Unnecessary Feat/Hate for Stat Clamping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FiremanMac85, Jul 23, 2021.

  1. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    And that would be one side of that debate.
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  2. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    There is no other side on this one.

    Again, I'm all for clamping. But it has to be optional.
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  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Of course there is. You may feel the other side is "wrong" but it's not invalid or illogical. Like I said before, I see merit in both sides but we could easily play debate team and I could put just the other side's hat on.
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  4. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Gatekeeping progression from players who have put in the effort does not seem like a valid take to me.
  5. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    And that's where we debate whether effort alone is enough to justify rewards. There are countless examples in life where effort alone is only part of the equation and even maximized effort is trumped by ability to produce sufficient results. And that's where we debate whether or not an MMO video game is either fully, partially or not at all in in that category of endeavors. In short, it's the "participation trophy" debate.
  6. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Hard disagree.

    A participation trophy would be just handing out feats in new content. I think a better analogy is lifting weights. If someone lifts long enough over the years, eats right, stays consistent eventually they should be able to hit a particular weight mark.
  7. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Honestly, this comes off a bit spoiled and entitled, as a end game player myself, you do know every episode is dedicated to us right? there is hardly anything that is updated or new added when it comes to players who aren't end game, we have been getting the tlc treatement since PvP was neglected, so I still don't understand the fuss, but however I do agree with you with the optional, when manually running with league and friends.

    Best part is it doesn't affect end game content.
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  8. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    That’s a bit extreme. But seeing your stance on the game, goes along with that left field logic.
  9. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Exactly. Although I think you're give them way too much credit about their diagnosis. It's pretty dim.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I doubt it would be that simple, as clamped/unclamped would make 2 different instances X potentially ever piece of content in the game. So if someone gets a group of 5 together, and queues 'unclamped' it would take 3 other people also queuing up unclamped to the same run. Same with clamped, but clamped would have the benefit of using the 'quick queue' option where it would be assumed you are always running clamped so the queues should fill quicker (in theory).

    I'd still perfer the option, but I doubt it's as easy as all that. If it is, maybe we'll see it down the road...ideally with AQS thrown in so that 5 man 'unclamp' group could get in without waiting for 3 fillers.
  11. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    The hyperbole with either side of the subject is way over blown considering this is not even on test yet.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    While I don't agree with any auto granting of feats, there should not be a 'cap' on how powerful you can get to go back to a feat to make them 'legit'. The devs have said for years 'if you can't get it now, go back later' or that some feats are supposed to take a long time to get. WE the community have just gotten in this mentality of getting it done noooooow. Personally I've ignored most elite since JLD, I just haven't had the time, many of the people I knew who ran elite have left the game and I've never been one to replay the hell out of something to get it done ASAP. I space things out over the DLC or maybe 2 or 3 at least most times...that's why I'm never 100% bored or have 'nothing to do'. If feats were not made to be done once you have way outgrown them, why not make it so anyone at ?? CR over the content level can't get the feats? You'd have to bring an alt in or halt advancement till you cleared out a DLC's worth of feats. Well, that would be silly, that's why.
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  13. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Just do the FFE turn a switch on a console method.
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, if all 8 of those people queue in, that might result in a bit of a discussion when someone selects 'critical' or in this case...'clamped' and the other 5 or 6 want something else...like 'unclamped'. The selection would need to happen at queue up, not once you get in. Even if it results in a majority vote, once the vote is in, opposing people will either leave, and requeue....again, resulting in a new instance being created, or be forced to run the way the vote went....again, lack of choice.
  15. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Make it default to clamped and require a unanimous vote to go unclamped. That way feat hunters can organize groups and not affect anyone else's queuing or runs.

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  16. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    All you have to do is make it a choice when you q up (clamped or unclamped) and have it so clamped only Qs with other clamped and unclamped only Qs with unclamped and problem solved.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok, so you me and a few other unclampers queue in as a group and pick up 4 other randos. We vote for unclamped. One of the othes who landed in and wants to run clamped, won't vote yes. So we sit in the lobby for 5 min before a kick vote can be called?...then we kick? What if it were 2 or 3 people? Can't kick 3...so stalemate. And even if those 3 leave...when they re-queue it will be into a different instance.

    Yes, it would 100% work for full groups of 8, but in that case why have to have the voting machine in the run, why not just be able to choose a clamped run at queue up? Besides, except on new content, getting 8 has always been the problem. If 8, the group lead should have the choice (again...IF we were getting a choice), and when you queue you see if it's clamped or unclamped...you don't want to queue unclamped/clamped...don't...walk out and try another group or just queue in solo.

    It's all not happening, so the point is moot. Let's see how it pans out. It's been a while since I visited test server, but I'd imagine I'll be hitting it when 41 goes on test. I'll let you know what I find.
  18. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    That works too. Was just trying to go with something that already exists within the game's UI.
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  19. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    People don't blind queue feat runs. You're inventing scenarios that just wouldn't happen.
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  20. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I have a solution for that, the group leader choses clamped or unclamped and there is no vote just an icon showing what the q is set at by the leader.