Downtime Server Maintenance - November 4, 2021 - Game Update 118

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Thanks for the heads up.
    The instances are more important than any gift so that's what I am waiting on.
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Unfortunately, the instance issue may persist through the weekend.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Hey Alysa *hugs* It’s me Kiki / Sheena. EBIL !!!!
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  4. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    • Wait, what?
    The way you people treat Mepps like he is some kind of celebrity is completely baffling. He is just a guy doing a job. No, he is not ever going to be president and no, you will not get a position in his administration.
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  5. Crimson Crossfyre Well-Known Player

    Courtesy and good manners never cost anything. Rudeness usually does.
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  6. myandria Item Storage


    This means that you should never, ever, comment on anything he says and does ever again. He's only a guy doing his job, right?

    It is a shame when people get salty about people treating each other like humans. And yes, some people do get a little too excited but that doesn't mean that their feelings are not genuine.

    If the devs do something good, then they should be praised for it if players feel inclined to do so. If they do something that is not good, they should (and usually do) get a head's up about it. Where's the "celebrity" treatment in that?
  7. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    So don't be rude. Good advice. Don't adulate is good advice as well. You guys act like he is the Mighty Wizard of Oz or something. It's just weird.
  8. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Wow. That is a really weird response. Who is salty? Look in the mirror. Seems I struck a nerve. Sorry about that.
  9. Trykz Dedicated Player

    It’s not weird. He’s the front man for a beloved game. He’s the link between the fans and the behind the scenes. What’s weird is that it bothers you so much that people treat him like he’s a celebrity. Does the communities adulation (and in all fairness frustration at times) for and with mepps harm you in some way? Why does it hurt you so? Show me on the doll where mepps hurt you.
    Was it here?
    Was it there?
    If you don’t like mepps that is cool, I can appreciate you having a voice.
    If you like him it’s the same.
    What’s the point of putting people down, for of all things, having a favorite green name ?
    • Like x 1
  10. myandria Item Storage

    :D No saltiness here (except for the soft pretzel I'm enjoying). If you think my response was salty in any way I do apologize as that was not my intention.

    I am curious, though; why do you think my response is weird?
  11. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I've been looking forward to today for months.

  12. SeiyaDivin² New Player

    **** YOUR MOM with your Update fully bugged

    **** YOUR MOM with your DLC useless for mst players

    **** YOUR MOM with your Time Capsule

    **** YOUR MOM with your ******* game

    I've played 10 years in DC Universe Online because i loved this game really , today this is a garbage and all my teammate stopped play
    • Like x 1
  13. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Ok we hear you, now tell us how you really feel.
  14. Annamaniac Level 30

    Hello Mepps,
    Just to let you know which other open world aeras that you missed that you can't get into they are:
    *Open World Areas:
    - Gotham Gang Wars
    - Metropolis Battle Zone
    - Gotham Under Seige

    I checked All of them Last night/morning 11/6/2021 @ 01:30am pst before I headed to bed. for the night. I just thought that Your team might like to know. I have yet to check Alll the Que up menu as that will involve willing poeple for the 8 player missions to be checked as well as th 4 & 2 players. I can check the solos but won't have a chance to till tomomorow as I'm totally busy today but thought it was impostant to get this message out to help in any way that I can.
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  15. Amalgam Universe Online New Player

    Lol i feel yall , just stating what i think it will take to make most players feel like dcuo is doing good with and for its players, compared to other games. Not saying its wrong or rite, just the minimal they will have to do for that downtime.
  16. Royal Tsuyoki New Player

    i ran into this last night as well. hope we can get an update on this soon and a hotfix is deployed.
  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    With computers sometimes bad things just happen. This is one of those times. It wasn't deliberate and I can assure you their IT department certainly didn't want this kind of headache over the weekend.

    We recently had a system update at work that screwed up our networked printers. Of course everyone was yelling at the IT guys about it. It wasn't their fault. They didn't do it deliberately. But they had to work overtime to fix it and still come in to work the next day at regular time.

    I think my generation is all about instant gratification. We're spoiled to getting what we want. Sometimes we have to just accept that we have to wait. The IT guys have to first find out what is causing the problem(s) before they can figure out how to fix the problem(s).
    • Like x 1
  18. AthalwolfCOH Level 30

    why is sarcasm lost on so many lol
  19. Magenta Manhandler New Player

    I hope the "free gift" somehow makes up for the dozens of Source Marks that those Episode areas being closed will deprive me of the chance to earn. I've been completing EACH and EVERY 8 mark bounty since they gave us back course marks for completing them. I don't care so much about the day of downtime but those zones being closed means about 2/3s of my game tasks are unreachable.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

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