I Don´t Believe In Leagues Anymore

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheBatDCAU, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. TheBatDCAU Level 30

    I am a returning player used to play this game in 2017/2018 then i decided to take a break from it cause it didn´t had too much for me to go on at that time it didn´t have free content and episodes for players like me. The point is i have returned in a few months and saw that game has changed a lot with the episodes and stuff but something i noticed is that leagues still are the same, i log in everyday and the only think they ask is if you have a mic instead of helping you in doings raids or anything so sometimes when i try to ask if anyone wants some aid no one replies. i´m tired of this for real this isn´t the first time this happened to me i guess i gotta do my dailys and instances alone just wanted to talk about my experience to you all and how frustrating it is.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No offense, but most leagues want you to have a mic because they plan on communicating on Elite or feat runs. Also 90% of people who want you to have a mic don't really care if you talk, as long as you can listen. There are some things however where a mic is critical, and I can see you hindering yourself if you don't want one.

    Good luck though, sounds like maybe you had a bad draw on who you were talking to.
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  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    That's okay, Leagues don't believe in you, either! :p
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  4. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    I wouldn't let that discourage you there are a lot of leagues out here and not only that if you don't have a mic at least have league chat on if you are doing feat runs and or elite stuff so you can hear. I also think it's important that if you need anything done make sure your leaguemates and or friends aren't busy because some folks want you to drop any and everything to help them out first and ask questions later.
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  5. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Yea ur havin a bad experience in a crappy league.
    As far as mics go, yea, if u wanna play this game and enjoy it and get the feats an get help and offer help etc then i suggest u get one, use it or not. That way u have an effective way to communicate and listen. This is an MMO, if communication isint something u want in a game, i suggest u stay away from any game involving other players en mass.
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    You are just not in the right league. Not all leagues require you or care about you having a mic. Just gotta dig around abit and join a few until you settle in one you like.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Ill agree with what the others said, but some of us like myself havent found a league that weve felt like we fit into. So some (like myself) do roll solo.
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  8. TheBatDCAU Level 30

    Thanks for replying everyone, it´s not as easy as it look for me to talk openly about my everyday situation i promise i will try to see if i can join a league from one of my friends, it´s pretty hard for me to talk with people in general but i am willing to do my best to overcome all of this.
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  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    This right here. We generally don't like the in-game system, so we use Discord...but it's pretty critical if you're doing any of the challenging content. The call outs for "block" or "move" or "I'm down" are crucial. You don't have to hang and make small-talk (although some do), you just need to listen to content-related calls.

    We like Discord because it also allows us to communicate when we don't have the game client up. It's helpful for crashes or just general "Hey, anyone around want to run a feat?" I'm around the house a lot, but leaving my client up "in case" someone strolls by and wants to do something is a mug's game.
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  10. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I gave up on leagues around a year ago and i made my own league that is just me and my alts, even got my own league hall. I am so much happier now that i don't have to deal with tyrant league leaders, league drama, people who leave their mic open and force you to listen to them eat while they play horrible music, no one telling me how to play or what i need to buy, no one bugging me to buy them stuff, people bugging me for help all the time but when i need help suddenly they're all busy, now i do what i want when i want and no more BS. I don't think i will ever join a league again.
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  11. TheBatDCAU Level 30

    that happened to me a lot you know but it wasn´t this that bothered me the most but the rudeness, i tried to talk to some people and they straight ignored me i was feeling umconfortable all the time so i decided to leave.
  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    if they do, leave n move on. Some simply invite people to pad their numbers, and have established cliques
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  13. TheBatDCAU Level 30

    you are right i was just hanging on metropolis 2 weeks ago and they invited me to the league and i didn´t even received a welcome i thought this would change in the following days there was only one day they asked for help in a daily after that the league was so dead and i couldn´t bear it anymore, i think if your presence really mattered they would ask why you left and make things rights.
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  14. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    It really depends on how you play. Can't believe its been a good five or so years since I was part of a league. I have all my toons in my own league. I know this limits me in some ways. All the feats I'm missing are "group feats". While I can say I've been part of a few good leagues most of my early experiences were not. I just have too much pressure and stress from real life to want to add what most leagues bring to the table. My own house rule is if it requires a mic it will also require my absence.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again, many people want you to have a mic, but are happy to allow you to stay muted...especially if you can commnuicate in chat via typing. I know a few people I've run with on and off for years that I've NEVER heard their voice but they listen and type just fine (in fact one guy will type a LOT....while tanking...It's funny).

    BTW....this is not just true of leagues....many groups will want you 'in chat' for a feat or whatever....but that doesn't exclusively mean you need to be talking.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Are you PS/pC
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What raid is this now?
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  18. TheBatDCAU Level 30

    I do have a mic but it´s complicated because i live with my parents yet so i´m not a fan of talking with other people and their voices popping up too it would be annoying so i am the kind of player that is limited to only text for now unfortunately.
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  19. TheBatDCAU Level 30

    i play on ps4 but i am planning to get a pc soon
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Add me if you like, if you want a healer to do omni's, are you on atm?
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