DC Fandome - lack of advertising

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ergotth, Oct 17, 2021.

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  1. Controller Devoted Player

    I cannot (and will not) wrap my head around this change, lol........

    Prior to "Politically Correct Superman Label Change" DC Comics had introduced a TON of different Superman versions....




    .....and they DID these AWESOME variations while STILL under Superman's Old Motto.......................

    Folks MUST be patient and vigilant. Things WILL get better but NOT by trying to change things that are unnecessary just because times are tough NOW.
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  2. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I feel like you're accidentally arguing against your own argument at this point. The 3 images that actually show up are-

    - Red Son Superman, who absolutely didn't believe in the American Way, Being all buddy-buddy with Stalin and all,

    - New Superman, who's motto is Truth, Tolerance and Justice, Nothing about America,

    - Gods and Monsters Superman, who literally saw "the American Way" as bad, having been brought up by poor immigrants.

    - 2 of these aren't even Clark Kent / Kal El

    Being "loyal" and "patriotic" and all is great, and as you mentioned having been in the military i'm sure it was drilled into you. But the strangest thing I always find is how unaware America is about how the rest of the World views it. If something created in one specific Country had to be, and stay, overly-loyal to it, you'd likely be saying goodbye to 60%-70% of the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the Tech you use and the luxury's you enjoy daily. "The American Way" was never a real tangible thing, nor was it something constantly being implemented. It was a guide, an ideal to reach for and attain. And America never got there. Neither did any Country btw so don't misunderstand, its not like every Country is perfect except America. But America was the only one boasting about it, as if they'd already achieved it. And once that started, the attempt to actually achieve it withered.

    Superman can't stand for "The American Way" because there isn't one anymore. There can be again, but that'll take years beyond our lives to achieve the necessary unity required to allow it.
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  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I think it's because we have neighborhoods that's aren't controlled and being terrorized by MS-13 and other similar violent gangs. Not a super high bar to clear if you ask me.
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  4. Controller Devoted Player

    Few things -

    Those Superman images were created PRIOR TO some of us (DC COMICS) all of a sudden needing to pander to the hopelessness right now and change Superman's Motto. They presented DIFFERING VIEWPOINTS - all the while without us needing to change labels unnecessarily.............

    Let's be clear, here - since some in America AND otherwise seem to have an ignorant view of American Military service -

    About the ONLY thing "Drilled into us" - is discipline. "Discipline" is PARAMOUNT due to us needing to follow directions with the technology and equipment we're operating due to the fact that if we DON'T follow directions or make mistakes then people DIE or are HURT...

    "Core Values" is what we learned as well. These are slightly differing from every branch but at the end of the day you learn respect for others (regardless of race, creed, religion, sex) etc, etc....

    You learn to WORK TOGETHER....you learn that how that person looks, how they worship, their gender, etc, etc - is insignificant because you NEED that person to DO THEIR JOB and DO IT WELL or you don't make it home from deployment............

    You develop SELFLESSNESS - learning to sacrifice some of your OWN wants for the sake of the TEAM.

    You develop a BROADER VIEW of the world - not just your respective neighborhood and those in it.

    This is just some of the things you learn.

    As for your Red? This is an ignorant way to look at America, TBH....I'm not calling YOU ignorant but this view is. I say this because AGAIN - if America was such as you say then why are SO MANY PEOPLE trying to get here? These numbers of yours are arbitrary at best.

    As for your Green? Again - circle back to my last answer. The number of foreigners trying to get to America should tell you something if you choose to acknowledge this.

    And I cannot understand or agree with this "Boasting" comment I've seen on here - America is America. If folks think that by being American by birthright then that is "Boasting" then there is some jealousy involved. This is - again - an arbitrary statement.

    As for your yellow? Talk to DC Comics about that. This is THEIR viewpoint, not MINE. They're the ones reaching for anything to make a buck....trying new slogans.....perhaps buying into the hopelessness.

    They've got a Treasure Trove of slept-on characters they could bring to the Big Screen to out-duel Marvel and all they want to do is change Superman's Slogan, among other things.

    Polka-Dot Man?? Seriously?


    Look we could debate all day long these viewpoints and I'd doubt that I'd change some minds. That is ok. That is your choice. But at the end of the day I still subscribe to Hope and America.
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  5. Controller Devoted Player

    If you feel this way then that's too bad.
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  6. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I've gotta get some rest so i'll keep all this short but very direct:

    - Nobody is pandering to anything. Although it may be hard to believe, a lot of people in America working at DC are likely disgusted with how America looks right now and don't want their Main Symbol affiliated with what America currently stands for.

    - Personally i've no issues, and actually have a lot of respect, for Military Personnel worldwide. Unfortunately there's been many many many in-depth documentary's on the different Branches of the US Forces over the years, just like there has for other Military entities. Theres a pretty big difference. A really big one. I respect Soldiers, not the people who decide where you go or why.

    - RED: Hypocrisy. And I do not mean that as an insult. But you disregard my "numbers" yet throw in a random one yourself. I was referring to imports for most worldwide countries, which on average is at least 60%. How many emigrate to France comparatively? How many emigrate to Germany per annum? To Italy? To Ireland? To Poland? People emigrate, it happens. Especially with land borders.

    - GREEN: This ones easier, America doesn't tend to drone-strike its own cities and say civilian casualties are ok. Better to be there. If you think differently perhaps you'd find a way to explain it to that poor guy who lost 9 family members in the drone-strike "accident".

    - BOAST: "The Greatest Country in the World". Something said far too often, boasted about as if it were undeniable truth, but now its nothing but funny to the world unfortunately.

    - DC: Currently on TV we have Legends, Batwoman, Titans, Young Justice, Watchmen, Pennyworth, Y the last man, Doom Patrol, StarGirl, Supergirl, Superman & Lois, The Flash, Lucifer, Sweet Tooth. Coming to TV we have Green Lantern, Naomi, DMZ, Sandman and the Gotham series linked to The Batman. With Movies we've got coming Aquaman 2, Shazam 2, WW3, Black Adam, The Batman, The Flash, Static Shock, Blue Beetle, Zatanna and Batgirl. I seem to be missing the point about only wanting to change Supermans Slogan? That's literally the least interesting thing they're doing right now out of that list.

    - TRUTH: You kinda lied at the end there. Lets be 100% honest here, you did. You're not ok with not changing peoples minds. The thread was about lack of advertising but first you brought up Icon for the twelve-millionth time, and then started talking about Supermans Slogan change. Neither have anything to do with DCUO ads during Fandome. I'd struggle to even find 6 degrees of separation there. You want Icon to get recognition, we get it, but the characters gonna need good writers first. And Superman's slogan? He renounced his American citizenship years ago. The Supermen you brought up, Red Son and Gods and Monsters, were the writers venting about "The American Way" already, as well as other Elseworld Supermen.

    Look, America's not "evil" and neither are its people, far far from it. But theres something very very broken about it the past decade and right now. First step in solving any issue is to admit there is one. Not "its bad but...." or "it sucks sometimes but....". There's no "but". You dont try to rebuild a house while it burns. You admit its burning, let the flames die out and then get up and grab a brick. America can and likely will do it, but not for a very long time. So why would anyone want that as their mascot or mantra.

    Im getting sleep
    Good chat
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  7. Controller Devoted Player

    Hunted - check your PM.

    As you mention in your post above I have allowed myself to deflect the thread a bit and for that I apologize to the OP and other posters here.

    If you choose to continue our conversation let's do it via PM. I've already responded to your above post and I'd love to get more in-depth with you about topics THERE but not here in this thread.

    Poster "DCUO Post" explained the rationale behind the lack of advertisement. It makes sense but still I am certain that DC / WB "Knows" about this game and it is odd that they do not "Reach out" at least.

    It just seems too natural - to ME at least - to simply advertise for the game but that doesn't appear to be the case.
  8. Ergotth Committed Player

    Oh boy this thread got political, can we please close this Pandora Box? Or in this case, this Pandora SHIPPING CONTAINER?
    I mean, I GET IT! Superman changed his motto, oh my god the Drama! And maybe because I'm not american, I kinda find the old motto just incredibly corny. Especialy considering how Superman was always a hero of the whole planet, who doesn't care where **** is happening, he will be there to save you, be it in USA, Australia or Micronesia, if he is not busy, he will be there. So "A better tomorrow" sounds more like the brand of optimism superman was always known for at his best, the embodiment of hope and believing in the best of mankind, and now that USA doesn't need to be the focus of the world, why not expand his motto since the third part was never the more relevant of his catchphrase?

    When it comes to harmony and phonetics, thats pretty much how it goes: "For TRUTH AND JUSTICE... and the american way" heck, just two elements are enough for his catchphrase to work, three elements becomes too big of a sentence, a mouthful to say when you want to just say something catchy. Just like Batman saying "I'm BATMAN" or "I'm the night!" when we all know the original phrase was coined "I'm Vengeance...I'm the night... I'm BATMAN!" from the animated series, but again, shortened out to not be such a mouthful. (plus influenced by Burton's "I'm batman" line that also became iconic). While I get people have their views on USA, just like I have my views on Brazil with both optimism and realism, so you guys have your views with optimism, realism and even a pinch of salt on USA.

    But... THATS NOT THE POINT OF THE THREAD, IF YOU PLEASE! Its DC and DCUO and why the later feels forgotten by the big D and C despite having more than enough elements for a "grand re-opening" soon or later since its becoming steadily more welcoming of new players.

    Also, thanks for linking that DC fandome showing DCUO's advertising, I personaly felt it a bit misguided and lacking, like only showing full iconic styles and heroes, giving the entirely false idea you play AS the heroes and not as your own, plus showing absolutely diddly-squat of gameplay and social interactions, buuuut its better than nothing. If I were to direct a DCUO trailer, I would start with some lines from the opening cinematic, show a basic player walking through many other heroes and players, show a full-on solo fight followed by a duo, four players, eight players, an entire legion of players ganging up on a large, iconic boss like Doomsday or Black Adam, each one with a unique power, showing tanks taking damage, healers doing their huge recovery moves, controllers stunning an entire group, flash to several grand maps like Gotham, Metropolis, New Genesis, Oa, and finish with a wide shot of dozens, if not hundreds of players lines up behind the justice league. THATS how you advertise DCUO.
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It's business, probably. Ten year old games don't get much in the way of advertising unless you're the 800 lb. beast of the MMO landscape that is WoW, and from all appearances DC isn't the one responsible for advertising the game in the first place.

    Taking into account all the business-side chaos that has been taking place with WB and DC over the past year, how much priority would you give to advertising a ten year old game that has kept going at a decent pace (at the very least) over those past ten years without the benefit of advertising? Especially when you've got a whole other slate of projects that you want to get off the ground to compete with their nearest comic competitor's efforts?
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  10. Eve YouTuber

    They did do an interview with Jackster (CEO) and tweeted it with the Fandome hashtag which lead me to believe DCUO will get a spotlight. But I am already happy they promoted it aswell even if not on the event itself. It's a start. DCUO could use any positive promotion it can get:
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes I meant Ep. 42.
  12. TritonD3 Well-Known Player

    While both of the Big Two are guilty of it, DC definitely seems more concerned with Identity Politics over quality. As a gay man, I think it’s absolutely pandering and frankly just gross.
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  13. Controller Devoted Player

    Showing styles is nice but I cannot fathom for the life of me why they couldn't have featured ACTUAL PLAYERS in RAIDS or ALERTS....

    MUCH of the landscape in this game is visually attractive. The musical score in many instances stands out.

    Would love the "Gates of Tartarus" raid to be featured. That raid - with the layout, bosses AND musical score - is one of the best raids in the game.

    Highlight some POWERS....Rage, Green and Yellow Lanterns....Water Power.....

    If they REALLY want to advertise they CAN do better than just showing styles.
  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    So you want to tell the entire world except for people in the U.S. to not play the game?

    Telling the vast majority of the world "our game and comics aren't for you" is not exactly the best idea for an advertising campaign I've ever heard.

    This isn't the 1950s. The world is much larger than just "America."

    And Superman is a citizen of the world, not the United States. Killing sales in Europe, Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Egypt, Israel, Nigeria, Kenya, New Zealand, India, and so on and on and on: yes, a great business strategy!

    Over ten years ago, in 2011: Superman Renounces U.S. Citizenship as Warners, DC Comics Bids for Global Audiences

  15. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You're 100% factually incorrect. Wrong. Superman renounced American citizenship in 2011. All your examples are subsequent to that.

    100%. Completely. Wrong.

    Not an opinion. Demonstrable fact.

    Moreover, the original Superman slogan was "a never-ending battle for truth and justice." "America" was never mentioned. Fact!

    From 1940 to 1951, the radio show was introduced: [IMG]

    See any "American way" there? No? That's because it didn't exist.

    Then when the Fleisher serials began in the movies, the slogan was....
    No "America." None.

    Actual facts:
    So: you have no facts on your side, you don't know the history, you have no idea what you're talking about, but aside from that, hey, well, you used a bunch of words. Congrats!

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  16. Controller Devoted Player


    Wow, Clay - seriously?

    I've already apologized for deflecting this thread earlier and have made efforts to get it back on track.

    I already have ANOTHER POSTER in PM atm discussing things like this rather than re-hashing my admitted mistake and continuing to deflect the thread.

    The ORIGINAL post from the OP dealt with DC Fandome and DCUO. I got sidetracked about the needless (IMO) Superman re-labeling and pandering.

    Feel free to join me via PM to discuss my views and not distort them, if you so desire.

    I'll be waiting.
  17. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    These wacky notions that huge multi-billion-dollar corporations are really secretly dedicated to leftist propaganda are absolutely hilarious, as well as completely insane.

    No billion-dollar companies are devoted to anything other than profit. Capitalism, it's called. You might want to look into how that and markets work.

    Warner Brothers/DC and all other profit-seeking companies are about making money. First, last, and always.

    Being inclusive means more people are part of your market so you make more money. When some initiative doesn't make money, the company drops it. The market rules.

    But somehow modern conservatives hate the idea of markets and seeing companies profit in favor of pushing their political propaganda goals. But that's not how companies work: they're strictly motivated by profit, and profit alone.

    Why do you hate the free market and capitalism?
  18. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I can see why you'd be embarrassed by getting 100% of your facts wrong, but when you post to a public forum, you get responses, and you don't get to make them disappear.

    Sorry. Try having some basic knowledge as to what you're talking about next time and it will go less embarrassingly for you. Best of luck with that!
  19. nawanda Loyal Player

    They don’t really advertise anyway, but to be fair to DI, you wouldn’t advertise at this moment in time. Like someone else has said, 100% recycled content isn’t a good look. Imagine being a former player who sees an advert and thinks, “I’ll give DCUO another go”, and people are LFGing for Inner Sanctum. You would be in disbelief.
  20. Controller Devoted Player

    You won the coin toss and I've kicked the ball to you via PM.

    If you think you can make a credible return for decent yardage, meet me via PM.

    I've already told you I won't deflect this thread any further. I made steps earlier to get this thread back on track.

    When you're ready to cool down, stop the Digital Grandstanding and meet me via PM to discuss REAL CHANGE.

    Or simply go visit my Icon and Rocket thread in the Joker's Funhouse for ideas on how I'd love "Real Change" to occur.
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