Please add new Difficulty Level: Easy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sammy, Sep 16, 2021.

  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I would say that your messaging game has improved significantly over the years. I think the main issues in earlier content will be with NPCs like Stompa, that suddenly jump away from the tank, and certain room mechanics like Trigon’s pentagrams in Unholy Matrimony that alternately reward and punish you, depending on conditions that aren’t immediately obvious.
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  2. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    People with Skimming are like:

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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just one note for 'event' this time around. I realize that the 'event' here is simply the T1 or T2 queue up mission vs a separate Event level but on thing I found disturbing was the fact the door locked after a death in a boss. It only happened a few times, but if it's really 'event' the open door policy really helped those groups who were really...really challenged. It might be something to look at maybe. Not saying make things easier (and yes...I did run it on some low level, low SP alts), but if we assume the 'lowest' level players will be in these runs, we should also assume they will struggle more than in reg...dying more often, then getting locked out.

    And if you thought it was no fun when people were watching OPs 'one shot' the bosses, it's 10x less fun to watch a door not open for 10 min, while the few remaining people struggle....then wipe anyway.
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  4. nawanda Loyal Player

    Can I just politely point out that the word ‘infer’ does not mean ‘imply’.

    One implies through their own words, but one can only infer from others.
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  5. Saami Loyal Player

    I think that this game is not as easy as it seems to us veterans. There are lots of things going on that requires fast block, lunge, dodge. They might be easy for old players, but for new player it could be overwhelming.
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  6. Sammy Well-Known Player

    Thank you sir. I am really really glad you replied~

    I most times am happiest with Event mode. I honestly really had fun with them. Like event mode Flashpoint duo Prison versus normal was a world of difference. In the Event mode it was fun and relaxing. I got to feel strong and beat up Heatwave and Amazo.

    But normal mode... amazo was okay, but heat wave I would die lots, even rolling away from fire.

    And to everyone else, thank you for your support. I do not think there isn't room for really hardcore super elite or whatever, but the reason I thought that this event/easy permenant mode should maybe have rewards is because otherwise those super elite people wouldn't join them and wouldn't help people still learning. Sometimes I feel like people just go "learn on your own." but then they probably had people teaching them long ago.

    I thank you for everyone offering to help me though and I'll message you if I need help!~
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  7. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    The thing about it is, when the raid/alert is easier... it becomes less necessary to do the right things. This, in my experience, makes teaching harder. At least when I'm learning it. Its why I've been pro-stat clamp for the past 5 years or so. I learn by doing right after being told/shown how to do something. Not everyone learns the same way, but it tends to be more effective in my experience.
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  8. Panderus Senior Producer

    This is also very true.
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  9. NotMeMaybe Active Player

    We are asking for years to have harder raids and it didn't happen, they should focus on that first, i have very hard time to believe event or normal raids can be hard even for recent players.

    If easy needs to happen then my bad maybe it needs to happen, but then a new harder difficulty need to happen too.
  10. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    He HAS to be trolling. If someone can't even beat the regular versions with a little effort and help from the community... having them at end game after they mindlessly kamakaze respawn their way through the game would be awful. It just teaches bad habits and makes them worse than they already are. Just learn the game. ****.
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  11. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Years ago on a couch passing the controller among friends to take a turn at a new game... OMG, some of them were SSSSOOOOOO bad. If the character they controlled turned too fast they were completely lost. Also, they'd get lost driving in a parking lot. Some people are not suited to do well at special things, and that's ok. Just wear a sign on your head to let me know you're a Bad Pug. Do I have to inspect everyone and mention it in /group or private messages when I find the bad pug using an irrational setup?

    This is where I find the method implimented by GW2 to be better than a blind Queue. Seeing the group per content, and the NAMES of the character in it, might deter us if we had prior experience with that player being not good at Role Playing Games because they've not yet played one; might think it's a DPS only game

  12. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    im going to give an educated guess being in a casual league. Not really sure either if you play other MMOs but regardless of the theme, a good portion of people will ROLE PLAY their character.
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  13. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Well if you are role playing and striving to be like the superheroes you based or were inspired by do you think those superheroes would say sorry we need easier bad guys to fight because we don't want to learn and get better? One would think that superheroes would want to meet the greatest challenge infront of them and face it head on etc
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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    My characters all have a common (unified, theme-apropos) backstory; they also have individual personality quirks and interact both with other characters and themselves in an individually differentiatible manner.

    That doesn't prevent me from wanting to be good at the game. If I run into a fight I can't win, I try the fight until I can win it. Literally the only mechanic that I personally have run across that I would say *needs* a toning down would be the Lasso attack in the Metal Donna Troy Bounty (the face that it can basically oneshot you and continuously reapplies stun is bonus as hell, yo) - the reason being that you're not actually strong if you never had to overcome something to get there. I learned that the hard way myself out here in the really real world - I'm quite alright with that being in a game too.

    Especially one that's about comic book heroes.
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  15. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    in the confines of a fanfic, go crazy, in the confines of a 6-power bar? RPers are limited.
  16. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    Can't be bothered to read what others have put here but I can imagine.

    With that said, a request like this is no less valid than a request for making hard content or hard content harder. Everyone is entitled to prefer whatever style/approach works best for them and has a right to request/fight for that type of content.

    Would I want this type of content? No.
    Would I play this type of content? If there were feats, yes.
    Do I care if someone prefers this style of play? No.
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  17. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    An example is the one shot festival in these Save the Universe elite raids. We’re told to use Amazonian Deflection or Phase Dodge. My character would never use those, but what choice is there? My character’s block ability and shields are worthless to those one shots.

    There’s a group who really just don’t see a story here. Their avatar may as well be a bouncy ball that equipped Phase Dodge to get the reward and claim some glory. At the end of the day, they’re still just a bouncy ball with Phase Dodge, though. No substance or creativity or character.
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  18. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    True, and RPers are just at an impasse specially in this kind of limited tray bar. I just don't think the people who are the epitome of cookie-cutter loadouts have a say in this.
  19. RTX Well-Known Player

    Pure nonsense!
    What in the world is your definition of a game?

    That´s asking for a shutdown.

    You already doing by rolling out updates with bugs, which had been reported and fixed on Test-Server already.
    Keeping the game alive at the state it is now, won´t be possible. Good luck, been a great time!
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  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The Science Sphere Elite Solo was tricky for me and I sometimes failed though I learned to mostly zip through it.

    The new Batman solo Iceberg Lounge Elite, OTOH, I literally did with one hand the whole way through. It's just that easy on Elite. No challenge. :-(