High Kill Count (WE HATE IT!!!)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BaelinFishman, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. L T Devoted Player

    Or it's just something they've been doing for all the episodes in the past year or so. Since at least Metal part 1. No scratch that they added extra feats and styles to justice league dark also.
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  2. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    I dunno about the counters being high...but 31st century right now is the single most spammable bounty target area I have ever seen. I think in my limited playtime I've killed them all 20 times a piece. I truly don't play long. I get on, and in 20 minutes I've killed a whole round of bounties there.
  3. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Adding an extra bounty/a few style items is one thing. But they dumped close to 20 or so new feats and thats not counting the new bounty or styles. Daybreak will never admit they were losing population, but thats exactly what was happening. Otherwise, why not have those feats when the DLC first launched, why not do that with the previous DLC's you mention? Also looking @ the investor report for Daybreak and look @ this game specifically, I don't call 500k (rounding up) players across all servers and platforms a big number. I mean you've been playing this game for a long time, you should know.

    Back in the day I used to shout in LFG for something and used to get dozens of tells very fast. So bad that I needed to create a new chat tab just for tells but now during peak play times during the weekend on USPC I can shout and see my same LFG post 3 different times in chat and thats with the usual trade chat nonsense in the same window. Like it or not, the game's population is no a knifes edge. Also ask yourself why create an ally system, another P2W system. Sure its a system that people will find popular and its cool to run iconic DC characters helping you out, but all in all they're just an artifact that functions like a combat pet if you boil it down. Thats whats been going on with this game for years, they lose players and thus a steady source of income, so now they have to offset that loss with more micro transactions.

    So you can't really compare a few extra style feats/1 new bounty with 2 or 3 accompanying counter feats to the massive feat dump that was the tail end of Flashpoint.
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its weird to me some people demand you do feats, but also dont like grindy feats like this. But expect me to want to grind out killing 500 of an enemy.:p
  5. Toshknight Loyal Player

    what other mmos have you played before? its kinda how alot of them are meant to be Monotonous as you say. this game has a very different leveling system by using quests, to get to initial level 30, then using the achievement system to get skill points for the weapon / movement skill tree, i could agree that, it is weird that the number kept going up with each dlc back then but.... the newer Dlcs... like flashpoint, u can do 100 kills or 2 bosses.. it seems they did listen to feedback , why should they go back and remove older content or change the quests, they were meant to be done withen the week, while going back everyday and doing the dailies. that's why the number was so high, but most people just do it all at once, ill be the first to not like kill count quests, but, it's a weekly, so. it doesn't bother me. i accept it. it is kind of what mmos are meant to do, take time/waste time, what ever you wanto look at it , but they did do something different .
  6. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Or you could see the extra goodies (expanded feats/styles) as an expansion of the additional bounties/extras, since it has received positive feedback from the community. This is the first DLC where they’ve added anything to instanced content - Killer Frost in FV and Mech in the duo.

    Perhaps they also anticipated STU happening and knowingly added additions to Flashpoint above and beyond the typical style additions precisely because of the long gap in brand new content.

    Obviously neither of us have actual information, but I’ll assume it was a premeditated addition rather than a knee-jerk reactionary response…since it’s a business and not a human being. ;)
  7. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    I highly doubt it was pre-planned since they didn't do it in previous DLCs. When it comes to human behavior, you have to look @ patterns and when someone deviates from the pattern, that starts to throw up flags and Daybreak as a company is no different in how you should look for patterns. And since Daybreak had not done this massive dump in previous DLCs, but they did it this time and it happened to be around the time that the end game population took a nose dive in overall participation. So those 2 things really seem to coincide with each other. While you're right that we both don't have proof to back this up, it just seems a bit weird with the timing.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    My complaint about the new raid count is the fact the number seems arbitrary. I'd have more respect for the 250 raids if the solos were 1000 and alerts were 500 (not saying I want a 1000 solo count or 500 alerts) but as solos are generally run 4 or 5x as much as raids, it would be in line. Its not. solo/alert/raid are all 250, which seems like the number was just pulled out of the air. That lack of though shows that they don't think about the impact to the players in the amount of time some of these things take. WV bounties at least KIND OF made sense when the DLC was new. A current player probably ran the dailies for 100 days during that DLC...if you rolled in 1 round of bounties at the same time, the excessive 100 count number made SOME sense at least. Now, as the DLC is in the rear view, it seems more oppressive, but...but it at least appears that there was some thought in what to set the number too....now if the same thought went into the Aether pricing...well that would have been nice, but you can't win them all.

    Much like the old 'kill 300...303...410...411' missions, SOME made sense assuming you knocked out X number of adds per day doing dailies. Almost every mission in Typhons area counted towards the 410, so a week of dailes generally got you near 410 more or less, the 99 count in doomsday also worked out where just doing the lexcorp knockouts and killing a few strays as you cleaned the doomsday gasses or cured civilians/star techs, you'd hit 99 by weeks end. Other counts like M1 or RWC's missions by weeks end, you might not even be 1/2 way there as many missions didnt add up towards the counts. Again, it just shows they didn't put much thought into that number...meaning not much thought went into how we'd deal with it.
  9. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Its same stuff like LPVE even if counter is X 10 im not gona run same boring content over and over again so yes i agree with you 100 %
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not sure the difference you see between WV and LLL as they are both on timers where the first boss hits at :00 or :30 and the last boss hits at :20 or :50. Give or take a min, you kill 5 bosses in WV in 22 ish min, in LLL you kill 4.

    BTW... if you have a large group in a non-timer based bounty spam like Starro (now that respawn is 2 min) you could take out 9 or 10 in the same time. If you had 100 people in LLL or WV, you aren't killing any more bosses unless you can phase hop to a 2nd phase...because they are on a fixed timer, not a 'respawn after death' timer.

    Not saying you can't enjoy spamming LLL. You do you...but it's not more spammable than really any other bounties save Nth/Synn who have a bad 5 min respawn rate.
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  11. Wallachia Devoted Player

    "We hate this"

    - Person who has no arguments yet thinks his opinions are the centre of the world.
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  12. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    I said "we" because I hear all over the game that people hate the high kill counts, I run with people all the time that hate it, I see it on the forums, hell you see it in this very thread. So "we" by definition is including more people that just myself. Look @ the dev discussion thread for the Legion bounties for the first few weeks. You know it was so bad that during the episode poll you had The Last Laugh a almost 10 year old DLC and THE ONLY PvP DLC was beating Legion in the bracket ranking system when the Legion DLC was out, in fact it was so bad that the PR wing of this game (Mepps) had to change the poll around because it was making the current DLC look bad. And people down-voted it PURELY because of the bounty system and high kill counts, that was openly and widely said on these very forums. So stop trying to pin this on me and make me look like the bad guy here or make it seem like I'm applying my opinion to the entire player base, you're way out of your depth. In fact if you read the OP (which I doubt you did based on your.....response) I clearly stated its people I run with all the time, friends, leaguemates and even people on these forums.
  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Then they can come here and add likes to your posts or even post their own feelings on the subject.

    But even if they did/do that, it doesn't change the fact that you can really only speak for yourself. That holds true for everyone who comes here to post and otherwise interact. Personally I've found it's a lot easier and safer in the long run to put forth my opinion with a statement like "...and I'd imagine there are others out there who feel the same as I do."

    At the very least it helps cut down on the number of arguments like this. LOL
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  14. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    I flat out said their were others that felt the same way I did. I literally did the same thing you're suggesting.
  15. Plowed In Loyal Player

    It doesn’t read that way to everyone. From your original post:

    “ The point is the OVERWHELMING feedback is we hate this crap. After Legion launched literally everyone for the first 1.5-2 weeks of the DLC stated they hated the grind and not a single dev or Mepps responded to that feedback for more than a week.”

    Capping ‘overwhelming’ and saying ‘literally everyone’ is a bit of a stretch in my opinion…I’m sure others will agree ;)
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  16. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    And yet there's that troublesome little two-letter word in the title. Using "We" (in caps, no less) kinda sticks out like a sore thumb that jabs the attempts at saying "I'm only speaking for myself" right in the eye.
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