Devs:Stat clamp to old content is quite obtuse

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You've made use of their programs to create what you like, sure. But that doesn't change any of the legal facts in any way. You're drawing with chalk owned by someone else. Which you've agreed you are borrowing and don't own. That's just what the TOS says, in more complex language.

    Honestly, I'm not telling you (and everyone else, since this isn't a private message exchange) this to make you feel bad. I just believe that everyone understanding the relevant facts is more useful than encouraging people to believe that their wishes for how the law works are the way the law works.

    You don't "own" your character. You've made use of Daybreak's (and DC's) intellectual property to entertain yourself. You didn't write the programs that create your character and you don't own the copyright on those programs. Do you follow?
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No one is taking your character away. No one is taking the gear or your SP away. No one is taking away your artifacts. You are not losing anything that you purchased. The values can be changed at any point and you own none of it.
  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Daybreak Games Terms of Service:
  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That assuredly includes characters created out of options lent to you for use that are still owned by the writers of the code that makes up digital intellectual property. (The "writers" in this sense meaning "the people hired by Daybreak," which retains the copyright and for legal purposes are the "creators.")

    Digital property is only code: letters and numbers. You haven't purchased the copyright to the programs that create your character. You can only make such use of that code as the owner of the code wishes to give you.
  5. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Funny you.... all these sub-clauses certainly protect developers from lawsuits, litigation... there is one small problem, they do not protect against the loss of players who are unhappy with the changes... you know? I like clamping, I'm quite happy with it .... but reading the lion's share of posts in this and other topics from the so-called defenders, I get the impression that they do more harm than good (defenders, not clamping ...;) ... .I wouldn’t buy anything from anyone ...;) it’s good that at least the developers had more worthwhile arguments than the “defenders” ...
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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Discussions here aren't binary. They're just discussions. Speaking solely for myself, the only things I "defend" here are facts. I certainly make my share of complaints to the devs when I think they are warranted.

    But I do try to complain without being a rude twit. How one complains matters as much or more as the facts being complained about. Nobody welcomes being "asked" with personal attacks, contempt, rudeness, hostility, insults, etc. People (devs) do generally respond to being asked things politely.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’m done with all of this
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    I've had a read of the new posts since my last in here and I have to laugh because so many words get thrown around when it's really just way more simple than that.

    The clamp means things are no longer as 'easy' as they once might have been but they are still objectively easier over time.

    So realistically there is no issue other than the fact some people want the game 'easier' if they were being honest they'd accept and acknowledge that simple fact without the diatribes and accusations of robbery.

    To beat a dead horse, if you want to be more successful then stop using trash loadouts, stop building your augments like a goddam infinty glove - you're not Thanos, use single colors for a reason, use the right artifacts, assign your stat points in a more balanced or better fashion and stop trying to thrust your way through things like an angry hippopotamus. ;)
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  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Great, y'all broke Mepps.
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  10. Dene Devoted Player

    This is 100% true of every business.. they have their Ts&Cs.. not everyone likes them but they are fact. People who do not like then are welcome to put in ideas but at no point is a business obligated to enact them..

    As a person who deals IRL with people not liking my workplace's Ts&Cs they will argue no end but sometimes the Ts&Cs are necessary for greater harmony for ALL not just a few, sometimes the people who are complaining are the ones benefiting without even knowing. And yes, they are there to protect a business to ensure its survival. Most people do not care about a business surviving they just want what they want and want it NOW

    As for the "defenders" comment - this is just a way to try and insult people who do not agree.. its high school level "white knight" nonsense - both sides seem to be arguing in circles.. on that we agree :)

    Back to topic - Stat Clamp is a "greater good" thing.. and really not game breaking in my opinion. DCUO needs it for certain people/situations and I have no doubt the Devs knew there would be those that didn't like it but knew it was necessary for the longevity of the game etc

    A lot of these issues people complain about with stat clamp (players leaving.. bad players.. not getting feats easily etc) irionically, would not be an issue if we had had it from the start..
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  11. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I swear, if you guys don't stop, one of you is getting it in the hypotenuse.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Isosceles what you did there! ;)
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  13. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    It's just one ting after another
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  14. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    for what it's worth, mate, I understand exactly what you're trying to say.
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    To affirm what was said earlier, arguing legalities doesn't help anything. In fact, direct legal commentary or threats are a forum violation.

    It's okay to assert "I have a right!" for whatever, because this usually isn't about rights, but perhaps poor word choice when speaking to entitlements or opinions or expectations - and those are things we want to see discussions about.

    Let's try to veer back on topic and stay on the frustrations and benefits of stat scaling.
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  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Also the puns in this thread are making me reconsider bringing back the thumbs down button.
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I Cosine this sentiment
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I disagree with a "in progress" choice, i think it would work better being a pre-selected before queuing up.
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  19. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    A number of people here have points.
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  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Oh, for sure, for sure.
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