Get rid of stat clamping already. It was a dumb idea.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lanternspartan, Nov 22, 2021.

  1. DAnomalous Level 30

    Much prefer that they keep the clamp so content feels like you're actually doing something, but remove the pain points like feats/power being locked behind just doing stuff that makes fights take longer and isnt engaging gameplay or fun.
  2. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    I hated the idea of stat clamping. Really hated it. I thought nothing could convince me it would be a good idea.

    But over the course of time, I started to notice how many instances couldn't be *played*. People just ran in, on-shot everything, and ran out. There's no skill in that. No gaming in that. It wasn't fun at all. It was, in fact, boring. And lower level players NEVER got to run old instances as intended because there's always a higher level player just one-shotting everything for them. Ug. BORING.

    And so I slowly came around to the idea of stat clamping. If done right, and tuned correctly. And so I waited for this DLC with apprehension. And I was delighted by the result.

    Yeah, some instances still need tuning, but there's 10 years of content to deal with. Not all of it will be perfect on the first go-round. I was afraid I would feel weak and not be able to complete stuff, but everything is as easy as if I was overgeared for the instances - but not so easy I can just pew pew pew my way through everything. It was, in short, what I was hoping for but worried I wouldn't get.

    Then old leaguemates started coming back. People I haven't seen on the game in years came back to try, and almost all of them are still playing. I've had more people to play with in ages - and we're having FUN. In old content that some players have dismissed as ... well, old. We're playing stuff I haven't played since it first came out, and it's enjoyable. Sometimes even challenging.

    Pugging is much harder, as there are way too many "end-game" players who never actually had to play the game before and haven't got the first clue about mechanics. I had to teach someone how to block the other day in an alert. They were over 300 cr and didn't know to block on a skull. They had never actually played before. Now they are learning. Once they got it, they had more fun too.

    I'm still iffy on open world bounties, as I'd prefer to be able to solo them all eventually, due to the nature of the game and playerbase, but I'll wait to see what the devs do to address issues with that.

    And skill points *really* matter now. My newbie alt is crap compared to my end-game character. The difference of 300 skill points is really noticeable now. All the effort I put into my main character is paying off in clamped content. I know the powers and I have the skill points to use them best. It's a win-win.

    I understand the complaints. I felt like the complainers for a long time. But I'm sold on the new DCUO. It's so much better now. The devs have opened up 10 years of content and made it interesting enough to enjoy again. And I can only be amused by people who say, "It's old content, who wants to play it anyway!" and then whine that it's too hard. I mean, contradictory much? If you weren't going to play it anyway because it was old, why are you worried that it's more difficult now? Just stick with end-game stuff, nothing has changed there. You've literally lost nothing if the old content wasn't stuff you wanted to play.

    Anyway, I should stop replying to these threads. I know the attitude of the anti-clampers because I was one. I know that only they can change their own minds, and they have to want to first. But I'm here to say I've seen very few complaints in game and I've seen a ton of people come back to the game over the past couple of months. I've seen queues pop faster and I've played some stuff I haven't played in years, and a few I never got to play at level.

    I'm loving the clamp. I think it's literally the best thing to happen to the game since I started playing.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You have been honest about your feelings and the reasoning behind them, unlike some who squash all dissent . I too hope no one attacks you for them.
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  4. Harlequin Devoted Player

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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  6. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    I never voted for this. It’s not my fault this game gets sold every 2 years and game gets changed/twisted along the way. Hell, if people can’t even engage movement mode in the ‘original intro’ then what divine intervention is going to help new players git gud?…definitely not the almighty “Stat Clamp”.

    I still find it funny how we were told that we can use our stats to go back in content so it can be easier…hey guess what guys, y’all getting the clampies!
  7. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    280cr gear is not much of a reward for the bs you have to put up with to do clamped content. the only thing i do with that gear is either salvage it or sell it to the vender, its completely useless to an end game player. I think we need better rewards for clamped content and i think the clamp should be optional not forced.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Sure i got the clampies, but im still outhealing little Johnny by a mile and a half, whos a fresh Tier 5 healer in any content, clamped or not.

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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Penicillin can help you with the clampies.
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  10. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    You know what hurts more than stat clamping? When you don't even know you are being clamped 4 ways from Sunday and stat clamping in old content isn't even the beginning of it. You get clamped at end game 2. Stats revamp the revamp that takes the players progression away number one and if that's not enough here's a second dose for you roleless buffs also come with debuffing you yes that's right. Roleless buffs are in open world and alerts everywhere even end game. Running with 2 many dps will nerf each other out greatly 3 dps is 32% less dmg out each dps now imagine that in open world. If all that doesn't hurt your feeling then stat clamping in old.conent un top of all that will definitely hurt your feelings. So for the 4th and final hurting here goes apparently the developers did not have the hardware or the server to be able to let us have all.of our stats. This probably means all this time even right now that all those stats you see on yourself you only get to use 30% of it. Why? Because it would cause too much server lag end hurt the hardware. Now can we just stop talking about stat clamping it's only one of many problems right now
  11. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Change does not happen if people don't speak up. From what i see on the forums and what i hear in game from people seems to be that the majority of people do not like the clamp.
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  12. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    As far as Stat Clamping goes, it's very evident that combat rating and stats get scaled down to that tier's cap upon entering an instance.
    The game after 4 or more players is supposed to revolve around teamwork and paying attention to the environment/UI to take down a boss.

    As a returning player witnessing this myself.. it's not much of an issue. In a matter of 5 days, I used the clamped solo and duo content (to which I highly recommend for newer players) to farm for source marks needed to progress quickly among Combat Rating, and there's a plateau around 320 CR, to which you do Tier 6 dailies until you get item level 280 gear, and then use time pieces (buy unattuned gear boxes) to push that 324 to 327 mark (You unlock Tier 6 at 299 CR.) Learn your character, collect style sets and dismantle old gear along the way to fuel your exobytes that fit your role, and there should be little to no issue tackling with said content. As far as that is concerned | Stats > Styles.

    Alerts and Raids aren't usually worth it due to difficulty (even from 8 years ago, veterans were still wiping in a Tier 2 Alert) and being loot locked for 24 hours or 1 week respectively (unless old content does not do that anymore.)

    If being wiped left and right is an issue for you, I'd suggest investing to a shield (if your power has one) to reduce incoming damage as much as possible, and bring in soder cola extremes as well. A well timed soder ingestion can have you recover from the brink of death in a mere instant. Additionally, collect mods and install them into your base generator to increase your stats further.

    Unattuned loot scales with your Combat Rating (Up to 320 CR), and collecting gear as you go while using Source Marks to buy Source Tier Gear to ascend to the next Tier, starting with the weapon, and then moving from cheapest to most expensive cost for other gear.

    Example with how I went - Weapon -> Face -> Ring (x2) -> Utility Belt -> Boot -> Glove -> Belt -> Back -> Shoulder -> Head -> Leg -> Chest.

    In a nutshell:
    -Do Solo/Duo to collect marks as they are less difficult.
    -Make sure to learn about instance mechanics, cause just rushing in to do damage would only leave a result of wipe after wipe. You can't deal DPS if you're suddenly KO'd after being hit by a one-shot mechanic coming straight from the boss (It's everywhere within Alerts and Raids, and IMO, it's one of the dumbest reasons to lose a fight, leading to loads of frustration to boot.)
    -Buy Source Tier Gear to ascend to the next tier, starting with weapon, and then moving from lowest to highest cost.
    -if you see a box and a mod at the same time as part of the loot table, pick box first as the gear found from it scales with CR.
    -Make sure you're packed with Soder Cola Extremes (they're real cheap) and don't hesitate to use it when you're near death's door.
    -Take full advantage of what the generator features offer.
    -Once hitting that 320 CR threshold, do Tier 6 dailies, open their loot boxes to get item level 280-284 gear. In addition, it also gives improved Version 40 mods for generators.
    -Use time pieces to ascend to 327 CR once hitting 325 CR, to which is the final step to attaining Time Gear (which helps to attain 346 CR after filling everything.)
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Funny that others have made the same remarks from the other side. Truth is, we have limited information and typically have limited circles (most share the same opinion on certain topics…”Facebook effect”). It’s easy for us (on both sides) to extrapolate that we’re on the majority side.

    Are you struggling in content because of the change or are you simply refusing to change?
  14. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Foreals That Dude Dumb Why Even Comment No One Is Gonna Give A D@@M
  15. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

  16. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I see more threads against stat clamping than i do for it and in game i see people complain in chat about it so i am going by that since we can't know the exact stats on the topic but what i do know is telling people to just shut up about it does not help anyone. This isn't even the 1st time they tried stat clamping, they did it a few years ago but called it something else and people hated it and it was removed so speaking up gets results. In my case i am more for just making the clamp optional rather than forced.
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  17. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Regarding these tiers, there's an effective Combat Rating cap for each one, and your stats scale based upon that rating. Now the question lies, would you want newer players to develop bad habits from being carried, or do you risk being clamped so that the entire party can learn about the instance's mechanics, so that when they reach Normal and Elite versions, they know what to do so the runs as a result become more efficient.

    As far as difficulty is concerned, it varies greatly from instance to instance, and from boss to boss. If you're struggling with one instance, maybe try it again later once you attain better gear, or learn about the ins and outs of artifacts along with additional bonuses for the role.
    For raids, a combination of DPS, Tank, Controller and Healer is usually a must as the scaling goes through the roof, and even if such stat limitations were to be removed, how would you be able to solo it if these raid bosses have screen nukes that KO you in a single hit no matter how invested your HP stat is.

    Rush the content and skipping enemies to boot, and you may lose out on collecting Nth Metal, which is a key component of artifact building that lets you go beyond your convectional limitations within that respective tier. Perhaps being clamped is an attempt to teach us that D2W (Damage to Win) only goes so far.

    Also, to reiterate, from 8 years ago, even if the DPS had tier 5 gear (around Quantum Batman's introduction) and went solo, they would still wipe within tier 2 alerts and raids due to boss mechanics and scaling to boot, so complaining about Stat Clamping with old content is rather counterproductive since it's been around since the dawn of this game's founding.

    -Going uncapped would allow newer players to progress quickly as its upside, but downside is there will be bad habits developing and when these newer players band together, it would result in wipe after wipe due to being unable to learn about instance mechanics.

    -Stat Clamping at least allows newer players to compete with the veterans, and therefore give the motivation that they're actually contributing to the team instead of being cannon fodder that gets carried, expecting to be carried, becoming frustration when expectations aren't met and then leave as a result after being bombarded with numerous complaints (Which is entirely relatable from my end as I have experienced berating from not contributing enough DPS myself, and I was like 8 years younger at the time.)

    -DPS only goes so far when you're being crowd controlled, and you only have so much HP, even if uncapped. Therefore, how far can you really go if you're able to enter old alert/raid content without restrictions from clamping, only to then "die" from an instant-kill mechanic, hopping on forums and then complaining about that when it's part of the game.

    -And real question, how much more efficient are alerts and raids compared to farming solos + duos? At least with Duos, you are a lot less likely to die. As far as wiping in solos are concerned, It's usually either a factor of boss mechanics, or just flat out not having the recommended gear score to tackle the boss.
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  18. Plowed In Loyal Player

    What server/platform are you on? I’m always interested if there’s more of a divide because of the different environments.

    Why do you think it needs to be removed, are you struggling in content or just against it generally?
  19. Batladin3217 New Player

    The Stat Clamping SUCKS!
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Not at all, likely they archive old updates, so if an update goes very south for the game, they have a roll back restore point.The values and everything they can still see.