Artifacts Swap on combat needs to be supported or limited

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yvtq8k3n The 7, Mar 14, 2022.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm confused. Is OP for or against artifact swapping?

    My 2¢: Things like Tac-Swapping tends to make it difficult for the devs to balance content. We saw what happened with a couple BIG changes that happened over the years. The two biggest would be GU36, which did the animation normalization and jump cancelling dovetails which resulted in us getting weapon mastery and advanced mechanics, and GU73, the stats revamp that removed AMs and lowered damage potential across the board.

    Both were cited that things were getting out of balance and especially AMs being too good that they had to just increase damage and health of bosses to compensate that made them not be able to do complex content.

    So food for thought.
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  2. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    That’s a false equivalent. Which is a logical fallacy is case you didn’t know. You need to install certain software to speed hack which is outside the game which is against the rules. Arts are allowed and how you use them is up to you.
  3. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Dude every week you're on and on about how Elite is too easy, Tanking is too easy... I think your opinions about the game mechanics are too easy buddy
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  4. zNot Loyal Player

    Jealous of swapping arts during combat? Common dude stop being salty.. What is there be jealous of?.. im a fair player and a fan of equal and a balanced game enviroment. Its good to see all these exploits getting exposed the so called „op players“ like to abuse and then say „ohh the game is easy“ yea if you deal tripple the damage then other endgame groups it is. Time to fix this mepps
  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Says the one who thinks art swapping during combat should be in the game,cant you play like everyone else? Too scared to be on even playingfield?
  6. KidKretz Committed Player

    i just know i dare not try this, i will end up deleting my artifacts somehow :p

    bad enough i already salvaged an OP gear :p
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  7. zNot Loyal Player

    Keep on exposing the secrets

    Edit :you are a beast dps :)
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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    ignoring most of the statement I have to latch on to one point. I don't believe opening your inventory and changing something qualifies as a mechanic.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Have they actually come out and said 'yes....using 10 different artifacts during a fight, swapping them in excess of 50 or what we wanted'? I didn't see the post, but I don't read them ALL.

    Because unless that's actually a Green Name stance on the issue, it's just more cheese like glitching a door, DW/Flurry spam, Pushing the Phoenixes out of the GOME 2nd boss room with barrels/balls, bot clipping (which apparently they DIDN'T intend to work as people were using now it's 'fixed') or any other 'cheese' that is generally frowned upon. The only difference here is the main factor is A) PC has a distinct advantage(and yes...I also play PC...but to say it does not have advantages is just blind) and B) it's mainly the whales who will utilize this particular flavor of fumunda cheese.

    And we all know, keeping the whales happy is job one at DCUO. It also wouldn't matter if someone else sold hackery stuff....we are talking about DBG's bottom line not Hacky McHackface coder.

    I do agree with you though....if they want it will be gone. Time will tell. Now that way more people are doing it they will either need to give it the seal of approval or address it.
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  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    This is why my post yesterday about proper use of nerf and fix was important. You don’t want EoG fixed, you want it nerfed. There is nothing broken about it. It does exactly what it says it does. So again: the changes to bots and trinkets: a fix. The changes to cast powers: a fix since they still do exactly what they did before just differently. Solar amp: a fix not a nerf like many players called it. Venom wrist dispenser: nerf. What you want is a nerf.

    More tank difficulty, sure. But you want content to require 2 tanks which makes it much easier on both of them. So which is it?

    No one is skipping anything because they swapped dks in for 10secs. You’re bonus damage is negligible. The entire team benefits from philosophers. Another added bonus for a few seconds. Let’s get creative here. Day 4 of COUE relevancy. Players want that speed feat. A bunch get with a speed hacker. A bunch get with fellow tac swappers. A bunch do neither. Group 1 passes easily. Group 2 passes eventually. Group 3 never gets it. They wait till it’s 3 dlcs old. Who did it cheesier than the other?

    The metal raid with bird man. Dps check. You want 2 healers? Tough, no speed hacker and no tac swappers. That gate keeps plenty of healers cuz not many were solo capable especially with line of sight issues. But same scenario. Same results. Who is the cheese group? Or did the last 2 groups just play as intended yet differently?

    What’s difficult to you may be very easy to someone else. Then there’s players that are less capable than you or someone else. Maybe this crutch is what they need. Maybe that player is already great and likes the added challenge. As far as intended or not, we will not know till something is done about it. If something is ever done about it just like the recent changes. The community did not help with that decision. And again, personally I do not care at all. Saving money is great. Spending it is fine too. For now, it exists so I’ll be spending still. If it ever stops, I won’t quit the game. I’ll just be playing 100% free for however long it lasts.
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  11. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Call it a feature then. A feature that has existed in this game since the beginning, being able to swap things out of your inventory. If you’re in favour of preventing art swapping you would have to be in favour of preventing all inventory changes in combat to be consistent. If you truly cared about balance.
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  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Agreed, till they say intended or not we do not know. We know they didn’t intend all those other things you said tho so don’t do those. The only things I know, when I was setting up my group for the speed run Friday night fights, I asked what the rules were. No speed hacking, no glitching, no macros. I continue to not do those things. How prevalent tac swapping was at the time, I don’t know. I know it was done during those events tho. I also know when I test, I test to see if something gets crazy with tac swapping. Because since it does exist, the least we can do is keep it from making game breaking issues. I assume most testers do. But I also know that I will not tac swap while testing content because I know that players with 3 40 rank artifacts would also like to enjoy the game.

    This so far doesn’t seem like a huge issue. Can it become one? Probably. Should something be done? Meh, their call. I wonder how many players would be happy to hear that they’ve decided to skip a dlc to implement a smoother tac swapping ui. I wouldn’t mind, makes things different. Or how many would be happy to hear they’re skipping a dlc to make it so artis are on their own ui? I’m still ok with it. Or we could all just do the myob thing and let them deal with whatever they think they should be dealing with at the moment. I’m sure many more would prefer that option. I know trans, page, and now clarion users want those things gone over asap vs another new ui.
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So you apparently missed the last line where I pointed out it's a silly argument? That as long as they are making money, everything should be up for discussion or use?
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I guess the bot clipping or certain 'metas' that have been changed over time are the better example. We have them to use as an option...seemingly approved....then when they realize that it creates a big imbalance there are only 2 options. 1) allow it or 2) change it. I guess what I object to is when it's used enough, they make that change to the content to accommodate for the practice. Meaning that Tac swapping would then become least for some content. That is when it then becomes 'my own business'.

    The game breaking issue comes in when things are seen as 'too easy' by people who are going out of their way to make things easier.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    If, by cheese, you mean I'm going to continue to use my inventory to access gear, as and when I need it, in a manner as designed (of which artifacts are clearly a piece of gear), then yes, thank you I will continue to enjoy doing so :)

    I appreciate having your permission to press the I key :D
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  16. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Personally, I just think there should be a cooldown, maybe one minute or so. It’s not game breaking to throw philosophers stone and/or dead kings scepter in once every 4-5 minutes. One can even easily make the case (albeit in hindsight) that those artifacts may have possibly even been intended to eventually be used that way since their effectiveness as a full time artifact was subpar even at the time of release. But essentially having the full benefit of trans, strat, and solar amp/Amulet/Grimorium/ whatever 100% of the time and then also having the full benefit of EoG and/or Flute for every supercharge??? Naaawww, that’s prime Chester Cheetah. Yeah, it ain’t easy, but it’s still cheesy.
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  17. El Presidente Well-Known Player

    I'm neither for nor against being able to swap out artifacts during combat. I personally don't do it. On one hand we can swap out other things during combat so should artifacts really be treated differently? Of course if it's causing balancing problems and other such headaches for the devs then it definitely should go. They have their hands full already without adding more non-core aspects of the game to the pile.
    Maybe a more middle of the road solution would be to remove any and all benefits/effects related to the artifact when the artifact is swapped out.
  18. zNot Loyal Player

    EOG giving us almost unlimited SC to spamm i mean yea it does what it says but is it intented to be this strong? I dont think so. Im sure other games wouldve already nerfed this based on how strong it is sadly the devs of dc seem to be more soft about things like these and they have and had to deal with all the complaints about content difficulty and other similar topics,as he said himself its mostly the same root issues etc.

    2 tanks elite raid given that it is designed properly (example: Darksides war factory Elite) would mean the dps cant carry and nuke everything down.. with this even if a dps abused something broken he would still not have any large impact on the elite raid since the raid would be mostly focused on the the tanks and support rolls inorder to complete it,the mindless pew pew is low quality design to me, Dps should be there to assist and not to carry a elite raid by dealing double to tripple the damage then a regular endgame group does with the same/similar stats thats not using the same arts/power/not using cheesy methods/exploits.

    And if power trollers were a must in Elite raids that would be great too then the buff troller would fall away and the damage wouldnt be as insane as it is now keeping in mind that only very few groups have acces to buff troller with max arts and correct arts and everyone else just has to spend way more time because of the damage gap a buff troller causes.
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Ah the days before Utility Belts and Armories. I > enter > ESC to swap trinkets.

    The devs actually COULD adjust how artifacts work while in combat, the fact it still is this way may mean they don't mind the hot swapping elements. But with recent adjustments to other forms of damage increasing elements, it's possible they might revisit/rethink artifacts.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Good....glad I can help.

    Now....can I get back my unclamped 'cheese' runs that were also 'as designed' that way up till about 8 months ago? Oh wasn't 'intended'....just approved of for 10 years. It was not only approved, it was touted..."go back later and get things when you are stronger"(paraphrased) as a viable option.

    DCUO can also taketh away, and 'intent' can only be assumed till a dev answers.

    And if they do decide to 'taketh' only takes a few months to get used to the new normal. Oh, you might dislike it...but yeah, you'll get used to it.
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