Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. Roocck Committed Player

    That is no option….
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  2. El El Committed Player

    I don't think the stat clamp thing wil help unless there is something to go back for.As player that play the game since beta non stop,we have our fair share running al these old content.We got tired of them thats why you need new content.

    I get some of the new players want to experience the game at ,but let them have their own stat clamp phase or something.
    Source marks is not enough to run open world bosses in each lowe lvl area.End gamers wil just run solos and duos to get the source marks they need.New people wil still struggle to find people to kill open world bosses.

    I don't think stat clamp wil help,but maybe better rewards for end gamers wil.

    Make stat clamp just optional it wil end this discussion.
    Lets hope for the better.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If by 'slight' you mean 100% chance in every raid loot. Yes....big improvement. Every raid loot has a source mark as a choice. Many alerts do to, although not 100%. Duos and solos, yeah...less likely.

    And again....if the change were for 'fun' and 'challenge' why do we need to get paid? Those dopey little league players or pop-warner football kids, open mic night performers, volunteers at school functions, armature marathon or ironman runners. They do all that for FREE? Saps...amiright?
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  4. Roocck Committed Player

    I barely do old content atm and was excited to hear with this change that we were going to get source marks, but all that excitement was demolished when stat clamp was brought into it. Definitely have no interest in going to old contents now, a run that could take 5-10min could now take 20-30min. Lol
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    For those saying that clamp should be optional. But you get no gear or marks. Why are feats not on the list of things that aren’t rewarded? Why are we entitled to get feats easily? If anything get your gear but get no marks or feats.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Now that was just funny. So 'compromise' to you is to say that IF a middle ground was met (with an optional clamp), you'd yank the only reason to use that option? So compromise is your compromise? So assuming that happened, the reason for actually using the optional unclamped would be too?....tour Themescura or the Necropolis?'ve given a lot of ground on that one.

    Ooooh. Heres a good one you can propose next. They give an 'optional' unclamped raid instance with full rewards and even BONUS source for running it. However, you can't queue in with a less than full group and it requires 9 to queue. What? You can't get 9 in a group? Well...shucks. We gave you the option at least....right?

    I'd almost be willing to bet that some of your (or other 'clamp' proponents) SP came when you were able to bulldoze through feats at higher levels. Should you give them back as to not 'trivialize' them?
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  7. El El Committed Player

    Listen brother,Most of us got our feats already during the time it was relevant to our cr back then and I tell it wasn't easy.We had less skill points no artifacts none of these things.So we got stronger and now older content it easy because our toons evolved.Example We had to fos 1,2 and 3 the hard way.So to sit here and say why we should get lower cr feats easy is because the real grinders deserve it.
    We grinded our ***** of im talking about real feat hunter not the cr skippers.

    I don't think its fair that people who have spend a decade investing in this game to get nerfed like this.We already have the feats of all these old content we even had to finish grinding these theme styles the old fashion way,so to be honest we had it harder then all these new people that are crying,they get everything easy now and still they complain,they get gear,themed styles all from damn vendor while people like me had grinded their ***** running the old content to finish the styles ect..

    So dont ever say end gamers should not get these old feats easy.We did it the hard way bro back then.
    We deserve to be OP because we put in the work and we have developed our characters more then 10 years.

    It really make me angry to hear these stat clampers complain about people that our OP.They get everything easy and top of that they wanna nerf us and bring them to their lvl.

    Once again let stat clampers have their own phase or make it optional case solved.

    The none stat clampers should also get their rewards like source marks ect but maybe less marks.We arent really going to run anything old anyway besides solos and duos.With stat clamp nothing matter anymore good luck with that.

    Var nation proves it here

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  8. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Lol at people desperately moving goal posts to justify their whack arguments. I also like how some folks are trying to invent a new definition of the word "compromise." Between that and the YOU'LL TAKE IT AND YOU'LL LIKE IT brigade, getting some real Aunt Lydia vibes here :confused:
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  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So why are you/we entitled to get feats easily? The devs can make whatever changes they want. It’s their business. Just like you have the option to not play. You however do not have the right to play and demand they adjust the game how you want. So why do you feel we are entitled to get old feats easily?

    And as for your example. That makes no sense. That’s redefining the original view points. The devs want to add stats clamp. Some players don’t want stats clamp. That’s the 2 opposing views. The devs started adjusting the range and severity of the clamp as a compromise. The side that doesn’t want clamps says not good enough we want optional. So without even testing (most of the anti clampers) they aren’t even trying to compromise. The devs are already adjusted the clamp. And they even asked for more feedback. Soooo??? What now? People who are against it have the option to test as well and see if they can reach a level where they feel comfortable too. My extreme of “if you want clamp fine but you get no rewards gear of feats” still falls between the 2 view points. Your example falls outside of that.

    Or maybe you could look up the definition of the word compromise? A compromise is not meeting in the middle. One party could end up with more value than the other but at the end they both COMPRISED to come to an agreement. Whenever I ask you a direct question you just avoid it. Maybe that’s because you can’t answer and just feel entitled to whatever you want. And no one is telling you to just accept it. I personally have asked YOU directly if you are even testing things and giving actual feedback. If you don’t want to give any genuine feedback and it comes out to hard for you than yes to bad. And if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to continue playing. You can also just leave.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When did I say END GAMERS shouldn’t have it easy? I asked why is ANYONE entitled to easy feats? Are arent paying the devs to do what we want. Whether you believe it or not we aren’t. You have membership? You pay for what the membership offers. You spent $600 on artifacts? You received what you paid for. You spend $1000 on time capsules/resurgence capsules/booster bundles? Guess what you got what you paid for.

    You buying things helps pay for the devs jobs but you aren’t paying them directly to do the game how you want. You got feats while the content was relevant? Good nice job, I mean it. You got it after the dlc endgame? Great you took advantage of how the game worked. But the devs are implementing stats clamp and it’s their game. The tos even states that they have the option to change things. So you aren’t entitled to anything. Just like they aren’t entitled to your money. I got most my feats while the dlcs were relevant. I got some feats after they were past relevancy. I’m still missing old feats. But I’m not entitled to those feats.
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  11. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

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  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m not against the the clamp but you’re really not selling it very well. When your defence of a gamewide change is “You can just leave”, maybe said change isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
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  13. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I think telling people to leave is how he compromises.
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Actually my defense was you can help test too. The option if they don’t like the changes is that they can leave since no one is forcing them to play. Even in game I tell people to hop on test if they feel nervous about it. On the forums I tell people to test things on the test forums.

    Look at people looking for different artifact set ups. I tell people to try out different artifacts on the test server instead of leveling them up on live without knowing if they will like it. I talked to one person who was mad that they spent money on an artifact that they didn’t end up liking. After I told them to try out on the test server. They were even on the pc for their account. They didn’t. So it’s their own fault for doing it. The options are there for people to go on the test server. Is it the testers or devs fault that more don’t want to join?
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  15. Scotty Well-Known Player

    I was never for or against the clamping, My only question is why?

    Getting your character more powerful is the goal. If we go into clamped instances why strive for better gear??

    This is the reason I dont care for the claming. I was after the Deathproof feat in Throne of the Dead for a long time. Every attempt to get it failed mostly because I pugged most of the time and someone ended up dying. Failed too many times to count. Finally I had enough of my league on and we tried it. We were just about to finally do it and then the game crashed.

    Then a little while back they did something like all episodes open or something like that. I joined a high CR group and we got through it before something could go wrong. Had a group that knew the mechanics and we finished it before anyone got KO's and before the game could crash or something else equally stupid.

    I just think the clamping isn't a good idea. It defeats the purpose of getting stronger. Just my two cents.
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Or you can actually read what I said?
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So at what point did the devs say that the change is to make feats harder (although, yes that will be a side effect)? I didn't see that post. I thought the change was to make it so new users and users that want a challenge can get it and to make source farming easier for those who don't know how to farm source currently. Yes they can make any change they want. Yes, people can decide to quit if they don't like it. I'm not DEMANDING any change...the feats are what they are today...easy or hard. The change is being made to the current game, If I were demanding anything it would be to not implement the change at all (and add AQS to fix our 'cant get in issues'). I actually have more of a problem with the time it takes to get things done, not difficulty. The new setup seems very time consuming to get anything serious done...anything save source farming.

    Some people have asked for an's not happening, but you then propose IF an option were given, it should only be for the express purpose of making it useless (except for a tour I guess), then call that compromise. How about if they decided to put it as an option, that's's now an option, on/off...clamp/unclamped. You are the one demanding things....not me. BTW I'd expect that not to happen...I'd guess clamping is here to, lose or draw. I'm planning on playing clamped...until I don't like playing it anymore...if that ever happens.

    Makes no sense? How so? Your example of a compromise is to offer something that you know the other side has no interest in. A useless unclamped optional run. My suggestion of what you would offer next was just about as nonsensical...if amplified a bit. Even if you took just feats off the table, there are gear/base drops worth farming for styles or whatever....nope, not in your 'compromise' you'd least there's collections, or...? Nah, I'm sure you'd pull those too in your generous compromise. Again, what would be the purpose of running such a run? There is none, so the offer to compromise is false.

    ME- Let's get something to eat
    Other (a vegetarian) - Ok, how about that all vegan place?
    ME- Nah, I'm kind of in the mood for a steak. How about Red can get lobster, I'll get steak?
    Other - I just had seafood about that all vegan place?
    ME - Still wanting something meaty though....How about we go to that diner that has like 50 fish/seafood entries and one burger on the menu?
    Other - That sounds good, but if we go there, I'll only go if you don't order the burger, but you can get anything else on the menu. about that all vegan place maybe? You can get a veggie burger...that's meat-ish.
    (This is an actual (paraphrased) conversation I had with a co-worker btw...she felt it was a good compromise....that veggie burger was NOT meat-ish...not at all. Cardboard-ish...maybe)

    Yup....that's a 'compromise' alright.

    BTW...those anti-clamps that are not testing shouldn't really need to test to know that the clamp will bring them down some amount(or it's not much of a 'clamp' now is it?). If they are opposed to having any kind of clamp, it won't matter really what the scale is adjusted to...high or low. I'd guess most are not assuming things would be impossible...that does not mean they are not entitled to NOT want to be clamped? Again, that does not matter as the devs go forward, but they are not adjusting the scale for those who are not testing....those people just don't factor into the adjustment discussion. I'd guess most of the adjustments are being made by input given back from people who are in favor of the clamp and who are testing not hardcore opposers of ANY clamp. Those people will have a decision to make when it goes live in the next few weeks.
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  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The part that didn’t fall in line was the exaggeration of well you will need 9. Yes I know that was your point. But my example still followed the outline of the 2 sides. 1 wanting clamps (devs) and others not wanting it (some players). With the different forms of compromises being in between both modes. I gave the example of no feats and no source marks but gear yes. This would let players get the gimme style feats but not the feats that require you to do specific tasks. The no rewards at all was the example of what they could do as an extreme. Which was the view point from the other side of players wanting it to be optional so that they can get the feats which is all they want from it anyways. So they wouldn’t be giving anything up.

    And as for the paraphrasing of the conversation you had with your friend. That’s what’s happening now in the game. People are saying they want optional because all they care about are the feats being easy to get (IE waiting 2 years to put gear something to get it). So they are making it seem like it’s a compromise when in reality they aren’t giving anything up. Your part of the paraphrased conversation is the part of the devs. The “we are doing the the clamp and it won’t be optional but we are willing to adjust it to be at a level most are comfortable with”.

    And as for your first point. I’ll be honest I don’t think they ever said the reasoning behind it all. I know I gave reasons as to why it was good (for new players is something I personally said) but I don’t remember seeing them give any reasoning as to why they are doing it. So I can’t answer that.
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Ooh, ooh, I can answer that! Because the Powers that Be at Daybreak said so! =^_^=
  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Lol that made me chuckle