DCUO Development Update - February 2022

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Panderus, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    This still doesn't make any sense, grammatical or content-wise:
    That's gibberish. The "copyright story" (whatever that means) is part of "the most iconic super hero symbol"? What's it look like in the symbol? It doesn't. There's no "copyright story," in or out of the symbol.

    Not to mention that copyright has nothing to do with anything as regards the Superman symbol. (It might be useful for people who want to discuss copyright or trademark or contract law to have at least the vaguest clue as to how these things work. Just a thought.)

    But, hey, whatever. Thanks for attempting to explain. I don't really expect all the comments in the forums to make any sense.
  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    For about the billionth time, no. Microsoft isn't interested in sharing revenues with Sony or Nintendo. Never going to happen unless Microsoft buys Sony or Sony buys Microsoft, or Nintendo buys both, or someone else buys them both or all three.

    None of which is apt to ever happen, though it isn't 100% impossible. But it's unlikely in the extreme.
  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It's possibly relevant regarding properties not created by DC Comics, but by television shows or in other media (games, radio, movies, etc.). That's about it. Otherwise we're talking licensing and straight contract law, nothing more.
  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    As Mepps said, not everyone wants the emblems baked into suits all the time. I know I don't. If a suit comes with the respective character's emblem on it then 99% of the time I won't use it. I know obviously a lot of people will because they like to roleplay as Kryptonians, members of the Batfamily etc., but not everyone likes that.
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  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Check my reply to Mepps...

    Solution is simple.....

    Make a Variant with the S.

    That way... everyone gets what they want. ;)
  6. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Except that is not that simple. That is twice the work for character art for integration and technically the art itself in most cases. Every piece needs to be fitted to 6 different body types. It's doable in some cases (one of which you'll see soon enough) but it does take extra work and that is impactful on schedules and other offerings, not simple as it would seem on the surface.
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  7. Owlman Earth 3 Level 30

    sorry mepps but if it's not a copyright issue then why not have more S in the game???? You said that not everyone likes S, but I can count things with Superman's emblem in 1 hand in this game, while Batman's I can count even with 5 hands together, if the problem is to have to create the models from 0 only put back the 80th birthday superman emblem again, not everyone played dc online back then, and all the players who like superman and can't have his original emblem? how is it?
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  8. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I felt this in my soul. Own an automotive collision shop. “Hey, since you’ll have paint in your gun anyway to fix my bumper, how bout you just paint my whole car??” It’s hard to explain to people that don’t know what goes into things in your profession how things need to go to make other things happen. Concise answer that seems to explain it very well.
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  9. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    How comes playing on the same server is sharing revenue if accounts are still separate and linked to it's platform? You're saying this like there isn't already a bunch of games with xbox-ps cross platform multiplayer. Are they available from alternative reality where microsoft bougth sony or something? :confused:
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  10. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    That is only a thing for cross platform accounts, xbox doesnt lose revenue for merged servers if every marketplace stuff is not tradeable across platforms like it is right now. In the past they used to block merges for "security" reasons, like not being able to filter and act if a PS player harasses a xbox one.
    Panderus said last year a server merge was a possibility, but he never mentioned it again.
  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    He said right in the response, it's the license. The devs have to use the license as DC sees fit. And even though they work with DC constantly on the game, there may be (and probably are) times where DC says "no" and there's nothing the devs can do.
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I think what he means (and of course Mepps or any other dev can correct me if I am mistaken in this) is that DC dictates how and when we get access to things such as Superman emblem. As far as we understand from what we were told back when the emblem was available, it was a limited time thing because that's what DC themselves wanted. If DC tells the devs it can only be available in the game for 6 months then the devs have no choice in the matter and have to take it off the vendor once that 6 months is up.
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  13. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I don't know how they work; I've never claimed to know how All Things In Gaming, or anything else, work.

    But I'll freely admit that, sure, maybe I'm wrong. I don't claim to be expert or even particularly knowledgeable about all the relevant issues.
  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The lack of relevance of copyright law (or trademark law, which are hardly the same thing) doesn't mean contract law no longer exists. Specifically, licensing exists, and the contracts tend to have very specific terms wherein, in this case, DC controls their own intellectual property.

    By contract. Governed by contract law. If it makes you feel better, DC owns the copyrights for their own creations (absent a case where *they* are licensing characters owned by someone else, which happens on occasion), yes. (DC also owns the trademarks.)

    But copyright law doesn't spell out how a license works; it's up to the owner and licensee to work out specific terms or restrictions according to their contracts. All that copyright law does is establish who owns the property to license.
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  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    They may not stay out long but their cool down is way, way shorter than henchmen/supply drops/orbital strike
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  16. Elveralas New Player

    Mepps this year dont wait Survival Mode?
  17. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Happy to say that I just finalized all the orbitals to show up on the Dispenser. You'll need to equip the orbital (supply drop, henchmen, etc.) one more time to have the Dispenser register that you own it. Once you no longer have that item in your inventory (bank or on the character) then you'll see it available on the Dispenser.

    So the steps will be outlined clearly when the feature goes live but getting the word out early - any new trinket that qualifies (orbitals, supply drops, henchmen, and the one extra sidekick out there) will bind to you when equipped - at that point, you can delete the item and see it in your Dispenser. If you have old items, you MUST re-equip the item once then you can delete the item, then you will see it in your Dispenser.

    I'll knock out the others next week and hopefully the feature will make it live pretty soon after.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you
  19. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    That is very awesome, thanks! It will be clearing up like 5-6 rows from my bank! :D
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  20. TheBatmanofDcuo New Player

    Hi Charon i have a question, is anything is on the table for the release of The Batman film in the cinema for Dcuo ?