SP max

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by stärnbock, Sep 4, 2021.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I was attempting to make a point. But never mind.
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I know. You were trying to say what’s the point to keep getting gear. It’s so that you can play new dlcs when they come out. You can’t play new dlcs at launch unless you keep progressing. Your choices are to progress as you did before the update. Or don’t progress and play the content in almost a year after it launches without your old gear.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    If so, then why does the next dlc have to have increased CR? Just lock it and all future dlc's down to whatever the max CR is now and be done with it. More players will get to end game and we can all sing kumbayah together! The game is free to play, the stat clampers got what they wanted, be happy.
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Im sorry but what? Wasn’t your whole point “why bother getting gear?”? That was your point in this thread. I outlined what the point was. So what is the point of this sarcastic remark?

    The last 3 dlcs remain unchanged just like it has been for years. Future dlcs will continue to be that way. Even source marks are back in end game. Stats clamp has NOTHING to do with endgame at all. So I will ask you. What is the point you want to make?
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I am unable to articulate my position to your satisfaction. Any further comment on my part is useless.
  6. Plowed In Loyal Player

    As a thought experiment, do you think that’d be better or worse for the game? Do you think, as a player, that you’d be more engaged if you were only chasing gear for styles?

    There’s always been CR progression throughout an episode. First time fighting Grail at ~CR 307 vs at the end of the episode ~CR 322. Add in the head augments for the extra stats and you have a feeling of progression throughout an episodes content. Would giving that up be worth it?

    I’d say no.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Then should we have the same type of CR increase that we have seen in the past or should it be toned down such as the current House of Legends gear? Is there a even a need for the gear CR to grow as quickly? It's all ultimately going to be clamped down. Let the devs have an easier time with the math for clamping it down later.
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  8. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I’d wager a guess that they have a trajectory that they’re accounting for, be it the same as previous or adjusted as this. We haven’t seen a typical episode yet since *changes,* so I guess we’ll see in November. I’m assuming they’re going back to the same increases as previous episodes.

    What do you think? I felt comfortable with a roughly 10cr jump per episode (gameplay wise you could feel your attacks/defense increasing)
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I have had mixed results. I thought there had been a change made as my solo run on Saturday morning actually did feel more powerful than the previous runs I had done, but last night after an hour trying to beat the Black Hand, we gave up. I would prefer the same ratio as we have now going back into Wonderverse.
  10. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I think that might be determined by the nature of new content created. Difficulty of content, health of NPCS etc.

    If they scale it to a 5 CR increase or to a 10 CR would be relative.

    I'm not sure, in a practical sense whether it matters or not. Since we are only talking about putting numbers in buckets we call "gear" and "CR", the Devs could simply move the numbers around to increase in game strength that currently cover 10CR to 5CR....or even ONE CR! :)
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  11. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Yes, I'm well aware of this. Which kinda further illustrates the futility of stat clamping. Someone (forget who) asked if bad players was the complaint from the vets and someone that had to do with high level people blasting though content. I know it was all silly.
  12. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    So, to dispute your own quote...how is stat clamping better for the game? How is what you're describing a problem? I've run gates too many times to count at tier, same with prime, fos3, paradox wave, nexus, fos2....I could go on. So WHY should I be clamped and run the raid like I was at tier AGAIN? You've cited power creep as a good reason to implement a clamp, but no. Thats not a good reason. In fact saying that its easier for a new player to enjoy content is a better reason than power creep....and even that argument lacks validity. Because a good way around power creep in a raid is to take off a few pieces of gear when you get in. Now force clamping people who are tired of running it at tier.

    HOWEVER, you know what the devs could have done? Make it optional. They easily could have done that. But as per their usual arrangement its easier twisting your arm vs given you a choice.
  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    No, my point was that bad players don’t become good unless they learn what to do in instances. You don’t learn by being blown through content. There’s more chance for them to learn now that clamping is in place.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Max out your SP/Artifact/Augments then, help that run go alil faster then:D
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  15. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    No, they make a minimal effect if they make an effect at all. The perfect solution is let me ALL of my available stats, not the amount of stats the devs think I need. I know its super radical thinking.
  16. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Then here's a solution and everyone will get their way; both the crowd that doesn't want to be clamped and the crowd that wants clamping for whatever reason...You ready for this???

    Make stat clamping OPTIONAL.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Sure! If you dont mind it being stripped of all rewards.
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  18. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    I'm fine with that. Reduce the source marks from the non-clamped version. I'm absolutely fine with that especially now that we are back to our usual arrangement of getting source marks from current content.
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I didnt say "reduce rewards". I said none.

    You get to steamroll bosses and feel good.

    Ominbus gets incentive.

    We both get what we want.
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  20. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i still think we should get a raise in max sp stats to 302, where current max gear is like...