Artifact Glitch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stag, Dec 12, 2021.

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  1. Mr.W Committed Player

    Thats why I felt it would've been better to reset the value of ppls artifacts before becoming exo powered.
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  2. Fednigor New Player

    " Just because you spent a lot of money it shouldn't mean that you get a pass for cheating." Jafin is right
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If they were a "cash cow" they wouldn't have needed to steal from the developers. I hope the people that knowingly exploited lose their accounts permanently. That's what a company with integrity would do.
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  4. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    If you were brand new to the game, new enough to not know that it wasn't normal, then you would not have known how or why to use the exploit on artifacts. Nor would you have done it "egregiously". As in, fortifying multiple artifacts to 200.

    I stand by what I said. It was obviously a glitch. Those who actively took advantage of it are cheaters and don't deserve pity or defence.
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  5. Mr.W Committed Player

    I do agree that a complete maintenance shutdown would've help protect players who didn't know better. & a bug like that should've actually delayed the launch of the dlc if the rumors were true that this was reported on the test server prior to its live release.
  6. Harlequin Devoted Player

    You don't. the "/s" signifies sarcasm.

    I was mocking your assertion that punishing people who broke the rules would be more harmful to the game than allowing them to get away with it. It doesn't matter if they are whales or if they spend exactly zero on the game. They should all be subject to the same punishment under the rules and, in this case, the punishment is account death and I'm here for it.

    That being said, I do not expect permabans to be common at all. Precedent says they will make a show of promising severe punishment then quietly let those players back into the game. You and your buddies will get your accounts back, no worries.
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  7. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    A lifetime ban for a first offense seems a bit harsh. If they're serial offenders, they obviously don't have the maturity to play in a game with others.
  8. Cajaritotutututu Well-Known Player

    Love the fact that the devs accepted that they had an obscure and challenging bug, is awfull in small systems and i can't get grasp on how is on a big system like this one.

    Also i think is a step into the right direction banning or at least suspend people who abused this, because clearly there is a big diference between someone who for example fortified a stack of exobytes on accidents into an artifact or something else, because it was possible to make the mistake (i almost lossed my qwarks into the op neck), and someone who got a ton of arts and allies to max level.

    One thing is to try and see if is in fact a bug and report it and just abuse it, i sincerily hope that the devs judge correctly people who may only mistakenly use the bug.
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  9. Mr.W Committed Player

    It wasn't coded deliberately but according to the rumors I been hearing the coding error was reported before it hit live so it was deliberately released bugged.
  10. niehlsbohr Active Player

    Agree, good point, nailed it except the developers are just workers, daybreak corporate is more exact term. I never blamed the devs, I always blame their management, these developers always under pressure with limited resource.
    Anyways, Notice that daybreak banned the fortify cheats because it affects their profit margin greatly while speed hack is lower priority since no automated infrastructure in place to catch them and more effort needed to catch other forms of cheats.
  11. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Not really. If something is "egregious" it's outstandingly bad, he may as well have said "obviously". Someone dropped an Exobyte into an Artifact? Not egregious. Someone maxxed every artifact they own across multiple characters? Egregious. Especially when people were talking about it in /shout.

    Where the problem will come in is determining where that line betweeen egregious and not falls. Other things may be taken into account as well such as "does the account holder have a history of exploiting" or "do we have a record of them posting about it on the forums prior to their engaging in the activity".
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  12. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    It definitely was reported before it went live. I think they had a hard time the episode had to come out so it was like put it out and "we'll fix it as we go" was probably the plan.
  13. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    This is slight misinformation. A portion of the overall exploit was discovered and reported on test, but that alone is not what the exploit was. There were more steps involved in it than just what was discovered on test. I don't think anyone could have foreseen the full extent of the exploit.
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  14. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Rolling back is too little for abusing the game time after time and some of the accounts probably deserved the permanent ban.

    Now I'm always agains't permnanently banning first time offenders unless they did something like credit card fraud, even more after people who abused TCs/mail glitch got to keep their accounts and money. In my opnion, first time offenders deserve a second chance, but with their all their artifacts and OP items levels set to 0. I've met good people who were new to the game and abused a exploit in the past because they didn't think it was serious, maybe it was the case for some of the guys who abused the xp glitch.
  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Each and every person is responsible for their own actions. It is one's choice to play by the rules or decide to deliberately go against the rules. Breaking the rules has consequences. This is true in real life everywhere not just on an MMO game.

    Choosing to break the rules with full knowledge that it is wrong in hopes of getting away with something deserves to be punished. Punishment is a consequence of the individual's choice to deliberately go against the rules. Accidental infringement could be looked at on an individual basis or not. This is true also in real life.

    It speaks volumes to the character of the ones who took advantage of this exploit. Losing their character(s) in game along with whatever other punitive actions taken by Daybreak against them could hopefully prove to be a valuable life lesson to them that will benefit them someday when something more tempting presents itself but the consequences are far more harsher than being banned from a video game.

    My only concern is that no innocents were caught up in all of this by Daybreak performing some general query. (I.E. If any Arts or Augments achieved max level on Dec. XX to Dec. XX then flag for banning.) This is part of the transparency Daybreak has promised us coming in January.

    I hope the ones who were banned for taking advantage of the situation to reflect on what they have done and learn a life lesson from it.
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  16. Fednigor New Player

    Now for the speed hackers, i hope they ban them too
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  17. Mr.W Committed Player

    Ppl would rather have a week delay to get the kinks out & enjoy Content bug free then the situation that occurred. & like someone said they could've down extended maintenance down as soon as things like this was reported live as well if they had to release it by a certain date due to rights.
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  18. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I dont follow anything u just said in relevance to what i wrote…..
    I dont speed hack so not sure what your getting on about lol
    Im also not worried as i didnt exploit anything.
    M curious what the criteria is be ause i did fortify during the time and still dont really even know what the exploit was.
  19. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Yea for sure, not worried at all. Just curious of the criteria they are using to determine if u exploited or not given that most all of us (i assume) did work on our neck an augs as i did
  20. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There have been some changes since the last mass suspension. We're not discussing Daybreak the publisher, we're discussing Dimensional Ink the studio. Dimensional Ink is in charge of themselves.
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