Didn't want to jump on the bandwagon but.........

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Psyanyde1, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Oh well. For a second I forgot who I was arguing with. You talk out of pure emotion and logic or reason doesn’t work with you. I won’t waste either of our times.
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    No, just no.

    Your gonna sit here and talk about "Well the developers don't need to take away everything everytime they just introduce something, they don't need to nickel and dime their playerbase." And your gonna come up with two suggestions which can be tweaked to do the exact opposite of what your preaching about?

    1.) Marks are already being sold in the marketplace; all it's gonna take is one tweak with "Mark Fragments." And they can set this up to be exactly like Fragments and Stabilizer Keys. Fragments(Aka.. half measure currencies that take a while to form the whole currency) are garbage systems, they do not need to do this further than what they've already done.

    2.) Way to re-introduce CR relevancy. "The Closer the person is to the Content Window.. the more fragments they get, the lesser they are.. the less fragments they get." The developers put marks as an RNG drop for players whom were out of the content relevancy window.. and that still resulted in nobody running older content.

    And your still suggesting keeping marks in older content? You know from the forum posts that people aren't happy about it being removed from end-game, so at least fix that if your gonna go on the theme of "Give something, don't take away anything."

    It's ironic because you guys are telling the developers "Hey give everybody something, don't take away something." But here you are making ideas that are full of compromises and just like the developers do, they can easily tweak this and make it into a system where it'll behoove people to buy the currency straight off the MP.

    Maybe it's not entirely on the devs to do better when the best you can do is come up with an even worse version of Game Update 47.
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  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    So, you're not going to do your homework I guess. :rolleyes::eek: .

    btw I love these low key misogynistic attacks invoking tropes of being too emotional or whatever. smh. I mean, it's actually called "experience and knowledge" but let's move on.

    Yes, please, put me on ignore.

    Irrelevant. THe changes offered to the Devs' system is an improvement on what is live and what they're giving us.

    Yes, that's the idea. Mark fragments operate like stabilizer fragments. Without loot locks and players naturally farming what they prefer, this allows players to farm any and all content without forcing them to play specific content they don't want to.

    Reward relevancy is not the same as CR relevancy. It works because it isn't loot locked and because players aren't restricted to specific content, or stats clamped, and because all content rewards a base level of rewards unlike the previous iteration on live.

    The Devs seem pretty set on forcing us into old content. This suggestion makes it palatable for us to be forced there if we can opt out of stuff we refuse to do and always get rewarded, and get better rewards the older the content is.... oh and without being handcuffed while doing it.
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  4. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Always ask for sources. They can give all that nonsense to deity supreme but just like anything in life, anyone insisting you take their word for it instead of giving you the information to decide for yourself is 100% lying too you. Even if the number is close to what they claim, the point is they want to control the information, they don’t want you to know for yourself, they would like to spoon feed you their interpretation, that’s the kind of information you can never trust.
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  5. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    No one is "insisting" anything. I don't have to prove anything to you, them or anyone else so I'm not going to concern myself with jumping through hoops to convince someone who won't be convinced of anything unless they do their own research and find out for themselves anyhow. It's not my first rodeo.

    The info is out there for anyone with Google to find. Cheers.
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  6. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    I didn’t ask for anything thank you very much. The person I was replying to may decide to trust your information at face value, I was just reminding them that it is good practice to fact check when someone makes a claim without presenting their evidence. It comes as no surprise to me that you would have a problem with people fact checking.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What just because i disagree with you here doesn't mean we cant be friends or anything. I have a ingame friend who does'nt like the stat clamp (fellow forum-goer) due to their experience in groups and we chatted about it. But i dont reply to Appollia's post seriously anymore. Outside to point out, how every disagreeing player is clueless to them with no merit or basis in reality, and Amanda Bailey, because their disagreements completely disregard players grievances with the system and why it was changed (but i respect their honesty).

    I dont agree on everything with Reinheld, but he makes a good faith argument, as he can see why they did it but has concerns about some of its unforeseen consequences which i didn't consider (Open World/Bounties should reward source marks). Or even another concern for the lower population servers not being able to do Open World bounties creates a unique issue in itself, where the fix creates a problem, due to population

    But if if your argument is "My runs arnt 5 seconds anymore, get rid of clamp" im likely going to leave this.
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  8. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    I get both sides of the stat clamp but what we definitely do NOT need is a heavier clamp like a few people are suggesting. Those are the people that are running in pre made groups and not even bothering to blind q the omnibus. They queuing with a pre made group then saying it's easy and asking for heavier clamps.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    We've had many many disagreements over the years solowing and I just wanted to take a moment to remind you that I've taken them all incredibly personally and hate you with the utmost passion of every once of my body because of it.

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  10. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    Yes but you're going to make a premade group which defeats the point of new players progressing through what the omnibus is supposed to do.
    I agree the omnibus is a terrible idea for a few reasons (like prestige for 1, only being able to queue for 1 type of instance at a time, the rewards are all over the place, a lot of the functionality of it is off etc etc)

    But no to heavier clamps. New/inexperienced players are having a bad enough time in things to start with.
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    To be honest maybe a 20 minute raid lock-loot would solve this. Rather then only being able to hyper focus on 1 shred of content.

    They can do another raid and gain the difference in marks, or just wait the cool-down.

    Or is that too much?
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Oh, stop! You dont have be so flattering! Making me swoon.
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  13. nawanda Loyal Player

    First read this comment last night after my initial experience with the changes and decided I can’t let it go.

    Mepps, the way you have characterised the debate about these changes is so misleading as to be disingenuous. I recall you recently made a similar comment about the sincerely held views of a respected poster on here, accompanied by a remark that their opinion was so misleading that it can’t have been posted in good faith. I would invite you to apply the same test to the final sentence of your post above.

    What has happened here is that you and your colleagues have demonstrated a particularly unfortunate disregard for player wishes and feedback in devising a system of enforced stat clamping in older content which I have genuinely never heard requested in all my years of play.

    Now, having made a complete mess of the implementation of this unpopular initiative, you are deliberately characterising opposition to the changes irrational players wanting to play with no challenge and for no reward, and describing this false opposition as an impasse. It’s laughable.

    Players want refreshing and original content to play, that works.

    It isn’t a magic formula.

    You and your colleagues haven’t delivered that to this point, and unless and until you comprehend why this isn’t good enough, there isn’t much hope for improvement.

    If you want to sell us old rope, at least go to the effort of making sure we can swing about on it before coming and telling players we want something that’s silly or trivial.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Not necessarily opposed to that idea, I don't think it needs to be 20 minutes though, you could do a raid loot lock of even 10 minutes if you really wanted to push people around the raids a bit.

    I possibly wouldn't do it in smaller content, although if you did it could be at a further reduced timer, say 5 minutes for alert and 1 minute for a solo.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You dont remember the threads that popped up about players not getting to do anything in runs? They exist. A 8 man raid at any tier should never have 1 player queuing into it be able to do this.
    Its fine in a single player experience but it wholly unacceptable in a MMORPG setting, in group content.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

  17. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    -Hate the forced old-content gameplay
    -Hate the removal of source marks from current content - TOTALLY irrelevant to me now
    -Hate the MASSIVELY OVER HARSH stat-clamp
    -Hate that the community mentality has been moved to a "path of least resistance" and all they do now is FOS frikkin' 3
    -Hate that you, the COMMUNITY MANAGER, aren't acknowledging a VAST number of the community hate this update.

    I'm not feeling the devs listening to the concerns of a HUGE number of players and I certainly don't see ANYTHING in this update being reverted and that's why I've cancelled my sub! - Cue the toxic responses...
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    No, this one is kind of on you to prove the case. You cited the percentage and (from all indications) it was in direct relation to this game and its playerbase. Had you started with or said something like, "in MMOs in general the completion rate for a particular type of content is this percent" and followed it up with "I wouldn't be surprised if DCUO falls into the same category" then you probably wouldn't be facing as much grief about that statement.

    But you made it specific and definitive, but without citing your source. You may well be right that it falls into the whole "industry wide and widely accepted and understood data" but there are always outliers and exceptions and DCUO may well fall into that category.

    We usually don't have that kind of specific data, so if you have it please by all means share.
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  19. nawanda Loyal Player

    I don’t recall ever reading a call for forced stat clamping with ties to character progression and rewards. I recall requests for optional clamping and many, many requests for forced queuing and universal teleporters. I also recall one of the newer devs opening a thread about On Duty feedback a few months ago and the message was sent loud and clear that this was what players wanted.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Force queue doesnt address the problem, it only makes it worse. Players who can solo it or go with as few people as possible, removes those players from the potential queue. Then what happens to the players who cant solo it, or want the clamped experience? Their queue times goes up drastically.

    Clamping preserves the experience to a degree.

    And Random Queuing allows the system decide to place you where you go for fastest queue times.

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