Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Sep 1, 2021.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    Playing the game, over the course of years, and building your stats so you become stronger than the content you mastered to earn those stats... IS BEING GOOD AT THE GAME.

    Relying on strength to eventually overcome mechanics is what makes trying to earn feats a part of the game.

    I don't know why anyone would think that it should be the same struggle to beat a raid... every single time... for all existence...
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Some are using the “get good” to talk down to other players and feel better about themselves. However that’s not true of everyone. Some use it as actual advice that is, while sounding harsh, true. This is advice for people who use out gearing to feel strong. Even back during AMs people were upset when it was taken away. Some even saying things are are used on stats clamp.

    The stats clamp isn’t make content as hard as they were when the content came out. Anyone saying that is either lying or they didn’t actually play the content. That’s gear itself is clamped to that of 10 CRS higher. But your artifact, augments, and SP are not clamped to the same extent. These stats bleed through the cap and put you at higher stats than what the cr itself shows. Artifacts also don’t lose their effects which pushes you even higher.

    The biggest outliner of “get good” is to learn mechanics. Even easy content can be made hard when you ignore mechanics. Another aspect is to find a way to squeeze more out of your loadouts. Some just use a YouTube loadout/set up to do their role without trying to either understand how it works or even test if there is better out there.

    So while it may seem that they are just talking down to you, not everyone is saying it to do so
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  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    You're absolutely right it can't be as hard every time you repeat the content -- it's supposed to be grinded (ground?!) anyhow.

    And you're right that getting better gear and subsequently easier fights is part of the reward for going through progression. Clamping is taking that accomplishment away -- regardless of how hard or not the clamp makes things.

    These people saying this stuff are people who play MOBAs and single player games that have content that gets beaten once and they move on. Any game with repeatable content (like MMOs) can't be scaled to be hard like what they want. The "hard content" crowd is a single player crowd.
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  4. JSnaples Committed Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    "Lol just get gud" - a player who thinks hes OP cause he has a one word name regardless of how stupid it is (likely something like Refrigerator or something dumb like that), played dc since 2011, max arts, skill points and cr, has no life, unemployed, and never helps any new players ever
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    A lot of the rabid pro-clampers here on the forums ironically are the very same people that have always fallen behind in terms of character progression and personal skill. The "bums" of DCUO if you will. This stats clamp is allowing the pro-clampers to outshine the newer under-leveled population in turn fueling a strange new superiority complex and a false sense of competency. To them this stats clamp is like an act of God carrying out vengeance upon their superiors.

    Let them have their moment it'll be over for them soon enough.
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I like you deity I swear. I don't want to go against what you say but I feel like you're sort of wrong here. Yes, we do have stat additions on top of the clamp. Usually percentage based. So we have 3000 health in some content. Then augs bring that up 3%, maybe 4% from artifacts. Sp another few percent? So kets say an average player gets 7% health buffed up. 210. You're now 3210 health vs 3000. Is that remotely helpful really?
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Lorax has an excellent point here. A lot of the rabid support for clamping is from people who have a vested interest in this iteration of the game because it elevates them above other players (for now). They've invested their time and effort into SPs and have always wanted a bigger divide between them and casual players.

    If the clamp isn't reversed, you can expect the SPs system to be reorganized to weigh less in the character formula*, soon. This always happens within a few months of rebalances like these here anyhow, so no one should be shocked. It has to happen because this kind of divide is not healthy for the game ultimately and emboldens the more toxic personalities in the community.

    * Caveat: to my knowledge no one in the community knows the character formula. I believe 80% or more of our stats come from our gear. It's probably even higher. The remaining stats come from arts, augs, SPs etc. If it is even higher, SPs would be weighed more heavily. But not necessarily, bc they can setup the system to scale gear stats directly and still scale non gear stats to not be a larger part of the equation. If that makes sense. They have arbitrary control -- clamping 80% of total (gear) stats doesn't mean they become 50% of our total stats, it just means the values are lowered and that new value would still be 80% of our total stats. We really don't know how they're doing it either way to say for sure though. Maybe someone will pop in and educate us if they see this though.
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  8. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    You want to bring a gun to a boxing match correct?
  9. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

  10. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    People here like to say that "people have relied on stats too long and need to get good". Implying that the majority of failed instances are caused by end gamers with max stats, augs, and arts. From what I've experienced, it is low level players with rainbow augments, and artifacts just barely at, or below 100, that are the major contributors to failed instances.

    Most of these low level players can't play anything other than dps so the more seasoned ones are the ones doing the roles, which leads to a long and tedious run that isnt fun at all. Even if you teach mechanics and they actually listen(which is a rarity), it makes for a terrible experience. Which is why the omnibus is looking like it is already on life support not even 2 weeks into its life. The clamp is barely noticeable when in a group of experienced players.

    This was an issue that was brought up before this even hit test servers. It doesn't help when 90% of the test server are experienced players and virtually everyone is running everything with full sp, stats, arts, etc. This update was touted as being help for the newer players, but was never tested as such with groups of newer players at lower levels.

    The testing for this game has always been horrendous, and really only used by players looking for a leg up when it drops live, or people using it for content on their YouTube channels. Very few content creators are actually testing to help the community
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  11. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Every time I boot up an old game on my playstation, it's almost as hard as when I played it when it was new. I say almost because often times subsequent playthroughs have the benefit of all the goodies that were unlocked in the progression of the first play through. But usually having things like a longer healthbar, a larger selection of weapons, more attack combos, etc don't suddenly make it brain-dead button-mash easy. It usually just means you can take a couple extra hits and can have fun with a larger variety of attacks, some of which hit a little bit harder than what was available the first time you faced that boss.

    In short, it's still the experience the game developers intended players to have when they made the game.

    In DCUO, when we go back to old content, we have the additional benefit of artifacts (either higher, more or just having them period), more SP, better pets and now allies. But the game should still play similarly to when the content was originally designed.
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  12. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    That's a single player game that doesn't operate in a persistent online world with new content being added constantly. Once you finish the game it's over.

    Imagine being reset at level 5 of your 30 level game every time you booted up your PS and you'd have an accurate analogy. I'm not sure you'd appreciate it as much.
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  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I had a head scratcher moment yesterday. I have a CR 83 character with about 100 SP. I went into Tier 1 content with that character. Outside the content I had 4,000 might, but inside the content I had 3,500 might. Seemed strange to me to be at the top of the tier, no major SP advantage, augments around 100, and artifacts barely at 80, being scaled down so much. That's roughly a 13% drop in my damage output.

    I do think there are some issues with the stat scaling being a little too strong at the top end.
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  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Agreed. I got pretty pissed when my Metal Gear Rising: Revengence save data got erased somehow and I was made to start again at level 1 with only the basic character moves/weapons/etc and no longer having all the cool stuff I had unlocked. But the difference in playthorugh experience with and without that stuff is immensely smaller than the difference between playing content at CR120 and CR 340.

    And regardless of single player, multi-player, mmorpg or whatever genre, subgenera, etc, when game developers make a game, there is a limited spectrum of deviation from the experience they've intended to create.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    In a life or death (respawn) fight? Yeah...I'd bring whatever I can to benefit my advantage. As far as I know the bosses did not make some agreement with us to 'fight fair'. They still have their one shots, don't they? Most can still call out unlimited squads of adds to swarm us, some of them (Like Hades in ToTD) can even now turn invisible...something that was not an old power of his, to make the fight even more in his favor. So no. In a fight to the death (or respawn at least) I'll bring a gun with hollow points, a knife and blackjack...whatever I can carry. long as clipping, arti-switching, spammable meta builds and other cheese are still available...most players are bringing guns to boxing matches. You don't just like the gun we'd like to's not your favorite brand.
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  16. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Well, the bosses of the bosses (their creators) do kind of have an understanding with us regarding fair play. If that weren't the case, Trigon, The Merciless and many other bosses wouldn't have many of skulls that pop up above their heads now.
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  17. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Feats require a certain ‘thing’ to be done. Some require a certain instance to be played a certain way or interacted with a certain way. There are numerous numerous feats that are pure grind. Finishing collections, gear styles, exploration…there isn’t a way you could sum this up as that.

    There are a few that require a dps-check, but I’d say roughly 2% maybe less. For sure you can achieve max in your dominant stat without completing 100% of feats.

    With that being said, 100% of feats should now be doable with the clamp in place, so if there are outliers that seem to simply “not be accomplishable,” report them so they can be looked at/addressed.

    And no, not all people who are in favor of clamping are all about ego and being “better than you.” The game is built around cooperative play - not competitive play. That’s what is back, a sense of cooperative-ness. 100% of the game is engaging again and why I continue to login. Not to grind virtual currency. Not to spam FoS3. To play a game and have fun with others.

    You’re all more than welcome to reach out in game if I can help in any way. (No I don’t have an aura!) :) :p
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  18. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Considering that definition, I'm pretty sure playing an instance for a couple minutes, getting up to make a sandwich, sitting back down, taking a few bites, checking a couple text messages and then taking a couple more minutes to finish out the instance doesn't qualify as a feat of speediness.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How can you not fall behind if players dont run outdated content? Once you fall out of tempo, it isnt easy to catch up because of all the dead content.
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate you stopped arti-switching and clipping? I'd guess you dropped super speed on a few toons because of the advantage it affords in combat, right? Cause I'm sure those give you an advantage if you still use them. I'm sure Trigon, Hades and Barbatos will thank you for playing fair.
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