading them properly, who knows.

    But to avoid further doubt. The membership itself isn't a bad financial purchase it's worth the money from a purely economic perspective, there's elements of it that remain worthwhile in an ongoing basis, such as character slots, The seals on the fate vendor, the Nth Metal on the fate vendor, there are quarks on the vendor but they're pretty frugal (they could be more generous, but they're there nonetheless).

    What the members did lose however, was the special exclusive feel, so my "dissatisfaction" as you put it doesn't really have anything to with quantity or quality but rather the fact too much of it is given away to people that aren't members, it isn't what's in the membership, it's what isn't locked behind it that's made it no longer feel like a membership, hence my comment "a membership it is not though" which you originally quoted.

    I don't think you should give premium members any destiny tokens at all, I don't think they should've got rid of the cash cap, I don't think the Day 21 reward should be given to anyone other than members and I think once it's gone there should be no second chances for a long, long time. You either sub or you don't get ****. Call me punitive, if you like, but if that's how it was structured I'd be all the more satisfied that membership felt like an exclusive perk".

    For the record as well, despite the fact I've (as alluded to in the earlier conversation) given at least passing thought to ditching the membership and made friendly comments in passing that I might consider doing so again in the future, it should be stressed, I have no immediate plans to do so because at the end of the day, despite it not feeling like a membership, it's still an economic sensible monthly micro transaction, The items obtain from the membership are continually used by me, none of it goes to waste, I'm not paying for charity.
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  7. GermanM Committed Player

    1. Agree

    2. Agree, they should make a global augment, like the origin augment´s.

    3. Is like Dragon Ball series, always something strong will come out xD. But i dont see another way to do it....

    4. God please... yes.

    5. Sadly yes, people is toxic and elitism is on the table even more since those puppies came out. I hace beat the Elite alert with arrts in 120 and 80 (tank) and 120 and one in 160 (healer) but they want you to have all in 160 to let you go. That´s why i only go with my league mates. But is sad the people being stupid about this and kicking all because of the lvl of the artifacs.

    6. Only a good league will help you with this.

    7. Agree.
  8. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    IDK, but some drama should help it out!
  9. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    Statistically, finales never do well, movies, game, etc.
  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I think this has replaced the old CR level threshold the elites use to determine whether to kick someone or if they are worthy to join them in a raid. With stats being clamped and gear CR doesn’t matter anymore, the level of your arts and I would include augments too, now plays a deciding factor if one is to subjected to toxic elitism or not.

    As you correctly pointed out, only a good league will help you out with this. It is the rule I always try to follow. If not, I make sure there are at least 2 other people from my league to go in with me. There is safety in numbers lol.
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  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I've personally struggled to stay active ever since mid BOP-episode, and imo content has since then been sub-par. First they reconstructed episodes to become Bounty Universe online with instanced group content taking a backseat, to then going to a formula where we'd get less content overall, with then again instanced group content taking a backseat.

    These two latest Episodes in particular after the HoL fiasco has been especially sub-par imo. Not only have they served us less content, but also less rewards, while somehow still maintaning the same if not higher standard of mark-costs and grind. (Not even having new base item-drops but then suddenly having a new batch of them put on a vendor for Episode currency only) This is not fun, this is not rewarding, this isn't good "advertisment" for the state of the game by any means. It makes people look negatively on the future ahead, it makes people not want to spend money.

    I've used my two end-game alts and their marks to mule the materials needed for my main to level up the new OP backpiece, now i'll mainly just stick to doing the weekly "big mark"-stuff across my toons and whatever time I'll spend online after that will probably be through occasional Base Decorating to kill some time and keep some of my upcoming Lair projects afloat.

    Other than that? Hello Elden Ring and its insanely large world of content to engage in.
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  12. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    I like new elite raid becouse its harder ( but why only from tank perspective? ) alert and duo in 90 % is same staff as we already had and outsie missions and bountys its waste of time so yes its kinda like 2 -3 hours of game play per week if you got alts then more ( i decide to not max out my alts in this DLC ) . If people feel same way like me then you might be right about "uninterested in the game or the latest DLC"
  13. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    what would granny goodness say about that^^?
  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Just gotta say wow to this... On Xbox I barely see more than 2-3 phases at any given time... 3-5 on reset day, even after 1st week. Release day itself was about 12 phases, but after that the number just went down. I thought perhaps it was the lack of world boss feats making it so not many around as much, but the population is definitely getting noticably way worse. As a villain, cut it down even more. R.I.P.

    Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to add I'm kind of one of them not being around as much seeing as I only been logging on to run dailies lately...
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  15. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    I am uninterested - waiting for the spring seasonal and to see what episode materials to drop

    And also waiting to see the new time capsule is - aside from that Im in "meh" mode
  16. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Size .. hmm... quantity, of course, matters .... but not all quantity develops into quality, here you have a free lunch consisting of a plate of mashed potatoes ... for an additional fee you can get an additional plate of mashed potatoes ... and even if for this additional fee, instead of one plate, you will be given two plates of mashed potatoes ... lunch will not become better from this, but you will have a lot of mashed potatoes .... now, if instead of an additional plate of mashed potatoes you will be given a plate of fish .. that's already there will be quality ;) also if you take away salt from others...then their dinner will certainly be worse than yours, but your dinner by itself will not change the quality...

    okay, we joked and that's enough, the essence of the problem is that this type of bonuses (such as we have now, or the one you wanted) for many, sooner or a little later, cease to be useful and such a sub loses its attractiveness .... with some bonuses it happens faster (after how many months, weeks or days did you stop being interested in "Fate tokens"?), with others slower (how many artifacts does a casual player need in order for "destiny tokens" to stop being interesting? 6? 10? someone mentioned that he had 30 unused. .. ) and so with every bonus, even with a broker...
  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Oh and don't get me started on those fancy smancy critical/elite+ feats with points that only the best of the best can get. Woof. That stuff has been making people more toxic than Survival Mode itself.
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  18. Stranger Well-Known Player

    Excuse me?!?!?!?! We'll see about that!
  19. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    I just find myself more bored with the game more often than not now. The excessive mark grinds for gear and op items to lengthen a dlc is just exhausting and not fun. Replays despite being a cash cow have at the core ruined the game. So many MMOs let you run end game content to farm gear. But the way we have it set up is so dated
    It's horrendously boring. They have so many other revenue streams now between augments artifacts allies booster bundles time capsules on top of memberships that replays should really be thrown away. It won't ever happen.

    But at it's core that's my issue with the game. It creates artificial length by having the make grind being so big because they know the whales will blow through it in a week anyways with replays so make it a ton of marks to milk them. Meanwhile the people who don't want to do that are stuck with a slog for months with the same re hashed 3 instances and a mediocre open world. Who would find that fun?

    Being able to run end game and farm thing's would exponentially make the game more engaging and fun. The opening of early content was a step. Now get rid of replays completely. It's beyond dated and a scummy tactic as it is.
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  20. inferno Loyal Player

    I spent 30 minutes writing out a response with my situation in the game, then I deleted it because I realized it didn't matter.
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