Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I run the game on my Mac. You don't need Parallels. I would advise against it because apps run in the emulator tend to be unstable and resource heavy.

    All you need is a bootcamp partition setup and windows. You can dl Win for free from MS' website too. You don't have to register with MS, they offer Windows free but you have a watermark in the corner of your desktop. It doesn't get in the way tho.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player


    (i expect Yas Queen to call me a jerk for this, thinking about it makes me chuckle)
  3. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    Ah, nicely explained
  4. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    Theres two sides to this.

    High CR running through content

    Or PUGs struggling to finish content, they go to LFG and ask for someone with 200 arts over someone their level.

    People still have the option to leave alert and raids. This will leave lower CR/SP/Art players hoping for someone with higher stats/exp to help them.

    People can say "Get friends to play with or form groups before you PUG "

    All that is easier said than done.
    People play on diff times of the day and not everyone is in the mood to even do grouping up.

    Alot of these old content runs will have people who will lose interest quickley and leave low CR players behind. Those low CR will just leave and feel discourage. Probably not come back to play because the experience in itself isn't even fun.

    No one runs content once too. Lower levels need to do those alerts and raids after reset if they didn't get a chance to run content slower because a high CR did it for them....they can always try again.

    There isn't much to learn from the lower content. Alot of the mechanics are basic and repetitive. DCUO always been an easy game. The difficulty comes with the time consumption. There is a lot of a content and the road CR 342 is a long one for anyone who doesn't have the time or cr skip. But if given the time, anything can be accomplished. But every single forum member here has had a high level rush through content during a PUG. It happens. We all also been in content where we needed someone with a higher cr to get us by. It happens all the time.
  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I have an M1 mac mini
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  6. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    I have never read a single comic book, seen a single movie or cartoon where the Superheroes strength level is based on the enemy he is facing. Just saying.
  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Making this post in here because it seems to fit in nicely with the topic. I've started taking my munitions farming toon up thru the ranks. He's been around for a few months just running seasonals and vault and collecting free daily coins. After double nth and now maybe a month of running him, hes cr338/128sp/3x120 arts. Clearly not a strong toon but 4th toon so idc.

    So I spent yesterday running some old stuff to pop feats and whatnot. All pug all day. Good lord. 48mins wiping repeatedly on first boss of CT reg till the group disbanded. Lowest cr was a 310. Qued Fi reg. 1st boss was sort of smooth with a bunch of downs but by then 2 leaguemates joined me on their lowest alts. 2nd and 3rd boss were rough. We were all well above cr.

    Ran the hqr alert. It took like 15mins to burn 1st boss and that's after I came in and they had already wiped twice. They cleared the barrels and all. Cr 340 in there. And then ran the new duo with a 342 prec user. All 200 arts. We wiped against heatwave. I also out dps'd that player by a few million. Meaning artis and sp aren't going to add enough to make up for any stat clamping of a lot of the player base.

    I get why this is being done and I get that there are supporters. I just hope that everyone involved realizes what is about to happen. Everyone that is weak will still be weak. Everyone that is strong will now get weaker. There will be no saviors to a failing group. There will be less people even going into the clamped content. Taking away source will force some into it but it isn't going to be blind que/ omnibus stuff. It's going to be 8 friends deciding what's quick and easy or has something farmable unfortunately.

    Again, I'm not even against it because I won't really be in it but I think some people have Rose colored glasses on and aren't seeing a lot of possible drawbacks to this. Even if it's great, old dogs new trick sort of thing going on. A lot of players like the game as is and now they feel like they won't and that's enough to cause issues.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Are you sure? That looks like every single person fighting Batman.

    On the other hand I’ve never seen any movie, show, or comic where these iconic heroes/villains can be one shot or at least killed easily just because they were “practicing for a long time and deserve to be able to”
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  9. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    According to the script **** happens. This is applicable to a comic, tv show, movie, book, video game, and your backyard with your animal of choice according to the animal's instincts.


    Writers are responsible!
    [IMG] [IMG]
  10. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Nice. Just Google how to setup a Win partition and Windows on MacOS and you're going to be fine. There's very simple step-by-step instructions. It's super easy. NO stress :)
  11. Rip Kurrent Well-Known Player

    Your point about there being two sides is valid. With that being said, the following is my OPINION.

    While yes, some lower cr people may want a higher cr person to blast through content..some may not. The problem lies in where you get those who want to enjoy the content.

    Maybe it's their first time through, or they just like the doesn't matter. MOST of the high cr players are just looking to blow through it to get marks from the loot picker, etc and don't really care about anything else. That is fine, we all play the game differently. For me personally, I fall into the "I'm just here to have fun and enjoy my game time" category.

    Now, "fun" is subjective and I get that. What I'm about to say is my main argument for the changes. This gives us variety. Obviously, we are going to be running the newest content anyway. Other than that, we are currently stuck in a limited cycle of only being able to get source marks from the latest two.. sometimes three episodes (dependent upon your cr.. sometimes you out level one of the episodes.)

    Many have said that you can get the same amount or marks, etc by blowing through the old content as is. Ok, that's fine.

    Whether you are running the three latest episodes (or two in some cases), or running this older content that's clamped, the time spent will be the same. The only difference is that you have choices in what you're running.

    Sure, you have choices now..but once you have outleveled the content, it's no longer rewarding. I can't speak for everyone..and I wouldn't try to. I personally get tired of running flashpoint and LLL as the only means of getting source marks. Changing it up by going to deluge, or Gotham gang war will be nice(just a couple of examples).

    This makes it so that it's rewarding again and also adds increased difficulty in the form of elite versions of old content.
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  12. Jaden Law Well-Known Player


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  13. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Well I haven't played this game for a few years. I am thinking about coming back now that the game will be for free. But my concern is the stat clamp situation.
    I do remember stat clamp in the AM days and it lasted only two weeks. And I remember a lot of ppl didn't like it due to ppl who hate following mechanics quit the raid which got in the way for ppl who was sp farming.

    The raid that I experience in stat clamp was T4 Prime Battle Ground. For me personally it wasn't hard when you follow mechanics but time consuming due to ppl quitting out of frustration. Organize group it was super easy, when u have puggers it get super long and frustrating.
    Let's be honest forming a group is easier said than done for a good amount of ppl due to their real life schedule.

    I will say this. If I had to chose to solo a raid ( which most of us have b4) vs stat clamp raid, I would choose soloing old raids just to get in and out.
    I love challenges in raids BUT! some times I like to go back to old raids and chill and feel powerful.

    I do hope stat clamp isn't time consuming for lower level raids.

    But if stat clamp do make it live, I will be open minded about it. If I like it I will continue to play. If I feel like stat clamp waste too much of my free time will go back to not playing.

    I'm not going to argue who's more wrong or right in this debate or force my opinion on to other's how this game should be ( I've grown past that) I'm simply going to try this game out again to see if stat clamp is worth my free time
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’ve never watched that because I have no interest in it since from what I was told he can just “one punch” anyone. Doesn’t seem appealing to me. But that aside. From what I understand that’s the hole point. He’s so bored with being able to one punch anyone that the show takes a different approach. So I wouldn’t exactly promote that as how a game should be (not saying that’s what you said). “Being so bored that you can one shot anything that…” isn’t really appealing as a game.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    You won't be solo beating a raid, period and even if you did and persevered you'd be at it a long time where it would be an extreme challenge but certainly not efficient if you're looking for speedy reward.

    The more efficient you want to be, the more people you take, the more you know these people the more efficient it will be.

    The problem will arise when people arguably a little too silly to tie their shoe laces decide not to comply with the mechanics and just try to thrust through it, attempting to do so might range from being futile to just wasting time.

    Not even taking a raid as an example but rather a solo, the star labs facility solo has Lex at the end as the boss, you can ignore the intended EMP shield mechanic just fine, but expect the fight to take a few minutes longer, again if you're silly enough to go down that track more power to you, if you want to get in and out of the instance a bit sooner, perhaps press the EMP device ;)

    Same example applies throughout all content.
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd actually compare it more to the first Iron Man movie. He made the 1st suit in a cave, he was able to take on a small amount of terrorists with it, but in the end flew away and barely escaped. He built up his CR/, made the mark 2 suit....and came back to the same village and wrecked the whole place without barely an effort. With the next suit he went into space and took out an alien invasion force with a nuke.

    While it might not be 'practice', neither is hours of play. The 'player' is likely as good as they are going to get after figuring out a rotation, build and working on their repetitive movements for a few weeks. Gear is upgraded, SP is added, Artis are built, and much like that Mark 2 suit, should leave us in a much better position than we were when facing foes we already beat with lesser gear/skills.

    I for one wouldn't have enjoyed watching 10 years of those movies with a guy stumbling around in a cobbled together scrap iron suit. Upgrades are part of the journey and part of the fun building your toon.
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  17. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Argue just to argue huh proxy. U haven't changed lol. I know I wont be able to solo raids. I'm talking about my past experience and which I prefer when it comes to lower level content.

    Again I'm open minded to stat clamp to see if it's worth my time. If I like it fine. If I don't like it then it no need for me to play the game. I'm not here to tell DCUO what they need to do.

    Im here to give it a chance. So that being said if I have a fun time with DCUO community doing mechanics I'm happy. If I'm not having a good time due to ppl quitting cuz they don't want to follow mechanics and I'm grieving due to time I will simply delete the game again.

    I'm not faithful DCUO player. Those days are gone.
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm not arguing just to argue, it's nothing about arguing. I'm simply telling you what to expect, based on what's actually happening, as you say you can choose whether to stay or play on your own :)
  19. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    thanx 4 the input
  20. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    I don't understand. Batman's skill level changed when he was fighting different villains? Not that I have ever witnessed. I spent a great deal of time leveling up so I could be the most powerful I could be. So I could be 'that' Superhero. Now the game will make all that work for nothing. By the way, Superman could one shot kill most anyone on the planet if he wanted to.
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