Artifacts Swap on combat needs to be supported or limited

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yvtq8k3n The 7, Mar 14, 2022.

  1. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I'm sorry nothing against you or whoever made that video


    that looks dumb as hell opening and closing inventory for such micro managing

    I'm betting the payoff is so not worth it especially as a PS player and cant be intended

    im not saying it should be blocked thats up to the dev's

    but I'm not doing that nonsense the game is already too easy as is
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I spend way to much of my time outside of runs dealing with way I'm spending 80% of the run in it on purpose.
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  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Again, still agreed. I don’t have any say in what is allowed. I get to have an opinion but apparently everyone’s opinion is skewed and I’d much rather the devs do what they believe they need to do without our voices in their heads. I know I have read plenty of testing threads that have comments along the lines of “this is going to be a great tac swap arti” and no comments are made one way or the other. I can tell you, the uproar will be worse than any changes that have been made in the last few days. I’ll assume we also agree there. I think you know me well enough by now to know I mostly play devils advocate for one side or the other so my skin in the game is negligible. I just keep my train of thought to what’s profitable. You’re actually a prime example of what happens when players have maxed out what they need to no? Pretty sure I remember reading you’ve dropped your sub for the 1st time in 11yrs. They have to know that number would grow if inventory opening/ tac swapping is removed.

    I’d also like to point out that artifacts are in our inventory. They aren’t with sp, augs, styles, settings, allies, yada yada. That leads me to believe things are as they want them. Would they have spent the time and resources making a rat artifact that only does something during a damage super (meaning many already can’t use it) and not give it the most op base stats if they didn’t know tac swapping exists? We know some players choose poor choices but that seems like a worse way of doing biz, hoping players will make a terrible choice and have to pay to fix it later. At least as is, someone took it to 200 can keep it and make use of it via tac swaps.
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  4. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Of course you can get it, you just need to level an additional 10 artifacts to actively Tac-Swapping them, and you will see how much stronger you have become, almost like before "clamping", if you add leveled allies for each situation and not the cheapest ones, and multiply for 8 people in a group then maybe you will become even stronger than before "clamping" muhahaha...:p
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    So you want to restrict things because a player gets that good at doing something? We all know these exceptional players exist, they exist everywhere though and every game.

    You don't however restrict or design your game to stop people who are exceptional, that is never going to work and is incredibly silly.

    Most people outside of these hardcore groups don't tac swap even remotely to this extent and there isn't a single piece of content in the game, that would require this approach on a mandatory basis.

    These players aren't doing this because they have too, they're doing it because they want too, they've paid those artifacts, now they get to use them.

    The only reason to be angry about this is because you can't replicate it for various reasons. This isn't hurting you in any way shape or form, nor is it actually impacting the way you're otherwise or alternatively choosing to play the game.
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I don't really have a preference so far as I haven't been participating in this artifact swaping that people are doing I've heard of it from players but I'm not doing that nonsense seems too much like Work :D especially after watching that video someone posted
    and to be honest there is no need
    I stomp just about everyone I roll against (not that it actually matters in a co-op game)
    so I just don't see the point

    People will use what ever they want until some green name says they cant.
    more power to them
    I don't feel this is what they intended in fact I highly doubt it but that's up to them

    I'll just keep facerolling the game and keep about my merry way
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Exactly, if you really wanted to 'slow it down' which is different from restricting it entirely then a cool down is an option - it's always nice to see people with compromises and solutions rather than pitchforks and fire sticks :D
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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    most of us are still just as strong as before clamping or at least outside of bosses taking longer to kill I have barley noticed that we are clamped
  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Unless they choose to limit how many supers can go into a loadout or they alter the timing of them again, then I’d say they’re aware. I wasn’t around for testing of that one so I have no idea who did what to test it. I do know they made changes to the timing of certain supers and possibly even increased costs of them. Next option, the one that puts the final nail in precs coffin, is to make all supers 5k and to limit 1 super per LO bar. I know that’s what you’d pick. And I know a lot of prec users would leave the game. And I know many non prec users would get bored from losing prec friends. Long term thoughts, remember? They’re supercharges not one shots. Shouldn’t be a big deal. We can all just run scrap/quislet instead no? Same results via a different method. Especially if we tac swap!

    Tank difficulty, again. That’s a wide spectrum. I’ve suggested to you before to ditch some gear or artis till you find a challenge. Solo tank critical, anyone done that yet? If so, do it in dps gear and no arts. Seems like there’s challenges to be had. You have all 200s and OP gear right? So do you think they should make regular harder to account for that and say sorry other guy with 3 80s and all blue gear? Should they make elites harder to appease you when that same player wants to give it a try when they have regular vendor gear and 3 140s? Why does one persons desire have to out weigh another’s? Get on test when the next critical comes out and help out, but do it properly. Do it maxed, do it less than maxed. Run different levels of artifacts. Run with lower sp sometimes. Then come back and tell them which setup it’s too easy for. I’m guessing you’ll be back on saying getting it just right for everyone is impossible.
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  10. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Did I forget to write the word "shovel" again? It was a joke....and as for "clamping" and Tac-Swapping, I personally have no problems with either of those things ;)
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Haha, I still swap in trinkets I don't necessarily run.

    As a tank for example I might be carrying PDF's Chronos, a pet, a supply. I might then swap in a sidekick or an orbital. I definitely do it.

    That's the thing these people aren't actually thinking about any of it before froffing at the mouth over an artifact swap, which is just as legitimate.

    or let's say I think that weapon might be better, I'll swap it. I also have three OP necks built so I don't have to swap out the white neck mods. I might swap them on the fly also.

    The behavior of swapping things mid battle is not "cheating" or even "cheesing" it's exactly what we build these things for :)

    They might revisit the artifact system, who knows, in this game you have to roll with the punches, but I'm certainly not going to advocate for changes to a system that doesn't seem to need it :)
  12. appocolyps Committed Player

    Devs contemplating how much money will be lost if they nerf this cheese!
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    If you used more of your artifacts in battle, as designed, the clamp wouldn't seem so bad ;)
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  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    So Far, you don't see how this can lead to the same type of discrepancy's that lead to the changing of trinkets not being clip able.
    I foresee this causing a great imbalance in the force that will grow in time
    much like the anger that always lives here in the threads
  15. zNot Loyal Player

    I think the „prec players will leave the game“ argument is not true they will just switch to might and play whatever is meta there people dont just quit especially since these issues we talk about here is only what some in endgame take advantage of the number is small.

    im talking about different (elite) raid design me putting on dps gear or removing my artifacts as a tank (why the hell is this even a argument?) doesnt change anything on how the raid is designed and the mechanics of the raid,only thing it would do is hit me harder and thats not what i was trying to promote and doesnt even come close to what i said to you. If dps have such a large impact as they do now on our difficulty for elite raids then we have a issue because dps in this game is simply NOT balanced the devs have hopefully realized it too by now and designing comtent that benefits heaving sweaty dps and meta/exploits abusing players is what makes many quit the game when you have people asking for prec dps,eog spamm heal,buff troller artifacts, keep on gatekeeping players! the biggest gap in this game is the large dps gap between groups/players and is one of the reasons why i as a tank have no fun in dc it dont matter how well you tank if you arent part of a group that uses meta u will have much more difficulty plus more time spent while others can rush through it thanks to their double/tripple damage output and infinity sc spamming. Im glad they started fixxing some stuff hope to see more.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If we only had 3 artifacts locked in at all times (not saying we should....but we could) they would still make money if they gave us a better variety of artifacts. Trans/Strat/EOG/Solar are years old and still the primary artis most use...that says something about the artis that came after, no?

    So if they keep coming out with 'situational' artifacts, that's better to you? Leave the Trans/Strat/Solar in place, but make a new arti that only pops if you drop your orbital within 2 seconds of your Supply drop to make a 'SUPER ORBITAL'. Sounds awesome as long as I can swap it in on the fly....sounds like crap if I have to swap one of those others for the entire run.

    See I'd rather see them make something that would knock Trans/Strat off the 'must' list...or at least make it a decision rather than a given. Even if arti swapping was gone in some way, if you made new, interesting artifacts, people would still want them and spend money to get them. Less? Sure...less. But I think that's going to happen either way. Once you have 'enough' even for the most swap-happy player, at best they'd have to buy the seals for feeding one into another if an interesting one comes out.

    And you're right. I'm currently not subbed (and about 8 years...not 11), and yeah, I've got most of what I need. But I don't forsee resubbing any time soon and making a 9th 10th or 11th artifact 'mandatory' if it keeps going that way isn't going to change that. I have spent a crap ton of money on this game...but have never done so to 'keep up' with the meta or flavor of the month or worry about the scoreboard. I subbed or spent money to make the game more enjoyable. I don't enjoy spam...and spamming my inventory is just as spammy as running FOS3 100x.
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  17. appocolyps Committed Player

    You are missing the point, i am one of these players, i do this, to this extent, i think this is broken, cry me a river!
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...then I can come here to complain about it being too easy and ask to have the clamp clamped.....:eek:

    "Oh...woe is me....I one shotted bosses that I went out of my way to make sure I could one me from myself by imposing a restriction!".
  19. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    I don't want others to exchange artifacts during the fight because "this is not only gamebreaking, but also cluncky". I'm going to create a topic so they don't do this anymore.

    Is this serious? Soon someone will create a topic saying that the feats are difficult.
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Let's put it this way, I'm defending the system in its entirety because I think its legitimate in and of itself.

    I think if anything, using your artifacts in this manner probably diminishes the difficulty of the content for the individual doing so, it's why someone doing this could never be taken seriously were they to ever say "the game is too easy".

    They're basically up there with the dirty casual who wants everything nerfed because they possess no skill at all.

    I would acknowledge that in the hands of an individual, such as that in the video, they can give the impression they are stretching the system to the very limits of what might have been foreseen as acceptable, possibly even a little past, but that doesn't mean you go to the extremes of destroying the system because a few outliers sit at the top. I trust that makes sense.

    My issue is when people start to suggest disabling it in its entirety, which is just ridiculous, that should never be the approach. If you wanted to slow it down somehow, but perhaps introducing cool downs then I'd be on board.

    But you have to remember are a piece of gear, they're designed that way and always have been, we've always been able to swap gear pieces and the like at any point in time we see fit, so this isn't new; it's probably become a bigger deal to some because of the sheer number of artifacts and options a player could now potentially wield.