Gifts revealed!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Jan 11, 2022.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    I think I missed a bunch of base items, but I showed some for what It's worth xD I am glad Oceans also confirmed, sadly I do not have source marks on this characer rn but I will move her there soon!
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  2. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I was smiling when I saw this Oceans, yay :D
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  3. Achikah All About That Base

    This is so great. Can't wait to dive in and check it out, and also see what everyone else does.

    Question: is this like the Brainiac theme from years past? Meaning, do we only get the lair on one character and have to buy it for the rest?
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    Yep, one per account and you can buy it on the market place - and you'll get a base items pack for each character.
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  5. Achikah All About That Base

    Thank you, and all the devs, for this. This theme is absolutely gorgeous! And the furniture. *-* So great!

    Gotcha. Welp, after seeing this, and touring one, I think I'm going to have to do some investing for future projects. ;)
    Thank you again for the video, well done!
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  6. Controller Devoted Player

    This is pretty cool - especially in that we can make IMMEDIATE use of the Nth metal for the artifacts.
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This was resolved shortly after servers came up.
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  8. Dark Warrior Active Player

    For the new lair locations in the House of Legends, are the Archive (JLA Planning) and Archive (Society Planning) reversed or is that intended? Right now the JLA Planning is on the Society side and the Society Planning is on the JLA side.
  9. Wallachia Devoted Player

    When will we get those gifts?
  10. Eve YouTuber

    We got them today! Log in!
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  11. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

  12. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I spent the whole weekend with a 39C fever and literally just woke up, and still sick. Give me a freaking break.
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I hope you get well soon.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Wow....the awesome just keeps coming.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate


    Hopefully not too many applied the XP without noticing.....:eek:
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  16. Charon Lead Content Designer

    The third is similar to HoL Bot Ally. So two smaller ones and one big one at full source mark unlock.
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  17. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    i so wish my console wasnt broken
  18. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    My hopes of dumping the manor were met with re-skin. I appreciate the new base, and base items: I wish that amenities could be free placement though. Running to various corners of the base for amenities ugh lol.
  19. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I was surprised they didn't include any pictures, at least for the chromas or material. I'll probably change my HLADamian toon's R&D/lab type base to that theme. It fits the concept and will certainly be easier to organize stuff in lmao. Nice to have bases with actual rooms now. Be cool to get some for the other hubs or safehouses. I'll probably also give Atomikit this base theme, I think it kinda fits her. Maybe some of my Lantern Girls, too (or I could even make a joint one that's sorta like a home for all of them).

    I'd also love to see more of these for the other mentors since we got Wayne Manor for ol' Batsy. Fortress of Solitude for Supes, Carnival/Circus/Big-Top for Joker (would also double as a great base for fans of characters like Nightwing, Deadman, and Harley), Some sort of Themyscira temple or something for WW or Circe (they're both a bit harder), LexCorp for Lex. And aside from Iconic themes, stuff like a prison/asylum, warehouse, updated versions of the existing base themes, etc. could be fun. And I would sell my soul for a Clocktower base, both because I just love Oracle so dang much I often joke about being an "Oraclite" as a sort of joke religion because I "practically worship her" and also just because it would be so perfect for my toon BGKarma that's a sorta elseworld, twisted version of her (it's agonizing how all the Oracle base items from BOP would be so perfect for her but they're all green like actual, Iconic Oracle's color scheme but Karma has a red color scheme) and she also has the Clocktower for a base and home alongside Tim (who is her sidekick in this world) and a ground-up OC (well technically that's also an elseworld, twisted version of my main version of that third character). I could make all their rooms with all these details representing who each of them are as people and as characters. Seeing what the Manor Base started continue with the HOL Base is quite promising! I'm eager to see what else comes in the future!

    I'm gonna have to get back into the groove, though. Haven't touched the game since around Christmas because I've been obsessively playing my new Pokemon games, lmao.
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  20. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I'm not seeing the Bank, broker etc in the new HoL living quarters. Anyone else?