Please fix the brokers, this is ridicoulus.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Don't forget a big piece of the rarity of that particular item revolves around when it came out. It was launched when the money situation was at it's worst, meaning most neons were never really released into the economy like other 'rare' TC items and were 5+ billion at launch. The super cheaters were grabbing them all up and I'd guess those lucky few who actually caught a prema-ban took a bunch down with them. Case in point, I've finished 2 of the 3 collections, all the emblems and both sets of gear from this TC and probably spent less than 200-250 Million. I've got all but the Poke Bowl and that's only 850mil, there were 5 on the broker last night when I checked for 850-999, bringing the total to around 1-1.25 Bil to finish the whole TC...and there's a lot more than 25 points in there and I'd guess the 'rarity' to get everything was even worse than a neon.
  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Yes, no trade, no mailing items or cash and repurpose league banks to be brokers & personal banks. Make cash account bound.
    Yup, all fixed. Once there is no cash cap, player to player trade will be much less important. At this point the economy is so broken that selling things for more that 1B should be considered an exploit.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's not really a 'fix' though is it? That's like if your car is running rough, instead of tuning it up to make it run better, you pour gas all over it and light it on fire. longer runs rough....'fixed'.
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  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    How is it destroying the economy/car?
    What would people loose by not being able to trade, that isn't remedied by a broker only game economy?
    I think it puts everyone on an equal playing field as far as item availability goes.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I didn't say it would destroy the economy, I was saying you'd be destroying an resolve an otherwise fixable issue...the economy. Not saying it's easy, but getting rid of a valuable function in the game to do it is not right?

    So every collection, base item, catalyst, exo, TC gear piece....whatever, I want to move around my account toons moves through the extremely limited space shared bank? Or what about when you have something you'd like to give (for free) to a friend? I do this often if I get something I don't need, but someone I know does. *to group* - "Anyone need this Crystal shard?....Welp, get to the broker and grab it before someone else does....SUCKERS!". That would be awesome...yep.

    Not sure how you do things, but I use mailing items about 100x a session to re-distribute stuff and not a bit of it involves 'for money'. wan to argue that 'hand to hand' trades are dumped? Maybe. Although I still think that's cutting off our nose to spite our faces.
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  6. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Not to mention, "Oh, and don't worry about the billion dollar price tag, I had to set it that high to stop anybody else grabbing the darned thing before my friends got to it. You're welcome."
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  7. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    The only reason I want to see an "OG" vendor, is to watch all the people who think they "run trade chat" have another meltdown. After the epic fits they are still throwing over the cosmic chroma, it would be glorious to watch. But 100/200bill is crazy. The only people who can afford that kind of cash already have the styles so it wouldn't work all that well as a cash sink imo
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  8. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I'd loose a lot. I run more than one account and trade between accounts. I have league banks that I use for just my characters. I have items each worth '100s of billions' if sold outside the broker system.

    I just think stopping trade between accounts is worth it to make items more available to everyone via the broker. I feel like people are exploiting the system by trading for more than something is worth in the broker. And, selling things for real world cash is an exploit.

    It would be fine if players could mail items to their own characters. But, much bigger account banks and account bound cash would be a decent consolation for loosing trade between accounts, I think.
  9. myandria Item Storage




    I truly disagree with this.

    Have you ever played an online MMO that did not allow trading between players? I have, and it was tedious and frustrating. Games like that did not allow many rare/special in the broker, because the player is supposed to either hold onto those items or delete them. You lost valuable inventory space because of that. Also, games with "no trade" have "more farming/grinding" for items/crafting reagents/currency, which also depletes your inventory space and your time.

    I don't think more BB items would be available for the broker; in fact, there will be little to no reason to have a broker. If players cannot trade with each other, why should there be a separate broker available besides the game vendors? The devs could put everything players need on the game vendors; no broker needed.

    And no, closing off trading between players DOES NOT kill off gold sellers; it has the opposite effect. Remember, you don't have to "trade" with gold sellers in the game; they can direct you to their trashy websites and you can deal with them there. There are ways to get around a "no trade" situation.

    The only solution that I have found that is largely effective against gold spammers are games with global accounts; but then, that's another topic for another thread.
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  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    That's totally fair, but it would fix the game economy and the broker system.
    That's 'other games', why would DCUO need to change anything related to grinding or what can currently be sold? If the broker system ran the game economy it wouldn't change anything other than the value of items. And of course, creating some growing pains for players. It would need an incentive like account bound cash and larger account inventory space. I've seen crazier changes happen in this game. There are a lot of players I wish were around to see the cash cap gone.

    Players would trade with each other, anonymously via the broker. It would be the only place to trade items and so, dictate the true value of everything (max 1B). The only place for a rare BB item would be the broker. What's the point of hoarding something for resale that will never increase in value (beyond 1B)..

    If there isn't any trade between accounts how is a gold seller account going to give you your cash once you buy it from their site?
  11. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Not outed. I could care less about the OG stuff. I rarely do auras, materials, chromas or accessories of any kind.
    Out of the 30-40-50 characters that I have. I think I might use those things on two maybe three seasonal or bank toons. Other than that I buy and sell them on broker. I used to trade tons of things to premiums for stacks of bits & bytes but that got all messed up.

    I buy and sell stuff because it keeps me busy when i get bored grinding. I dont really care what I buy & sell legitimately in game. TBH, I used to always dump stuff on broker for the free & premium players. Tons of styles for under 1500-2000. I used to get a kick out of seeing people wearing the styles I dumped on the broker.LOL
    The last time I was on I was strictly broker because people tend to waste others time because they either suck(attempted scammers), want it for free or want something and dont have enough for it.

    I'm honestly trying think of ways to drain money from economy without taking everyones cash or taking away buy, sell trade options because the economy is broken.

    The way I look at the older style items.
    DCUO already made their money off of those items.
    Why not dump them in the market to help fix the games economy. Players are going to ***** if DCUO rereleases them for real cash or game cash anyway. DCUO might as well fix the economy with said items.
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  12. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Edit...I missed something earlier.

    So you're saying shut down all in game trading, buying & selling except through broker.

    That would not fix anything. All it would do is create more hoops to jump through.

    Little Johnny wants chroma. Doesnt have enough. Goes to Mr. Goldilocks and buys 1B game cash. Mr. Goldipoop tells Little Johnny to sell 1 cola for a billion in broker. Wham bam johny now has enough cash.
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  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Esh, well, that's diabolical. Apparently I can not comprehend the true face of evil. :eek:
  14. myandria Item Storage

  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    1) people would just trade 1B at a time, with the added fear of being scammed.
    2) BB items are intentionally rare, why would players buy them if they can get the items with quarks? And, hoarders gonna hoard seek help.
    3) Stacked accounts, you're reaching. Seems a little extreme. no account is leveled 'quickly' with the perks you mention without spending a bunch of real world cash. One of the things I described with 'broker only trade' was removing league banks.

    Your points are weak, but I'm out of this thread. Major Shenanigans has ruined my faith in humanity. It's problematic that you need and lose a deposit to get cash, but I can't see a way to stop the 'soder exploit' for gold sellers. Trade is too much to give up for part of a solution.
  16. Outlaw Trevor Well-Known Player

    I apologize if this was said in the previous pages of this thread but isn't the main issue with why items are so expensive because of those third party sites where you pay money for in game currency? It's like what, $50 for a bill? I know a lot of people who have 20 or even 50 bil in the game, seems anymore if you have less than 5 bil you are "broke" in the game.

    In my opinion I would think that is what hurts the broker community but again just my opinion
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  17. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    The problem is that there was a cash exploit and it was not fixed as it should have been. The devs left way too much exploited cash in game. They left said cash in game because they didn't wank to wrinkle anyones panties. They should have handled it like any law enforcement would have done. Take it all regardless who had it.
  18. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    You do realize that is exactly how players have been moving cash to and from their bank toons right. They have been doing that since DCUO locked up sending cash in mail.

    I'll be honest with you.
    DCUO does not stop gold seller because they do not want to stop them........PERIOD

    Anyone that says otherwise is full of BS. And for that matter.Thats including any dev that would try to say otherwise as well.

    If DCUO truly wanted the gold sellers gone. They would be gone.

    Even then the gold sellers would not be truly gone.
    As with any market system. And especially when you have certain groups of people involved.
    There will always be a black market for something.

    DCUO needs to step up to the plate and actually get rid of the gold sellers in game instead of acting like they tried or want them gone.
    All their supposed efforts to remove gold sellers up to now are a ruse and nothing more.
    Thats my opinion

    I know if I wanted them gone. I would have closed them out a long time ago but its not my game.
  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I have seen soders in the broker for 1B. Your post turned the light switch on for me.
    Why would 'the suits' allow 3rd party sites to steal revenue. If selling game cash is a thing, why isn't it in the market place? They're selling everything else now including skill points.
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  20. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    That's a good question.
    DCUO does not stop the gold sellers because they make sales indirectly that way. And, they look like the good guy for acting like they care.

    Big Johnny buys 200 TC's and 30 booster bundles (500.00 worth) with his CC in order to get the things that he wants. He opens everything and ends up with doubles and triple the items he was wanting. He then takes his extras and sells them on broker, sells to gold sellers directly or sells the extras for real cash on a website that specializes in selling video game loot. (These sites have been around forever).

    Then we have Mrs. Tightwad, Ms. Frugal and the Ten Cheapskates.
    They are too cheap, don't have the time to play broker game, dont have or cannot justify spending 500.00 in cash on frivolous things.......especially when RNG is involved..........BUT.......

    They do have 50.00 each (600.00 total) that they can spend on these things. They all go to gold sellers or the websites to buy the things they are wanting.

    Big Johnny made 500 off selling some of his extra items on the game loot web site. He also made 20 billion on the broker and also made 250 selling loot to gold sellers.

    After all that Big Johnny figured out that he made more real money than he spent.
    What does he do??
    He busts out his CC again and spends 1000.00 with the plan to do the same as before.

    DCUO just made 1500.00 in sales because of Mrs. Tightwad, Ms. Frugal and the Ten Cheapskates.

    This is a basic example of how it works and why DCUO LEFT THE RELOG LOOPHOLE IN PLACE FOR FREE ACCOUNTS.
    I know some will try to defend^^^this^^^
    there is no reasonable excuse for a free account not to need to have a timer to relog.......especially on the same character. Also DCUO should have systems set in place ages ago for constant relogs. Anyone that has been around games should now that constant relogs on same character or account means something is wrong or someone is gaming the system.