Thank you ALLIES. I'm done.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Major Shenanigans, Sep 3, 2021.

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  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I dont think quitting is what you have to do. Considering how being a premium user is a very good la-carte deal this time round.
  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'm still liking them. Lots of decent combos for different roles. Really enjoying the hol bots and calculator bots passive on my tank. Would have Diana for him also but holding my money till they're fixed.

    Even Oracle isn't a bad passive in some of the elite raids that don't have repair bots nearby. I don't think they need to be powerful enough to be neccessary so imo most are in a good place. The zoom passive works well, the flash one I'm still on the fence but I can see a difference if I pull him off passive side.
  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I just wish they were redeemable for alts.
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  4. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Specialty mounts are a lot different than special abilities that offer you passives (that if worked properly) that have potential to alter how one would consider a build. These passives could (potentially make pet builds or high power usage builds a lot better. The health from Batman could maybe increase viability of some melee builds. If they had equivalents that were free and we were paying for the vanity of the character , I would have no problem with them charging w/e they want.
  5. GoldenBrownDragonFire Well-Known Player

    When the price comes down, when you can unlock on alts, and when they are actually useful I'll buy them, til then I act as though they do not exist. It is sad to see more and more posts here and across other social media that this is why ppl are leaving this game, hope changes come soon to get ppl to stay
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  6. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    The one thing that is missing here that the Devs forgot to include, (as in most of the new toys they add that is placed in the market place) is that there is no value added to why we should pay that much or what exactly we are paying for. There is a description of what the allies do, but beyond that there is nothing tangible being shown for us to make an informed decision of what the Allies do at various levels.

    I think if they added that feature, there would be a lot less least none posted that are valid.
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  7. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Petition for Artifacts as well.
  8. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    They won't do that. Artifacts generate alot of revenue.
    If you had your way, the game would shutdown.
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  9. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Um, no. At least artifacts are attainable ingame.
  10. Beverly B New Player

    I don't think it's right all of our characters has to share Ally experience
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  11. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Me personally would rather the purchased ally be available per account instead of per character, that will entice more players to buy and less uproar on it being a overpriced ripoff like some had vocalized in game.
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  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    That's literally one of the best features tho. You can run all your toons, pool it up, and work on one toons allies at a time. My main is done and now I'm starting to work on my 1st alt so he has 3 other toons feeding him just like my main did.
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  13. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I was being sarcastic and taking humor to your post. As you already know along with others, allies are attainable ingame.
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Not all allies. Tell me one artifact that you have to pay for.
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  15. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Guys, I was being sarcastic. You want allies to be redeemable to your alts then the same can be said about artifacts. You can't have your way all the time. Both can be attained ingame. If you have many alts then you still have to get the artifact either by John Constantiine mission or his vendor and then level it up normally or just buy the requirements in the marketplace. It's literally the same thing with allies. You can't trade an artifact to your alts, you can't trade an ally to one or your alts. As far as I know artifacts are more beneficial than allies. I also agree artifacts generate a lot or revenue which the devs are banking on allies as well. So to go back to my original comment meant for 9001BPM, you want allies to be redeemable to your many alts then make a petition for artifacts as well but newsflash it's not going to happen.
  16. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I knew you were going to say that so now we're just speaking semantics. You don't need Emperor Aquaman to beat instances in fact there's a whole issue going on with allies passives and whatnot. This game has become F2P with the update. They will generate revenue by selling items, you asking to have allies redeemable to your alts isn't going to happen just like artifacts being tradeable to your alts isn't going to happen either but if you want to make a petition go ahead.
  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Give me an example of a particular artifact you have to pay for?
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  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    No it’s not semantics. Imagine if people had to pay 22$ to get Solar Amplifier or Transformation Card.
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  19. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I don't know if you missed the part I said artifacts are more useful than Allies however it doesn't take the notion that you don't need to pay $22 because you can buy allies in the game instead of spending money just like artifacts. Emperor Aquaman isn't a must that you definitely need to have but the fact it's a high price you believe it needs to be redeemable on your alts. You don't need to buy the requirements on the marketplace for your artifacts, its the same as you don't need to pay $22
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  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    The allies ingame are not the same as the ones on the marketplace. If you can’t see the difference, I can’t help you.
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