What's The Point?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BYSIS, Dec 25, 2021.

  1. Wallachia Devoted Player

    That is because those people often come here making demands, stomping their virtual feet, insulting the devs and wanting things that were already shot down:

    1. People ask for name reclaim just so they can steal a name instead of coming up with a new one.
    2. People advocate against stat clamp just so they can go to lower alerts, 1-hit-kill everything without waiting for their team and feel strong.
    3. People make a random complaint, call the devs "incompetent" and put in caps "FIX IT!!!!", forgetting that the real world doesn't work this way.

    People like this will never be listened to, so guess what: they will go somewhere else and whine like the crybabies they are. Back when I joined the forums, in 2016, I remember people commenting how the devs "listened too much to people".
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Bad ideas are still bad ideas, though. We act on good ideas as time allows, and use specific suggestions to shape the general direction of the game even if that specific suggestion is not directly done.

    Bug reports are a different beast, and we fix what we can based on priority and how much time is involved. For example, a single cosmetic issue on a single style is not high priority compared to, well, most other things. Important? Yes. But people-hours are limited.

    (That said, the Tunic of Greed is on my top issues list because it is so blatantly annoying.)
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Don't worry. We still listen to people too much. Also we often listen to the "wrong" people.
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  4. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I know, right? We all know you should listen to XxBaTMaNxX27237327 and his amazing idea to allow him to be called OGBatman.
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  5. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    You should listen to me. There's another "bug" that needs fixing.
    Make neons from their respective packs account bound.
    IE: Black neon chroma, Dark cosmic Chroma etc
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  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I got the Brainiac drone pet fixed but that was prior to the current tiered standardized pet system. And speaking of that system, while I’m sure Charon had been planning and/or working on that system already, that same thread that got the BraIniac Drone pet fixed began an ongoing dialogue between several of us and Charon and much of what got discussed seemed to garner consideration and inclusion in to what eventually became the current system.

    So that’s something…
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  7. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    Well I honestly appreciate you coming on this measly thread of mine to answer my questions and clear the air. I know this would never happen with any of the other BigName developers like EA, Blizzard, etc. Truly appreciate everyone's response
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  8. Mr.W Committed Player

    Yes, there has been. One major & recent thing was the devs putting legendary allies on the cyborg vendor after many of us voiced concerns about them having actual stat improvements locked specifically behind a pay wall. So I'm very thankful for them listening to that.
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  9. Mr.W Committed Player

    They were also kind enough to restore the stat changes from save the universe, as a courtesy b/c of a gap in communication, so I appreciate them listening there too.
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  10. Mr.W Committed Player

    Well I hope I've been one of the right ppl :p lol.

    Happy New Year Mepps :)
  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    While we have you (even tho me commenting guarantee’s you’ll ghost the thread lol)
    You want a good idea? One that will be well received?
    Thats it, thats all. Let us use all our toons. You did a GOOD thing with mods finally. The system is decent it seems. But for some reason, while you were giving with one hand, you were using the other to take…… why in the world did u character bind the plans? Just drop the handcuffs and let us play our toons an all is well for mods my man
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  12. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    The Devs can't listen to all the suggestions "new" players make because honestly, the game would change so frequently, people not wanting one suggestion but another would become tedious. The reason to make threads about "wishes" is so the Devs get ideas beyond those they might not have.
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  13. beardrive Committed Player

    Hi, I complained that there wasn't enough base item space when the new Wayne Manor base came out Halloween 2021 and base item placement maximum was raised to 700 items a week later, up 100 from 600 to 700. (Now I need to get the ball rolling on 800 items, which of course is a perfect number for the Wayne manor base). XD

    I complained after the buyout and because of STU Save the universe events there would be no new base items for almost year and they added older items to the loot drop for the current DLC after announcing previously there would be no base items for the DLC.

    So that was something that changed as well.

    I don't know how many other people complained, but I felt heard after changes were made to things I had issues with. But no one is getting to everything.

    As far as this company is concerned, though, whatever they are doing they are listening, and responding. This is new this year, and accounts personally for my own increase in posts for things I myself want from the game. I've been playing on and off since 2016.
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    They do get what they want, just not in the exact fashion they want it in. xD
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Some Vets are more jaded and moreso want their game to be geared for endgame while leaving the rest of the game to die on the vine.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Personally i found it cool, that you guys added platforming to a raid. I remember asking for it. Shame you cant have much variety....
  17. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Not remotely true in most cases but to be fair, alot of ideas are completly stupid and the devs do in fact listen. Just seems they rarely hear us or when they do listen and do something good, they do 2 bad things to to along with it (lookin at you new GOOD mod system w/worst ever character bound plans)
  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Give your feedback on the January Survey. Help them to help us.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    They did try and listen to us for PvP feedback, howd that work out?
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  20. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I think my forum title says it all...

    Glad to see everyone back and posting. Hope the break was recharging.
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